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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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I understand the weaknesses of the character as well. I was focusing on the 50/50 situation because that might be the reason why so many players hate going against which was the purpose of that article posted.

Mika has many ways to get herself into that position.. mostly just hitting a single Fwd. MP and getting the party started.

Look how far Marn made it in NCR just by hitting a single fwd. MP. Against some players he was literally doing it over and over and over until it hit once and then put them into the corner and took the round/match lol.

Another design decision I don't understand is her V-Reversal leaving her at +2. While her defense is bad, when she gets one of these off she gets the knockdown and is back to the rock/paper/scissors game. You pretty much get punished for being over aggressive on her. It should be 0 at best after she hits a V-Reversal.
Well, you can't blame the character for people being dumb and panicking against her. ^^
fwd.MP is -2 on block, and if she does the follow-up it's -27 (!!): her turn is over after that!

And yeah...

legit bs stuff with mika:
Vtrigger unblockables
fHP being +3 on block. Like seriously lol. And its CC to top it off
...she has one normal being really good on block, that she gets to use as a reward against people she scored a knockdown on, if they don't have a reversal. But let's remove it and ask her to become a footsie character even though she never was meant to be! ^^
Unblockables should go away, though.
It's already hard enough to play a character who revolves around taking big risks without an HP safety net; that'd be insane.

So much complaining about Mika, I await the day that more people start playing Laura. Mika needs that corner, but Laura can fucking zap all around you mid-screen after a single hit and you're dead.

Actually, I now wonder if Laura would fit my playstyle more. Hm.

I wish it were true but fact is Laura needs to whiff punish or take risks to get in and keep the pressure. Once she gets someone in the ex FB frame trap game, it's difficult to guess but it's similar to r.mika's corner bs :)

However, if Laura does not have meter, her frame trap game is super weak. The only reason it works is because people get tired of blocking and try to press buttons or jump out. (Especially once the stun meter is high)


I mean look at this. He got hit by a single wakeup jab and gg

There are three options the Ryu had after a reset/on wake-up:

1. Jump
2. Block
3. Shoryuken

Of course he's going to get wrecked if he just goes for option 1 again and again when the Mika was clearly riding on momentum and didn't want it to stop. Seeing how much the Mika was riding that wave, option 3 would have been preferable after option 1 didn't work out. You play a grappler, so you should know how much this applies.

It's not just a roulette wheel and you pick one of the options out of random. She's a grappler; you need to look into the mind of your opponent as well as the current state of the game and infer what they'll do next, and choose the option with the less risk as a result.

I wish it were true but fact is Laura needs to whiff punish or take risks to get in and keep the pressure. Once she gets someone in the ex FB frame trap game, it's difficult to guess but it's similar to r.mika's corner bs :)

However, if Laura does not have meter, her frame trap game is super weak. The only reason it works is because people get tired of blocking and try to press buttons or jump out. (Especially once the stun meter is high)

But that's the thing: both Mika and Laura need to suffer through a bunch of crap before getting to that golden opportunity, and their gameplan revolves around not letting that golden opportunity go until the opponent is dead. Mika is needing to drive the opponent towards the corner, after painstakingly getting close to them. Laura's is whatever Laura does.


I wish it were true but fact is Laura needs to whiff punish or take risks to get in and keep the pressure. Once she gets someone in the ex FB frame trap game, it's difficult to guess but it's similar to r.mika's corner bs :)

However, if Laura does not have meter, her frame trap game is super weak. The only reason it works is because people get tired of blocking and try to press buttons or jump out. (Especially once the stun meter is high)
Well, I mean, that's the definition of every frame trap ever, though. ^^
Laura has great frame traps, that she has to mix-up with command grabs and vdashes.
People are sleeping on her at the moment.
You really don't know that though?

No, but I believe it to be true.

If someone beats you cleanly and chooses not to rematch you, is it really fear?

Yes, why not take more of my points?

Do you know what's happening on the other side of the screen? No.

No lol

I would think that fear of losing is more often a factor then time or lag.

In other matters I was matched up with Shazoo, a Gold Necalli, 3 times this morning. He rage quit each time. But we kept getting matched up. I refuse to RQ under any circumstance. So I played knowing what was coming. When this happened with another Rage Quitter in the past he would quit at the beginning of the match, but not good ole Shazoo. He gladly played all 3 matches to the very end. The last match I got him one hit away from death then I backed off and waited for him to quit. He didn't, he continued fighting until he was completely beaten then quit. He is a special kind of scum.


