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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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It's not an Unreal thing... Unreal 4 can have very nice physics as evidenced by Paragon (another 60fps title on PS4)

Pretty sure that they've done it for performance reasons, as with the dithered shadows.


I did it on PC... just spamming MP shoryuken.

I've had it trying to do it all again on PS4 though. Cpu gives me low health boost only when my health is low lol. Time to buy the season pass and blow my fight money on costumes I guess.

Well I just tried it doing that and got killed at around 67. Fuck everything.

Any chance the patch will come out around midnight Sunday?


Man i knew i should have stopped playing when i lost 3 in a row, lost 800 lp today

I know that feeling all too well. I'm slowly learning that, sometimes, extended play sessions are not necessarily a good thing, and can be actually counter-productive, mainly if one doesn't vary it up.
GGs nkz. Nash is such a bully.

I know that feeling all too well. I'm slowly learning that, sometimes, extended play sessions are not necessarily a good thing, and can be actually counter-productive, mainly if one doesn't vary it up.

I get that a lot since I'm maining Birdie right now. I'll get a win streak and think that what I'm doing works on everyone.


It's not an Unreal thing... Unreal 4 can have very nice physics as evidenced by Paragon (another 60fps title on PS4)

Pretty sure that they've done it for performance reasons, as with the dithered shadows.

It looks exactly like the weird glitches that happen in the unreal Souls games though. It's not that Unreal games can't have good physics, but there are some that extremely apparently don't, which definitely points to an engine deficiency.
ggs suplex, nice moves solid birdie yo!

too much rollback for me on my end. game is busted for me online i don't know what happened this week i have to stop playing until this is fixed. and there were some huge lag spikes in the middle, no clue what happened lol

im so salty, im getting hit by half screen chain dives what. capcom plz i hit up to neutral jump and have all day to react but its just sitting there
ggs suplex, nice moves solid birdie yo!

too much rollback for me on my end. game is busted for me online i don't know what happened this week i have to stop playing until this is fixed. and there were some huge lag spikes in the middle, no clue what happened lol

im so salty, im getting hit by half screen chain dives what. capcom plz i hit up to neutral jump and have all day to react but its just sitting there

When the connection starts fucking up, I'll just crouch LK until it fixes itself :D

Birdie's dives have a unique property. It turns human beings into deer and his EX flash is mimicking the headlights of a car. Learn to operate your fightstick with hooves and you'll be fine.
It looks exactly like the weird glitches that happen in the unreal Souls games though. It's not that Unreal games can't have good physics, but there are some that extremely apparently don't, which definitely points to an engine deficiency.
I'm pretty sure the Souls games aren't on Unreal Engine... they use Havok physics but pretty much every game does :p SFV uses Unreal Engine 4, which is completely different to Unreal 3. It's way more than just a number change and more a generational leap in pretty much everything.

Unreal 4 has support for incredibly advanced physics, including Apex cloth, which as you can see here is very good!

It's not an Unreal issue, it's purely a rendering choice from Capcom as cloth simulation and physics interaction between meshes are very expensive to calculate. As an example, Lara's belt in Tomb Raider 2013 had completely static tools - when they did the next gen port, they applied physics to the tools, allowing them all to move and sway independently as she moved. This wasn't possible on last gen because the power was so constrained that calculating collision on models which were such small details wasn't worth it. You can see this in Arkham Knight (an Unreal 3 game) - the different pockets on Batman's belt all move independently, as well as the needles on Scarecrow's coat, Officer Gordon's jacket, etc :)

Edit: an example of Paragon, a UE4 title that is also 60fps on PS4:

Notice how despite the cloth bouncing around a lot it never clips through any part of his mesh.


I meant like Ryus super shinku hadoken , its not two button. You have to use the left analog stick twice then press square. I just dont understand how people were doing it so quickly unless they mapped it to a single button.
Most do not use the analog stick in Street Fighter. It's designed for digital inputs, switch to the pad asap. It should help with input speed once you're used to it.


so when the "round 1 fight" part of the match runs in slow motion, is that the game trying to sync up with your opponent before starting the match because of lag?
Her hair freaks out in general because it has like... 4 bones, despite being quite a large part of her mesh that moves a LOT :p

also the actual collision box on it is pretty small, which is why it clips through her all the time.

I figured it was because it's a rectangle and it doesn't know how to rest on its' side against her mesh.
I figured it was because it's a rectangle and it doesn't know how to rest on its' side against her mesh.
Essentially it is because it has 5 bones:

and the engine doesn't care about the majority of her hair because it's so far away from those bones. As long as those bones aren't clipping through something else, the rest is fair game.

That's why the end clips through her arms in so many of her animations as well - there isn't any bone in the last few inches of it, so it just clips through everything.
Man i knew i should have stopped playing when i lost 3 in a row, lost 800 lp today
Something similar happened to me today. I reached a high of 2270LP, but came crashing down after fighting an army of Ryus. It was luck that I managed to get back over 2000LP. SFV is best experienced through lounges. Everything else is horrible.


