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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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Fuck you Bison, all the way to hell! All I want is Karin's purple costume goddammit, is that so much to ask for?! IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR? ;_;

9 straight 29-win losses

*runs to room sobbing*
What are the benefits of any command grab in this game? They have huge start ups, huge recoveries and don't beat our standard grabs. I feel like if they made up for any one of those shortcomings they'd be worth the risk, but as it stands it seems like you're losing out on a dp for nothing.


So I was trying for what seems like the past week to do Ryu's cr.hp to shoryuken consistently. Now suddenly in the last hour it clicked and I can just do it. What a great feeling to see training actually paying off.
done for tonight, will sort out the material on the undershirt tomorrow. but I'm really happy because I THINK I've finally sorted the clipping issues with mesh modding... which is very exciting for me :p


PG Laura! I might use this lol.
So I was trying for what seems like the past week to do Ryu's cr.hp to shoryuken consistently. Now suddenly in the last hour it clicked and I can just do it. What a great feeling to see training actually paying off.
I need to clean up my inputs enough that I can do it with full meter. Because right now his CA comes out instead.
Oh, okay! Well the good news is... if you haven't tried it already there are cheese guides for Normal on every character. Karin's is here.

I completed it using this one!
The hell, Necalli is a training dummy for him. He DP's every jump in of mine.

The Bison he fought is way softer too, he usually goes fucking bananas when he connects a scissor.


What are the benefits of any command grab in this game? They have huge start ups, huge recoveries and don't beat our standard grabs. I feel like if they made up for any one of those shortcomings they'd be worth the risk, but as it stands it seems like you're losing out on a dp for nothing.

Positioning, damage, can't be teched.
Positioning, damage, can't be teched.

They don't lead to hard knock downs so what positioning do they offer? Damage isn't worth it when you consider the damage an opponent gets in comparison to a normal throw. Can't be teched doesn't mean a lot when if an opponent goes for a standard grab in a situation they'll beat you clean.

Command grabs are a terrible option in this game. DPs lead to big punishes (no worse than command grabs) but have more utility and lead to your opponent having to play around it. The only situations where you should command grab are trick set ups, otherwise you're better off going for a normal grab and having an AA punish read if they try to jump for a punish.
They don't lead to hard knock downs so what positioning do they offer? Damage isn't worth it when you consider the damage an opponent gets in comparison to a normal throw. Can't be teched doesn't mean a lot when if an opponent goes for a standard grab in a situation they'll beat you clean.

Command grabs are a terrible option in this game. DPs lead to big punishes (no worse than command grabs) but have more utility and lead to your opponent having to play around it. The only situations where you should command grab are trick set ups, otherwise you're better off going for a normal grab and having an AA punish read if they try to jump for a punish.

Command grabs beat out normal throws... If you try and throw when I tick throw, you will lose... The only way to avoid a tick throw is an invincible reversible like dp or jump straight up.

Anyway for Laura they leave her in the perfect spot to punish players who either jump out or press buttons on quick rise or let you get in for a trick throw as you said. My video below demonstrates this to some level

My latest rage quit video http://youtu.be/PuzcIWHzi1o

Here's me trying to react to nashes super with Laura's super, it didn't work :(

Imagine how it will look when it's black! :D
Much better than her current horrible look.
I just realized that the base personality of all the Street Fighter newcomers in V is "obnoxious."

What happened to making a character likeable.
Capcom tried that with 3S and the audience rejected it. We're at fault, not Capcom.
Fuck you Bison, all the way to hell! All I want is Karin's purple costume goddammit, is that so much to ask for?! IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR? ;_;

9 straight 29-win losses

*runs to room sobbing*

Don't try to trade blows against input reading Bison in the mid range. Wait for the scissor kicks/crouching slide and punish the ones that land close when blocked with st.mp+ressenha or cr.mk+mujinkyaku. If you know how to hit confirm into tenko off those two buttons (or st/cr.lp) even better. On knockdown you can cross him up with j.mk or pressure him with normals and tick throws all day. Immediately go back into turtle mode the moment he is farther away from you than st.mk can reach because he will read your inputs and punish you with full combos and EX specials. Also, you can punish his blocked scissor kicks with her CA which does a lot of guaranteed damage. Remember not to press buttons unless you are body length or closer to him.
They don't lead to hard knock downs so what positioning do they offer? Damage isn't worth it when you consider the damage an opponent gets in comparison to a normal throw. Can't be teched doesn't mean a lot when if an opponent goes for a standard grab in a situation they'll beat you clean.