Dumb question: I beat story mode with a character yet I can't use their story costume outside of story mode. Is this right?
There are three options the Ryu had after a reset/on wake-up:

1. Jump
2. Block
3. Shoryuken

Of course he's going to get wrecked if he just goes for option 1 again and again when the Mika was clearly riding on momentum and didn't want it to stop. Seeing how much the Mika was riding that wave, option 3 would have been preferable after option 1 didn't work out. You play a grappler, so you should know how much this applies.

Like I said, it's rock/paper/scissors. He chose rock and guessed wrong, then he chose paper and guessed wrong, then he chose rock again and guessed wrong. Another thing is that since she crosses under, his DP motion could've been reversed so he was getting nothing from trying option 3 anyway.

I mean I sorta already came up with a struggle strat to deal with it but if you don't have an invincible unthrowable reversal things can get ugly really quickly


I would think that fear of losing is more often a factor then time or lag.

In other matters I was matched up with Shazoo, a Gold Necalli, 3 times this morning. He rage quit each time. But we kept getting matched up. I refuse to RQ under any circumstance. So I played knowing what was coming. When this happened with another Rage Quitter in the past he would quit at the beginning of the match, but not good ole Shazoo. He gladly played all 3 matches to the very end. The last match I got him one hit away from death then I backed off and waited for him to quit. He didn't, he continued fighting until he was completely beaten then quit. He is a special kind of scum.

They really need to somehow have the win register once the KO state hits. 3rd Strike Online has a few droppers, but if the game goes 'KO' the win has already registered.

I want to sleep on Laura!!!!

Mika looks more comfortable.


I mean look at this. He got hit by a single wakeup jab and gg

This is what I mean by "people need to figure her out." Ryu didn't respect the V-Trigger and got bopped. After that he had what, two opportunities to get out of a reset?

Mika's a wild character to see the first few times, and learning her matchup is harder than most others. Once people know how to deal with her mixups and keep her out, she's going to fall off. Contrast this with Nash, Ryu, and Chun, which can still win without having to force you to guess. And even once you know the matchup, they still have all the tools they need to beat you.

She's easily the most frustrating character to fight. I get it. Even Infiltration had issues with Marn's Mika. But as the meta develops, it's going to get harder and harder for her to win a major.


Like I said, it's rock/paper/scissors. He chose rock and guessed wrong, then he chose paper and guessed wrong, then he chose rock again and guessed wrong.

Chars with no DPs don't even get rock.

Which means like half the cast gets a true 50/50

I'm used to it but ya, it's a rough situation.
legit bs stuff with mika:
Vtrigger unblockables
fHP being +3 on block. Like seriously lol. And its CC to top it off

Alex's fHP is +3 on block and a CC as well. It has the same startup (10) and active frames (3) as R. Mika's except the recovery is 4 more frames.

Dictator's HK has 9 frame start up, is and is +3 on block as well.

I think all they really might have to do is make Mika's fHP not able to launch for it to be a little more balanced around how the rest of the cast works. I feel like after you get hit by that and the reset in the corner it's time to play the guessing game.


...she has one normal being really good on block, that she gets to use as a reward against people she scored a knockdown on, if they don't have a reversal. But let's remove it and ask her to become a footsie character even though she never was meant to be! ^^
Unblockables should go away, though.

lol im not saying to remove it, just saying its mad good. In the corner, getting hit or blocking it you're still gonna be in a bad situation.


I mean look at this. He got hit by a single wakeup jab and gg

He walked up at disadvantage tho
This is the correct answer: the Ryu tried to press his advantage with a totally unsafe forward dash and walk forward (non)meaty setup, basically giving Mika the corner combo for free.
He should have backed off to the middle of the screen, continuing to zone her out instead of going out for blood. :)
Trying to pressure Mika in the corner is a double edged sword, especially if you are playing it loosely.

lol im not saying to remove it, just saying its mad good. In the corner, getting hit or blocking it you're still gonna be in a bad situation.
Well, to be honest, even though Mika is REALLY good at it, once you're in the corner in this game you are in for a tough tough time, even against another character than her. ^^

Doubt it? try recording it in training mode.

This is the correct answer: the Ryu tried to press his advantage with a totally unsafe forward dash and walk forward (non)meaty setup, basically giving Mika the corner combo for free.
He should have backed off to the middle of the screen, continuing to zone her out instead of going out for blood. :)
Trying to pressure Mika in the corner is a double edged sword, especially if you are playing it loosely.

I don't think just one mistake should make tokido of all people look free


I mean look at this. He got hit by a single wakeup jab and gg

Willingly following Mika into the corner is like being a kid and following the stranger offering you candy into their van. Don't do that

Also didn't respect her V-trigger. and dp'd

And got hit by two resets.

