Future update news from Capcom should be written like this lol
adios cameltoe, we hardly knew ye
This whole "covering up" thing is so ridiculous. If you didn't know any better, you'd think SFV's fan base is full of conservative/religious hairstylists.Surprised no one attempted a hair mod yet after seeing more complaints about that than the cleavage when she was r̶e̶v̶e̶a̶l̶e̶d̶ leaked lol
adios cameltoe, we hardly knew ye
ThanksFantastic, man. Instantly like her more.
lmao yeah it's really bad. people think it can be fixed by adding more bones and re-weighing her hair but that's beyond me atm.Ucchedavāda;199302600 said:I looked at the first screen-shot and thought that you still had some work to do, until I realize that it was just her hair clipping through her arm .. Capcom, please.
adios cameltoe, we hardly knew ye
adios cameltoe, we hardly knew ye
ThanksI actually never saw a cameltoe (or looked closely enough to ever notice), but nice effort regardless. Hopefully she gets alternate outfits that go against the grain of what her current outfits are.
stare into the cameltoe. DO ITI can't be the only one to not see the difference?
ThanksThat actually looks so much better it's scary.
Hair modding is hard atm cus of the way the game uses physics and bones and stuff. I think someone DID do a punk haircut for her though!Surprised no one attempted a hair mod yet after seeing more complaints about that than the cleavage when she was r̶e̶v̶e̶a̶l̶e̶d̶ leaked lol
You were the reason for that postyou're bar_bar or something right? I think we played in ranked.. I was laura lol
Holy Crap, I just realized something. Will the DLC characters come with their own Survival and Story?
If so, that reduces the ACTUAL cost of a DLC character by a considerable amount. Almost around 30k EDIT: if you don't do hard or hell.
adios cameltoe, we hardly knew ye
What's up with Capcom's servers today? I've been disconnected 3 times today while playing survival mode![]()
What's up with Capcom's servers today? I've been disconnected 3 times today while playing survival mode![]()
oh, and heres the problem with just blocking. ryu is the ONLY character in the game with ZERO advantage on block moves. every other character can string near endless attacks together with no punish if blocked. they can insta transition into a throw from any of these attacks AND other than ken, every characters throw range outclasses ryus. so going into turtle mode with ryu on get up doesnt work well. ryu can not quickly transition into a throw from any moves other than his garbage ass stubby pokes. and even then his range is so laughably short.ryu's mp is godlike
ryu's mp is godlike
oh, and heres the problem with just blocking. ryu is the ONLY character in the game with ZERO advantage on block moves. every other character can string near endless attacks together with no punish if blocked. they can insta transition into a throw from any of these attacks AND other than ken, every characters throw range outclasses ryus. so going into turtle mode with ryu on get up doesnt work well. ryu can not quickly transition into a throw from any moves other than his garbage ass stubby pokes. and even then his range is so laughably short.
yeah it's definitely one of his best buttons. lots of combo potential. good poke in general. nice to confirm into either cr.HP or st.LK, or another st.MP/cr.MP. depending on spacing you can pretty much choose any confirm route into special and super. special cancellable, v-trigger cancellable. and it's a really versatile button to use immediately after landing a jump in crossup or heavy. you can use it to confirm as a tool into cr.HP to force them from crouching state. so much potential.
you had me for a sec.oh, and heres the problem with just blocking. ryu is the ONLY character in the game with ZERO advantage on block moves. every other character can string near endless attacks together with no punish if blocked. they can insta transition into a throw from any of these attacks AND other than ken, every characters throw range outclasses ryus. so going into turtle mode with ryu on get up doesnt work well. ryu can not quickly transition into a throw from any moves other than his garbage ass stubby pokes. and even then his range is so laughably short.
Yup, its pretty much the move I spam the most now. Linking two mp's into a heavy tatsu ( or even into super) feels so good
yeah jump lk, st.MP and then a choice of st.MP/cr.MP/cr.MK into Heavy Tatsu is really dirty, cos when they quick rise next to you you can go straight into Axe Kick to catch them pressing buttons on wakeup. It's timed really nicely. or you can end it with Medium Tatsu for a corner carry.
his mp can link from his j.lk? I tried that shit out like 10 times in training and it wouldn't so I assumed it didn't
It's pretty funny how I didn't like ryu in the betas and at launch and now im addicted to him
Too bad I aint got that hot ryu tho![]()
Are peope using Macros so they can use V-trigger skills with one button? Or are they just inputting the commands lightning fast?
Im brand new to fighting games obviously.
yup it works. definitely one of the best routes to go after landing the j.LK. It leads to a lot of different confirm routes depending on your spacing. Another popular quick confirm from j.lk is st.lp x2 into dp
I wish I could lp into dp, everytime I try to do it I just mash and end up doing a fireball ( or i'm too slow and the dp doesn't combo OR a super comes out.. lol)
The DS4 joystick def. isn't the best controller for quick inputs like that ( or i'm just honestly not very technically good)
Thanks for the tips tho, i'll need to start using his j.lk a lot mroe now!!
V-Trigger and V-skills are just two buttons together, and the game let's you configure it to just one button.
It ain't exactly cheating tech.
I meant like Ryus super shinku hadoken , its not two button. You have to use the left analog stick twice then press square. I just dont understand how people were doing it so quickly unless they mapped it to a single button.
If you find you're getting a fireball instead. when you jump in and land the j.lk, keep holding forward while you're timing your jabs, and go into the SRK motion while you're still holding forward, and the DP should come out.
I meant like Ryus super shinku hadoken , its not two button. You have to use the left analog stick twice then press square. I just dont understand how people were doing it so quickly unless they mapped it to a single button.
ThanksGarrett, the mod is coming along quite nicely!
Thank you!Dewd this is fantastic @_@
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)didn't even notice there was a cameltoe. now i will every time.
I meant like Ryus super shinku hadoken , its not two button. You have to use the left analog stick twice then press square. I just dont understand how people were doing it so quickly unless they mapped it to a single button.
I meant like Ryus super shinku hadoken , its not two button. You have to use the left analog stick twice then press square. I just dont understand how people were doing it so quickly unless they mapped it to a single button.
I will train this. If it does work out my game will be improved like 10x. Thanks a bunch dude!!
So has anyone here beaten hell survival? If so, how did you do it?
Right now I'm just trying the spam shoryuken Ken thing
I've honestly never played 3rd strike but judging from what I've heard said from streamers, players and just general chatter, even I know Chun-Li is amazingly strong in that game.