All the clipping going on in SFV is really bad. Game looks fine in general, but there are some glaring issues like that. It should have been fixed at least on the VS screen.


All the clipping going on in SFV is really bad. Game looks fine in general, but there are some glaring issues like that. It should have been fixed at least on the VS screen.

yup, the clipping on the vs screen is like...man they really must have done this on a shoe string budget if no one ever went back to fix this thing that you see before EVERY match


I'm so much better at this game after a few beers. It's crazy. I think I just let loose a little more and don't get in my own head.
I really think, for whatever reason, it was intentional. Because if you look at Cammy's hair for example the collision is really good except at the very bottom again. It must be intentional but the only possible reason I can think of is performance.


It's time to finally let somebody else into my dojo besides Cammy....


It's time to learn Chun!!! :D

Do you have any advice for learning Chun? And can you gimme advice on how to do her fireball? I keep doing the input work. :(


I don't know how people can get hype over Marn's Mika. Seeing really good players knocked out by a character that works the way she does is kinda annoying.
I don't know how people can get hype over Marn's Mika. Seeing really good players knocked out by a character that works the way she does is kinda annoying.

I have no idea how to fight against Mika when in the corner. It's a guessing jan ken po game I always seem to lose.


Can anyone give me some tips? I just seem to cant be able to do anything when I keep getting crossed-uped or jumped in

here's a video as an example


the guy just keeps jumping around and I can't do shit, feels like I couldn't dp anywhere and I shouldve keep blocking forever?

You kept sweeping which kept allowing him free cross ups. Instead of doing sweep which you probably shouldn't be using in that situation regardless because it could be punished, you could have...

-Dash under him or backdashed to gain better positioning

-Read the jump and DP'd early enough to catch it

-Air to air which you did once

-Attempt to gain the advantage after the block string with a better normal than sweep

-DP reversal



i have basically been at 1000 LP since the first week the game came out. every time i feel like i'm getting better, i get stuck in this loop of winning, getting over 1000, losing, dropping below, rinse repeat

doomed to forever be bad at street fighter


Can anyone give me some tips? I just seem to cant be able to do anything when I keep getting crossed-uped or jumped in

here's a video as an example


the guy just keeps jumping around and I can't do shit, feels like I couldn't dp anywhere and I shouldve keep blocking forever?
You got yourself out of it a couple of times but then dashed right back into it. Two things I see as possibly happening here. 1. He saw you had trouble dealing with the crossups so he kept doing it or 2 he has nothing else other than the cross ups to rely on so he kept doing it .

Most people that do this follow a pattern of some sort ..something like jab jab jump or jab lk jump . Pay attention to when they like to jump and at what distance . When they do entually jump you can try to air to air them which worked for you a couple times . You could also try dashing forward which will make the cross up miss.


FluxWaveZ ragequit on me because I'm not enough of a challenge :V

Ha, that'd be a new one. Nah, the servers just disconnected me, as Battle Lounge will do sometimes. I guess we can call it there, though, GGs. Definitely feel less sloppy after actually taking a break instead of playing this game for endless hours on end.

I always feel like Birdie has infinite health. Chipping away at it takes some work... and messing up once can reverse the whole course of the match, especially when he V-Triggers.
Ha, that'd be a new one. Nah, the servers just disconnected me, as Battle Lounge will do sometimes. I guess we can call it there, though, GGs. Definitely feel less sloppy after actually taking a break instead of playing this game for endless hours on end.

I feel bullied when I die to the same stuff every time, but it's more like I suck at the game.

V-Trigger Birdie gains movement speed as well as damage to EVERYTHING, not just his headbutts. Not that it did me any good.


You got yourself out of it a couple of times but then dashed right back into it. Two things I see as possibly happening here. 1. He saw you had trouble dealing with the crossups so he kept doing it or 2 he has nothing else other than the cross ups to rely on so he kept doing it .

Most people that do this follow a pattern of some sort ..something like jab jab jump or jab lk jump . Pay attention to when they like to jump and at what distance . When they do entually jump you can try to air to air them which worked for you a couple times . You could also try dashing forward which will make the cross up miss.

He pretty much started spammming it only in the second round ( He didnt get to play much in the first) so yeah, I think that's just how he played. I'm still pissed at myself for getting beat by that :/

Thank you for the tips

You kept sweeping which kept allowing him free cross ups. Instead of doing sweep which you probably shouldn't be using in that situation regardless because it could be punished, you could have...

-Dash under him or backdashed to gain better positioning

-Read the jump and DP'd early enough to catch it

-Air to air which you did once

-Attempt to gain the advantage after the block string with a better normal than sweep

-DP reversal

Watching the clip again I seriously don't know why I kept sweeping I usually NEVER sweep on wakeup. I guess I was getting pissed and irritated at getting crossed up all the time :/ so I started spamming it

Yeah, I could have DPed too. But in the real match it felt almost impossible to DP. I need to start working on my reactions again. Althought I will admit the weakest part of my game is easily AAs. I have a shitload of trouble properly anti-airing people. For some reasons when I see someone jump I just feeeze and I block instead

Thanks for the tips too
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