Tokido got blown up because he followed Mika to her favourite place willingly, and then guessed wrong repeatedly. Honestly the main this to take away from that video is that Tokido doesn't know the matchup properly yet ( which is not surprising given how she is a different type of character than the more standard ones and the game is still not even 2 months old )

I think you have to backdash/jump/reversal/CA do not get hit by a command grab after and air to air exchange. At least I seem to remember spamming jabs not helping me, might not be correct though.


Yeah this is ridiculous, even with the shoryu he got hit by a reset and then another and he died.
Characters that don't have that invincible reversal die even faster.

That's not really any different than agains't Bison or Laura though, grabblers are the bane of non reversal characters once the grabbler knocks you down
He sure as hell did a mistake that put him in the 50/50 situations afterwards though.
And I'm pretty sure he will not do the same mistake anytime soon. :)

The point is any mistake against mika is going to put you in situation where you have to guess, and her being able to loop it into launching and resetting till you die, after the first one is what bothers people


The point is any mistake against mika is going to put you in situation where you have to guess, and her being able to loop it into launching and resetting till you die, after the first one is what bothers people

If you block after the first one, the loop ends???

At worst what will happen then is a command grab or throw, and neither of those do a lot of dmg unless it's the EX command grab that throws you out of the corner, but that's not in the interest of the Mika player to do unless it kills
If you block after the first one, the loop ends???

At worst what will happen then is a command grab or throw

That's really much easier said than done, and you'll still be in the corner. There isn't a single character in the game that is as powerful in the corner as mika, none of the other grapplers come close.
I hope this month's update finally does something about rage quitters.

They should do something. Their current "we will review stuff weekly and punish accordingly" does nothing to compensate those victimized by a RQ.

and Survival

Yeah, fat chance there. Odds are they will never touch survival, if I had to guess.

Willingly following Mika into the corner is like being a kid and following the stranger offering you candy into their van. Don't do that

Thanks for the laugh (and the protip). ;)


Well, to be honest, even though Mika is REALLY good at it, once you're in the corner in this game you are in for a tough tough time, even against another character than her. ^^

Right, but she can get you there from anywhere in the screen with a rope throw and an ex peach.


Learning new characters now that I've hit Gold League and decided to go back to Karin. I swear every time I feel I'm making progress in Training, I proceed to lose to the dumbest shit in a real match.


That's really much easier said than done, and you'll still be in the corner. There isn't a single character in the game that is as powerful in the corner as mika, none of the other grapplers come close.

I'd argue that Zangief is scarier in the corner tbh. He has stronger footsies to keep you there, and his command grabs are the stuff of death and destruction compared to Mika's.

Mika is very strong when she get's in, yes, however to get in, she has to go through a world of hurt if the other player understands that keeping Mika at bay is as important as it is to keep Zangief at bay.
I have probably played more in the last week than since launch. Alex completely clicks with me on almost every level, his moves, frame traps, and the stun output. Games a lot more fun when there's a character that you really enjoy playing. The 2/3 option helps a bunch as well.

Canceling standing normal into stomp or head butt is so good, everyone so far just freezes up when you do it. Chun and Vega are the only problems so far, there is ways to get in and do work, but their normal's really outclass all of Alex's. Birdie somewhat as well, just not to the extent of those two.


Learning new characters now that I've hit Gold League and decided to go back to Karin. I swear every time I feel I'm making progress in Training, I proceed to lose to the dumbest shit in a real match.

I know this feeling. I want to go back to ranked to finish up that 300 win trophy, but do I use Alex and undoubtedly lose my rank and get frustrated, or do I go back to Birdie who is my winningest character but get bored? It's a tough choice.

Disconnected from server when I was about to break my 5 lose streak lol

Edit, got disconnected again mid match wtf ???

I've had a similar problem where disconnects kept happening. It seemed to be an ISP problem. It won't affect other games, but SF5 seems particularly sensitive.
What's the best way to fight Karin as Alex?

I wish I could make a longer post but gotta run soon. Keep your anti-airs on point, S. mk is your best tool in the midrange, helps keep her at bay. A lot of what Karin does isn't safe, jab into lp slash can punish quite a bit of what she does, doesn't do much damage, but adds up, makes her think twice about throwing stuff out. Learn the variations of her moves, and react accordingly to them. Most Karin's I have played only use their meter on critical arts or dp, when you knock her down, mix her up, and try to bait out the dp, then punish.

Not much of a response, I can add more to it and be more specific when I get back from work.
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