no fighting game is perfectly balanced obv, but this one is just so unbalanced. its as bad as this old arcade version of super street fighter 2 turbo where guile could do sonic booms so fast he could have 15 to 20 of them flying at you at any given time, and vega's wall jump air throw would grab you out of almost anything and left him nearly invincible during the entire movement. 3rd strike was solidly balanced. not a single matchup was anywhere near the level of unfairness in this game. going back further, killer instinct 2 was pretty decently balanced, as were marvel v capcom 1 and 2.
***meant to say the most poorly balanced fighting game in my previous post***
Loll this has to be a troll. Cmon.
So... what do you guys think is gonna happen in the story in the story update????
Is anybody gonna die?
I'm trying to think of something Capcom would do to shock us and make it exciting to watch.... Besides fanservice (which I do want in the update), what can they do in the story to make it exciting?
no fighting game is perfectly balanced obv, but this one is just so unbalanced. its as bad as this old arcade version of super street fighter 2 turbo where guile could do sonic booms so fast he could have 15 to 20 of them flying at you at any given time, and vega's wall jump air throw would grab you out of almost anything and left him nearly invincible during the entire movement. 3rd strike was solidly balanced. not a single matchup was anywhere near the level of unfairness in this game. going back further, killer instinct 2 was pretty decently balanced, as were marvel v capcom 1 and 2.
***meant to say the most poorly balanced fighting game in my previous post***
Am I the only one who thinks grab range should be increased? It's stupid to see Zangief entire arm passing through another Zangief as he steps on his boots. I've seen this too many times in Final Round where both players whiffing throws against each other.
lol. You are awful. Absolutely shit poster. Don't pay attention to the evidence and critiques people offer and continue to post stupid shit.
Server being dodgy for anyone else today? Been logged out 3 times the last hour. Pretty sure it's not me.
Training is slowing to a crawl, it's real bad.
You certainly can give me notes.I watched the first video. I can give you some notes if you like?
So who is everyone's worst personal matchup in this game? Mine are Mika and Laura. I can't seem to keep them out at all, and once they get in it's over for me.
Mikas basically get a free W from me.So who is everyone's worst personal matchup in this game? Mine are Mika and Laura. I can't seem to keep them out at all, and once they get in it's over for me.
Mikas basically get a free W from me.
NorCal Regionals are up if anyone wants to watch the SFV tourney!
Bison. I never know when he's not safe and I feel like he out prioritizes me. (Karin)So who is everyone's worst personal matchup in this game? Mine are Mika and Laura. I can't seem to keep them out at all, and once they get in it's over for me.
That would actually be great. Keep progressing the story, give more FM, another costume, etc.If I was Capcom, there would be a story mode for every season of dlc.
Thats everyones worse matches until defense improves.So who is everyone's worst personal matchup in this game? Mine are Mika and Laura. I can't seem to keep them out at all, and once they get in it's over for me.
Anyone getting really bad connection these past few hours? Non stop d/c, taking ages to find matches. I don't think this is from my end.
I went Silver -> Gold with Birdie and had a 0% win rate against Dhalsim. I just couldn't figure out the way to approach him. It's just such a rare match up.So who is everyone's worst personal matchup in this game? Mine are Mika and Laura. I can't seem to keep them out at all, and once they get in it's over for me.
Thats everyones worse matches until defense improves.
I dont really care for characters designed to confuse you, but its better than dealing with Elf Fuete and not knowing when to block C.Vipers burn kicks. Plus we have V-reversal and I think we just had to use that more in these matches and not rely on V-trigger damage as much.
So who is everyone's worst personal matchup in this game? Mine are Mika and Laura. I can't seem to keep them out at all, and once they get in it's over for me.
It's still a flowchart.I just hate that Ken army that spamms random stuff and still gets away with it due to how lame and quick he is.. Its like impossible to guess how the low rank Kens will play.
no fighting game is perfectly balanced obv, but this one is just so unbalanced. its as bad as this old arcade version of super street fighter 2 turbo where guile could do sonic booms so fast he could have 15 to 20 of them flying at you at any given time, and vega's wall jump air throw would grab you out of almost anything and left him nearly invincible during the entire movement. 3rd strike was solidly balanced. not a single matchup was anywhere near the level of unfairness in this game. going back further, killer instinct 2 was pretty decently balanced, as were marvel v capcom 1 and 2.
***meant to say the most poorly balanced fighting game in my previous post***
I've honestly never played 3rd strike but judging from what I've heard said from streamers, players and just general chatter, even I know Chun-Li is amazingly strong in that game.
I went Silver -> Gold with Birdie and had a 0% win rate against Dhalsim. I just couldn't figure out the way to approach him. It's just such a rare match up.
I just hate that Ken army that spamms random stuff and still gets away with it due to how lame and quick he is.. Its like impossible to guess how the low rank Kens will play.
srk spam is super effective
srk spam is super effective