Command grabs are a terrible option in this game. DPs lead to big punishes (no worse than command grabs) but have more utility and lead to your opponent having to play around it. The only situations where you should command grab are trick set ups, otherwise you're better off going for a normal grab and having an AA punish read if they try to jump for a punish.
Being able to set the opponent up for cmd grabs that can't be tech'd is the great. I'd gladly use them over normal throws that people keep teching all day. Your points are valid, though.
Command grabs beat out normal throws... If you try and throw when I tick throw, you will lose... The only way to avoid a tick throw is an invincible reversible like dp or jump straight up.

As in they always beat normal throws or they only beat normal throws if you set them up correctly? If it's the former then I'm an idiot, if it's the later then it's like I described?

Being able to set the opponent up for cmd grabs that can't be tech'd is the great. I'd gladly use them over normal throws that people keep teching all day. Your points are valid, though.

In those situations you're better going for counter hit set ups though, right? You get more damage an take less risk.


They don't lead to hard knock downs so what positioning do they offer?

Doesn't need hard knockdown. A lot of cmd grabs still leave you at frame advantage on a dash up even after quick rise. That plus stun is higher as well. Don't cmd grabs also offer additional range as well usually? Something like Gief's grab is far different from a normal throw in that aspect and even something like Vega's relatively crappy throw has noticeably more range.

In those situations you're better going for counter hit set ups though, right? You get more damage an take less risk.

Why would you go for counter hit setups against someone who's blocking? You'll just push them out of range and a walk up throw is usually quite obvious bc of how close you have to get.


So Dhalsim gets out of meaty pressure for free with teleport? Or did I time the meaty wrong 5 times in a row? I was using Vega and trying to meaty with cr.MK (claw on).
so played today again after like almost a month. Was super busy due to college and midterm exams. I went like 10-3 tonight ranked up to ultra bronze. I think level of competition has slowed down a bit at bronze bracket. Most good players I think moved onto higher silver or gold now I guess. Even beat a 2.3k ryu as 1.4k ryu. That was a nice way to enter ultra bronze. Hahaha.

EDIT: tell you what though after I discovered meaty attacks I think i immediately became a more offensive players and my opponents began to respect me on wakeup haha. Learning meaty attacks is like cheat code in bronze level.
So I decided try out Playstation Vue, Sony's new cloud TV thingy. As a casual TV watcher I really like it and am seriously thinking about cutting cable for it. It would save me a lot of money.

So what does this have to do with SFV? Well this would keep my PS4 occupied if I get it. So I'm wondering if my PC can handle this game. I got a i5 6500, 8GB DDR4 RAM, and a GTX 460. I think the CPU and RAM is fine, but that GPU is getting pretty damn old. I really don't want to spend a couple hundred dollars on a new GPU, especially when I'll probably have to spend 100 on a Amazon Fire TV to use PS Vue in the living room. So can my current rig handle SFV at 720p at least?


So Dhalsim gets out of meaty pressure for free with teleport? Or did I time the meaty wrong 5 times in a row? I was using Vega and trying to meaty with cr.MK (claw on).

They can always teleport through your buttons.

Throw catches his teleport, though, so your mix-up is throw or meaty. If they're mashing on teleport to get out of there, start throwing them. If they're pressing buttons, meaty. If they're blocking, stay in that ass.

Dhalsim's wake-up is a guessing game on their end unless you become predictable.


