My CFN is f0rk123, can people look at battle lounge games? On PC and not set up to youtube stuff
I don't think footage would be more useful than what you guys have already said because you're all totally right but I'm too flustered to put it into practice right now
Tomorrow's a holiday so I'll play some more, stuff to work on:
wakeup EX.SBK - I never use it even though it's clearly very good
BNBs - I've just about got the cr.lp,,, legs (not sbk yet though) down but need to use it more. Also pretty consistent (although I started missing the initial counter window in the last sets cos I was mad) with cr.hp, legs, cr.lp, sbk as my main punish but could probably use it more rather than sweep.
AA - I was hitting OK with s.LK so I should practice getting the dash in you guys mentioned so I can get on the offense with it.
Being safer, not sweeping so much - Ryu's is clearly safe so I should stop pressing buttons after it cos they always hit it or sweep again and counter hit me. I have trouble telling when it's my turn against people that always hit buttons after a jump in and it will get harder when it's not against people that randomly sweep (like me I guess)