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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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I am creating a public lounge with 2 private slots for any gaffers that want in. I can send invite or just browse for killdatninja
Character select is off to lessen loading times. Anyone is free to join, as long as it's not too laggy.

Number of players 8
Host: killdatninja
US West
Ultra silver Laura
Pass: 423 (GAF)

I have it set to first to two but will lower if others join.


I am creating a public lounge with 2 private slots for any gaffers that want in. I can send invite or just browse for killdatninja
Character select is off to lessen loading times. Anyone is free to join, as long as it's not too laggy.

Number of players 8
Host: killdatninja
US West
Ultra silver Laura

I have it set to first to two but will lower if others join.

You should set a pw if you just want gaf. I'll join in a bit.

EDIT: Can't seem to find your lobby.

EDIT2: Found it.


What exactly isn't safe from Laura's normals? can't seem to find any opening with Alex once she starts pressing buttons.


What exactly isn't safe from Laura's normals? can't seem to find any opening with Alex once she starts pressing buttons.
Only punishable normals are her st.HK and cr.HK, respectively -4 and -12.
You can take back the advantage after st.HP, cr.HP, cr.LK or cr.MK as they are all -2, but clever Laura's won't use those move from an unsafe distance, and will cancel cr.HP into a clap.
Her target combo MP > MK is also -2, as his her fwd.HP, and if she goes for the HP follow up it becomes unsafe at -8.
Don't ever try to challenge st.LP, st.MP, st.LK, cr.LP or cr.MP.
None of her normals are safe when cancelled into a vdash.


Rage quitters out in full force today. Some punk Laura named Saitama just got me. I swear this trophy requiring a gold rank just makes it worse


Doubtful, if that was the case then I'd have gotten dozens of 10 lp victory already from players 2k+ below me as well..
No he's right, it's really only about the difference in ranks, not LPs.
And since the ranks are not linear, a 2k difference in one sense or the other doesn't necessarily means the same number of ranks.
Survival is trash and one simple thing they could do to remove the frustration is make each mode 10 matches long with varying difficulties, so you don't have to waste 30 minutes of your life to get stomped by input reading CPU and then get offered a low life supplement.

just make it you can retry the fight you lost (at full health) but with a massive score penalty, score can go no lower than 0 but you can still finish it for colours
is there any difference between the fight sticks that launched with this game and the ones that launched with 4 in a response time or usability way? also how do you get an old gen fight stick to work with 5?


Pretty much. I still think it's absurd that Laura's elbow is safe on block though. Why give a character that's so deadly up close a free way to get in?
She loses her turn after a blocked LP elbow, and the MP version is punishable.
It's only a safe way in if you don't challenge her after that and take back the initiative.

Survival is it's own thing. Like I always say, we need Arcade with a difficulty ramp. Survival goes from 0-100 real quick, there's barely any middle in it. At least with Arcade you'd see gradual progression.

I can't even tell you how many times I've had to do Alex's Survival on NORMAL and reach 29-30 before getting brutally murdered by Necalli and Bison.

As Alex I have lost to bison 3 times. The last time I just dropped my controller to the ground and stared at the ceiling. Lol.


is there any difference between the fight sticks that launched with this game and the ones that launched with 4 in a response time or usability way? also how do you get an old gen fight stick to work with 5?

The sticks that launched with 5 have the touchpad which, while unnecessary for SF5, is good to have for games like Blazblue and Guilty Gear which do use it. For getting a PS3 stick to work in SF5, you have to go to options and iirc it's in the "Other Settings" box
The 50/50 queens. It doesn't matter what character I use, I freeze up against them.
Mika is easy in my opinion if you're using Nash. Boom her ass to death and just turtle
Pretty much. I still think it's absurd that Laura's elbow is safe on block though. Why give a character that's so deadly up close a free way to get in?
I think she's negative on block though, right?

Edit: already answered.