So I decided try out Playstation Vue, Sony's new cloud TV thingy. As a casual TV watcher I really like it and am seriously thinking about cutting cable for it. It would save me a lot of money.

So what does this have to do with SFV? Well this would keep my PS4 occupied if I get it. So I'm wondering if my PC can handle this game. I got a i5 6500, 8GB DDR4 RAM, and a GTX 460. I think the CPU and RAM is fine, but that GPU is getting pretty damn old. I really don't want to spend a couple hundred dollars on a new GPU, especially when I'll probably have to spend 100 on a Amazon Fire TV to use PS Vue in the living room. So can my current rig handle SFV at 720p at least?
GTX 460 won't cut it I don't think.

Maybe grab a 750Ti if you see a good deal.


so played today again after like almost a month.

Interesting, glad someone else said this because I'm going to say something right now.

So, I'm about to play tonight and I've just realized something. I like the March update, no issues with it, it's progress but I'm not going to lie, while the gameplay is great, out of my 20+ years of SF I have to say that this is the first SF game that I don't feel as though I've "maxed out". It's like something's weird about it.I'm not feeling the usual game urges of picking it up and playing through it like usual. Hell I got a Platinum trophy for Fallout 4. A game like this I use as my "podcast game". You know, a game you put on, do some stuff and just chill with while podcasting. I can get a lot out of that but this just feels a bit different for me. I get the urge to play, play a bit, put it down, I don't know.

Maybe I need to experience and pick another character? I'm only on Silver, I've actually gotten so sick of Ranked I stay in Casual now, started days ago. I play Ken so maybe I just need to learn some new people.

Anybody else feel this way? Maybe not towards this game particularly but towards other types of games that they call their "podcast game".
Interesting, glad someone else said this because I'm going to say something right now.

So, I'm about to play tonight and I've just realized something. I like the March update, no issues with it, it's progress but I'm not going to lie, while the gameplay is great, out of my 20+ years of SF I have to say that this is the first SF game that I don't feel as though I've "maxed out". It's like something's weird about it.I'm not feeling the usual game urges of picking it up and playing through it like usual. Hell I got a Platinum trophy for Fallout 4. A game like this I use as my "podcast game". You know, a game you put on, do some stuff and just chill with while podcasting. I can get a lot out of that but this just feels a bit different for me. I get the urge to play, play a bit, put it down, I don't know.

Maybe I need to experience and pick another character? I'm only on Silver, I've actually gotten so sick of Ranked I stay in Casual now, started days ago. I play Ken so maybe I just need to learn some new people.

Anybody else feel this way? Maybe not towards this game particularly but towards other types of games that they call their "podcast game".

sure man i listen to podcast when i play this game. But lets be honest this game drains you man. Amount of concentration required is a lot unlike other fighting games like say MK. where lot of people i played online seemed like as gootecks would put it "First day on the job." But this game people know what they are doing. Even lower level. Also don't get me wrong i love this game but I am just so busy as a computer science student(Upper Junior now). And i also work part time. Gaming time is limited right now. But just finished my midterms. So right now just chillaxing and playing this lovely game.....playing this game is not chillaxing btw lol. Too stressful most matches haha.
Doesn't need hard knockdown. A lot of cmd grabs still leave you at frame advantage on a dash up even after quick rise. That plus stun is higher as well. Don't cmd grabs also offer additional range as well usually? Something like Gief's grab is far different from a normal throw in that aspect and even something like Vega's relatively crappy throw has noticeably more range.

Dashing advantage is character specific and not something that is exclusive to command grabs. Range is a decent advantage and if it was a counter to shimmying it would be a huge plus, but I don't think that it is?

Why would you go for counter hit setups against someone who's blocking? You'll just push them out of range and a walk up throw is usually quite obvious bc of how close you have to get.

Because we were talking about options against people who tech throws?


Dashing advantage is character specific and not something that is exclusive to command grabs. Range is a decent advantage and if it was a counter to shimmying it would be a huge plus, but I don't think that it is?

