Raging Spaniard
If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Fork, just block his sweep and then sweep yourself.
How can you check how many hours you got?
Im assuming he is on pc. Steam displays played time on all games.
Don't complain too much, for us Europeans this means prime time. :/Why can't capcom do maintenances at night like everyone else does instead of during ALL DAY?
That's a good way to wrap up my session I guess.
I think it IS night tho? In Japan.Why can't capcom do maintenances at night like everyone else does instead of during ALL DAY?
Do you want Alex? Because that's how you get Alex.Holy shit another 7 hour maintenance. Horrible
Do you want Alex? Because that's how you get Alex.
Well honestly no I don't care about Alex even though I bought the season pass. I guess it's just because they are always scheduled from when I get home to when I go to bed and because there was one not too long ago.Do you want Alex? Because that's how you get Alex.
Holy shit another 7 hour maintenance. Horrible
I don't want Alex.
Give me back my old main, Balrog, and then we're talking.
Please look forward to BalrogI don't want Alex.
Give me back my old main, Balrog, and then we're talking.
Well I hope that they add everything in this patch so that Alex can just be unlocked on Wednesday and by the time I finished that sentence I realized that this is Capcom. Sorry.And dont forget that 1 day after the maintainence is over. There will be another one for Alex lol
I think it IS night tho? In Japan.
7 hours again, holy shit
The servers go down 1900-0200 on a day im free from work due to the easter holiday.. Fml.
And there will 101% be patching problems so the maintainence will last forever
Top 10 Street Fighter Moves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LOrCpNrYaE
np, I had a bit of problem with stMP because it's comboable, so the timing because pretty strict.
For jump ins it's prolly best to jump in with a heavy, st MK, lp/mp grab. st MK isn't comboable and you get a pretty long time to buffer the command.
But ofcourse if they have a 3 frame jab and they mash it, you'll never land it ;P.
st LP into mp grab will beat karin's 3 frame c LP, problem with this is, st LP only hits standing opponents.
why does Cammy's face look completely different in that video?
Cool, thanks for the infoThis was the best match I've ever had as of yet (R. Mika vs. Nash).
I feel like I confronted Nash exactly like a Mika should in that MU. For the first time in a while, I feel like I've improved. Patiently blocking hasn't really been my style, ever.
I can't tell but, if that's the case, it's likely beta footage. I'm pretty sure she was one of the faces they had changed throughout the beta phases, along with Ken.
This was the best match I've ever had as of yet (R. Mika vs. Nash).
I feel like I confronted Nash exactly like a Mika should in that MU. For the first time in a while, I feel like I've improved. Patiently blocking hasn't really been my style
Do you want Alex? Because that's how you get Alex.
Nice match dude... I would never have had to patience to block like 7 sonic booms in a row like you lol
Also Nash's english voice is so garbage
Nice match dude... I would never have had to patience to block like 7 sonic booms in a row like you lol
Also Nash's english voice is so garbage
Im playing Laura right now and Rashid is becoming a real problem when he corners me, feels like he can just unleash holy hell and theres jack shit I can do about it, any ideas?
Okay, opinions sure, but... that's like, objectively wrong >.>
I don't know if this is common but I've always found repetitive voice samples in English (my native language) to be profoundly awful. Maybe they're saying equally dumb shit in Japanese, but I definitely don't want to hear a guy say "slice you up" whenever he does a special move. That's probably not the worst example from this game. "Sonic" is tolerable, I guess. Maybe it's phrases that really bother me.
This was the best match I've ever had as of yet (R. Mika vs. Nash).
I feel like I confronted Nash exactly like a Mika should in that MU. For the first time in a while, I feel like I've improved. Patiently blocking hasn't really been my style, ever.
Compared to his JAP voice it's pretty bad. "Slice you up"
Altho in this game and sf4 jap voices were also much much better too. I wouldn't mind if capcom stopped translating their jap VAs. There are rare cases like mika and cammy where the ENG voice sounds good but it's rare..
I agree. The most annoying is probably "BOOM" from laura lol
Nice match dude... I would never have had to patience to block like 7 sonic booms in a row like you lol
Also Nash's english voice is so garbage
I'm so close to Ultra Gold. Just need 60 points more. And I'm riding on a 30 win streak so I'm definitely feeling myself
Edit: And of course I get matched to a platinum Birdie. Fml
eh, I'm actually the opposite for both games. The only Jap voice that sounds consistently good is Ryu's, the rest I feel are vastly superior in English. Cammy's japanese voice especially is horrid.
His English voice is fine, it's just some of the stuff they have him say which is dumb.
"Cut you!"
"Slice you up!"
But when he actually says his move names he sounds great. And his "too easy!" Is good.
30 win streak? Sounds like a hard loss is imminent![]()