And yes press more buttons. I just treat Mika like I treat El Fuerte...throw all logic out the window and play completely fucking random. Or play extremely defensive.
I've said this before, but I still eludes me as to why character themes are set to play as default with no option to turn them off. Regardless of them being any good or not, most of the time they are jarringly different from the mood of the stage, and lack the dynamic spin the stage music has. What is the point of working so hard to ensure that the art style and level detail matches up, the music is super fitting as sets the tone of the stage along with corresponding to the fight, and then throwing it all down the drain? It literally makes no sense for me to be playing in a busted up street, or near some tranquil waterfall, and suddenly have Mika's or Karin's theme blasting out with no sort of continuity to what's going on visually at the moment.

Why not have the option like Street Fighter 4 did?


I guess I need to press more buttons.
Yeah, she's -2 after a blocked LP elbow: challenge her! :)
Any 3 or 4 frames move will get you back the initiative, or you can try a throw, but clever Laura's will block for a few frames before trying to tech a throw to cover both options.


As Alex I have lost to bison 3 times. The last time I just dropped my controller to the ground and stared at the ceiling. Lol.

Ex-actly. I've only beatn Bison once with Alex in Survival and I was thrilled...but then I realized I had to keep playing to get the stuff for his alternate costume and that's not counting Hard.

It's just insane. I can't stand the fact I have to keep beating that mode with the different outfits to get all of the additional colors.
I HATE turtling and just booming someone lol, but I might make an exception for Mika.
Lol. You would hate watching me play Nash then. I barely know any combos with him. I just win off of pure fundamentals.

I truly have no clue how to play him, I just like that he has a good fireball, dash, and an air throw.


Server still up GAF!
Pass 423

GGs. I think I got better towards the end with challenging Laura's moves, but I don't think I can deal with Laura's mixup shenanigans no matter how good I get. Seems like whenever she's close it's either constant frame traps or resets into throws.


did capcom ever say anything about getting battle lounge to even give back ping bars? All I get are question marks, and the only one to even give me a response back is someone who has a lounge set up from China. Come to think of it, why are there no region filter settings? Its pointless if all the rooms that do show up are across the atlantic. I should also note that its taking a bit longer than usual for me to log into the game today.
Has anyone been having issues with online matches lately? I usually have perfect matches but since yesterday I've only been able to find 2 casual matches, both laggy. Now every battle lounge I enter, everyone has 1 bar. My internet is fine and everything else except SFV is working just as well as it always does.

I let it sit trying to find casual and ranked matches for a very long time and it couldn't find anything. Very strange.
Lol. You would hate watching me play Nash then. I barely know any combos with him. I just win off of pure fundamentals.

I truly have no clue how to play him, I just like that he has a good fireball, dash, and an air throw.

I play Nash as an insane pressure character. He has some amazing frame traps, setups, and damage.
Beat a dude in a close match, then the game got hung up as soon as he leagued down. Like, totally froze for like two minutes. Then it proceeds as normal without asking for a rematch.

Did he just try to RQ on me too late?
Oh man, Survival with Laura in particular is a special kind of hell.

Whenever I fight Laura I just pretend to hear Rosario Dawson repeating her lines and it becomes bearable.
y'all Mika whiners need to work on your fundamentals. Keep her out. It's that simple. And when she's got you knocked down, it's really a 50/50. Either you jump out, block, or tech.
I still haven't fight a Mika that bullies me the way people say she can. I just don't want to be cornered by her so I escape no matter how hard she wants to pressure.
its just not worth playing ranked, unless they overhaul it and the league system itself, I refuse to be punished because I dared to play a character that isnt my main, that's just terrible game design, I see no real reason to play it.