What I mean is below, basically.

Because we were talking about options against people who tech throws?

But they won't be teching throws until they see you in range. So you hit them out of that range.


sure man i listen to podcast when i play this game. But lets be honest this game drains you man. Amount of concentration required is a lot unlike other fighting games like say MK. where lot of people i played online seemed like as gootecks would put it "First day on the job." But this game people know what they are doing. Even lower level. Also don't get me wrong i love this game but I am just so busy as a computer science student(Upper Junior now). And i also work part time. Gaming time is limited right now. But just finished my midterms. So right now just chillaxing and playing this lovely game.....playing this game is not chillaxing btw lol. Too stressful most matches haha.

That's exactly where I'm at. I have a 9-5, my work schedule is actually 9-6 and afterwards I'm usually working towards following my career path on the side while spending time with my gf, I'm off weekends and I'm also on the internet a good amount. Unlike a lot of people it's hard for me to knock off 6 hours a day at a game like this and when I do it's usually Friday-Sunday. It's draining nature is the pure reason why I go to Casuals and why I'm not in Training Mode, why I wish Survival wasn't as annoying as it is and exactly one reason why I wish we had an Arcade Mode. That's really the only reason how I got a Platinum for FO4. It was my old podcast game so I got it before this game came out.

It's a great game and all but the whole hardcore nature of some of it is a turn off. I'm not a casual player I wouldn't say. I watch tourneys, I know strats, it's just that for the first time in my SF history I'm this limited with what I can do. It's like say I got A3 without all the modes or something.
That's exactly where I'm at. I have a 9-5, my work schedule is actually 9-6 and afterwards I'm usually working towards following my career path on the side while spending time with my gf, I'm off weekends and I'm also on the internet a good amount. Unlike a lot of people it's hard for me to knock off 6 hours a day at a game like this and when I do it's usually Friday-Sunday. It's draining nature is the pure reason why I go to Casuals and why I'm not in Training Mode, why I wish Survival wasn't as annoying as it is and exactly one reason why I wish we had an Arcade Mode. That's really the only reason how I got a Platinum for FO4. It was my old podcast game so I got it before this game came out.

It's a great game and all but the whole hardcore nature of some of it is a turn off. I'm not a casual player I wouldn't say. I watch tourneys, I know strats, it's just that for the first time in my SF history I'm this limited with what I can do. It's like say I got A3 without all the modes or something.

dont stress it too much friend. Just play to have fun. That's what I do. I win or lose don't matter I just try to get better. Thankfully I win more than I lose. I really wish I had more time to play. Maybe during the summer when I am off college. Besides I am waiting on Guile. I have been using him since around late 90s. And he comes out next month hopefully. Just play man and have fun. I know with this game sometimes its difficult to have fun due to its super competitive nature.


dont stress it too much friend. Just play to have fun. That's what I do. I win or lose don't matter I just try to get better. Thankfully I win more than I lose. I really wish I had more time to play. Maybe during the summer when I am off college. Besides I am waiting on Guile. I have been using him since around late 90s. And he comes out next month hopefully. Just play man and have fun. I know with this game sometimes its difficult to have fun due to its super competitive nature.

Yeah that's best for me with this game. No stress, just playing and see how it goes.
So I decided try out Playstation Vue, Sony's new cloud TV thingy. As a casual TV watcher I really like it and am seriously thinking about cutting cable for it. It would save me a lot of money.

So what does this have to do with SFV? Well this would keep my PS4 occupied if I get it. So I'm wondering if my PC can handle this game. I got a i5 6500, 8GB DDR4 RAM, and a GTX 460. I think the CPU and RAM is fine, but that GPU is getting pretty damn old. I really don't want to spend a couple hundred dollars on a new GPU, especially when I'll probably have to spend 100 on a Amazon Fire TV to use PS Vue in the living room. So can my current rig handle SFV at 720p at least?

Just get a Fire TV for Vue. It works great, and you save cash.
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