Funny thing is the league system they touted was one of the main selling points of the game to me
I don't understand why they made LP tied to all characters instead of individual ones. They really want to make everything about this game except the fighting as demoralizing as possible, I guess. It's no surprise everyone is afraid to take Alex to ranked. I wouldn't want to do it either if I had 4K LP. The rookies would probably appreciate the extra character diversity individual LP ranking wold bring.
I really don't like playing against Vega online. Seems like all be does is defending until the time runs out or high jumps. Pathetic.
He is the only character without a fireball that can win playing like a Ryu brick wall. It sucks, but sometimes you have to hold that L and thank God you aren't a Karin player. That match up has to be one of the most frustrating ones in the game (regardless of tier charts).
Easy and Normal, that's it, and it's not because of the AI, 50 stages for hard come the fuck on (Hell is 100) Capcom..
It should have been a 10/20/30/50 spread. Instead Capcom went fully idiotic. I wonder how many dozens of people have even managed to complete that bullshit mode in hell difficulty.
Its complete bullshit that anyone designing a fighting game would rely on this method of A.I. design. You at some point, stop playing the game, and just start doing the one or two things in your character's arsenal that the A.I. cant respond to well. Its un-fun repetitive shit. I'd rather the enemies started getting various buffs along the way. I would rather fight for example, an A.I. Necalli that converts 50% of the damage he does to you back to his own health bar than to fight one that just reads your buttons and responds with frame-perfect counter moves or a F.A.N.G that starts with perma poison cloud and ryobendas that stay out extra long? Let people spend like 75-100,000 pts for an extra attempt. How about having hidden, optional fights that happen if the player fulfills certain conditions for better rewards? It feels more designed towards keeping players from winning than from being an interesting, replayable mode.
That is exactly what it is and it makes me NOT want want to give them my money out of spite.
So when we getting that next character tease? Ono has been so quiet lately about SFV it's weird...
The last thing SFV needs right now is trolling. Look how things went with the Alex troll at Final Round.
This mode is beyond salvaging. Everyone hates it so much at this point, even if they do fix it, no one would want to play it anymore. People just want a basic arcade ladder.
You might be right about this.
How to get better at playing vs bad players that go ham on their randomness? I am at a point where I am just not very consistently beating players that I should easily dispatch of.

An example from just a couple minutes ago: I lost against a 2k silver Zangief going ham - he was so unpredictable that basically everything I tried to do was in vain. Shortly after I 2-0'ed a 5k gold Zangief. He was trying to play the matchup proper, slowly inching in. I beat him with better footsies, zoning him out basically.

And now I am here asking myself how to be more consistent when it comes to beating random players. Currently what I try to do is, play as safe as possible while doing maximum damage punishes. Basically I try to let them run into a brick wall, waiting for them getting impatient doing stupid stuff. Any tips how to sway stuff more into my favor because quite honestly it doesn't seem to be enough to stop the crazy sometimes?
The good and bad thing about online players is that many can't be trained or pressured like your good offline players. They just keep walking through the minefield and sometimes they manage to make it through in one piece. The problem lies in not having the know how and muscle memory to capitalize off a good opening created by the lack of fear (or sheer ignorance if you'd prefer to call it that). I can't tell you how many Ryus/Kens I've fought that just keep doing random DPs and tatsus whenever they please. Baiting it with dashes on wakeup doesn't work, but a DP when she I'm trying to pressure with a st.mk makes total sense to them. Not even a pro can read or make sense of that quantum mechanical nonsense.
Haven't played online ever since the patch: I really enjoy the rematch option!
If you just accept that points are worthless and detach yourself from them, it's really great being able to rematch better players than you or characters you don't have enough experience against. It nearly makes me appreciate the MM matching me sometimes with gold players or above...
I don't even really mind players choosing not to rematch, I sometimes back off myself when the connection is not so good or I feel like I will not learn anything from my opponent.
But yeah, getting those tense sets going all the way up to the last round, while both of you adapted to the other is such a great moment to have I don't even mind losing some of them. <3
The rematch option is nice to have, but I never rematch first against the guys I want to fight again. I always let them choose. Screw choosing to rematch against people more than 1000LP below me, though. I shouldn't even be fighting those guys in the first place.
just make it you can retry the fight you lost (at full health) but with a massive score penalty, score can go no lower than 0 but you can still finish it for colours
That would require Capcom devs to have a heart.
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