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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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Okay, seriously, are ALL of Nash' moves plus on block, cause it sure feels like it. He has zero recovery frames on everything and just seamlessly goes from whiffing/block strings immediately into something else with zero start up. It's infuriating.
cr.LP, st.LP, cr.MP, cr.HP, st.LK and probably something else. Scythes are about spacing, Moonsault is plus, so act accordingly. That's about it I think, Nash is manageable if you have a 3 frame jab and dont press buttons for no reason.


Oh shit, got paired up with the silver Nash that crushed me and I beat him twice o_o

I feel like I learned something lol. That and I stopped caring on the final round which let me win...

cr.LP, st.LP, cr.MP, cr.HP, st.LK and probably something else. Scythes are about spacing, Moonsault is plus, so act accordingly. That's about it I think, Nash is manageable if you have a 3 frame jab and dont press buttons for no reason.
I use Laura, dunno if she has a 3 frame jab. But yeah, Nash always gives me trouble and is just frustrating to deal with, doesn't help that Laura's pokes are stubby. I need a better plan for when he whiffs moonsaults.


Yeah... uh... this happened:


I'll take the win, sure, but I'm pretty sure that shouldn't have hit.
For all those that have issues with Survival mode, what about it should be fixed?

- More, varied boosts (examples: overshield, or something that allows you to stack health; re-do/continue token).
- Option to Save
- Address problems arising from being disconnected from the server while playing (being able to save along the way helps with this)
- Address the AI inconsistencies. For the early stages, it's totally free. After a while, it'll turn into this remarkable top 8 major player. Reacting to everything and rushing you down with impunity.

FYI, there's been talk of redesigning Balrog similar to how they've "redesigned" Vega. It's possible he might not be a charge character anymore or that he might have changes to his established moveset.

I hope so, this game's about to go from no charge characters to charge character overload if not.
This is supposed to be the (quasi) grappler game! 4 was shotos, chargers can have 6, and keep away can fuck off lol.


For all those that have issues with Survival mode, what about it should be fixed?

  • The match amounts from Easy - Hell should be: 10, 20, 30, 50
  • The difficulty needs to be gradually increased as opposed to 30 braindead opponents and then 20 KOF final bosses
  • The powerups shouldn't be randomized. You should be able to pick what strength level of each powerup between matches.
  • You should be able to purchase multiple power ups. Maybe increase the cost of each additional power up selected simultaneously to balance it out.
  • There should be much more interesting power ups. Aside from an Extra Life power up which is desperately needed, have some that grant crazy bonuses like temporary Genei Jen, V-Ism mode, infinite super meter (for a limited time), infinite V-Gauge (for a limited time), etc. Make these very costly as running out of score almost never happens.
  • Make the enemies more interesting. Make every 10th opponent a "boss" opponent that has an assortment of these crazy power ups.
  • Make whatever colors you unlock in Survival be character wide, not costume specific.


I think some of the more casual fans have dropped the game, but their ranking stays there forever.

So on average the skill level raised -even without accounting for people learning- and thus we are facing harder challenges on the lower ranks.

Well fuck, I'm never getting out of Super Bronze lol

I wonder how many people even still play Ranked generally. Battle Lounges seem to be poppin', meanwhile I had Fight Request on for both Ranked and Casual and it was taking a whilllllllllllllllllllllle to find matches. I don't care about my rank really, but I wonder what kind of detriment that is in Battle Lounges one way or the other.


I'm just going to respond to this post from last night, since it covers the rest. I'll just put this up front for those people who were making assumptions or misunderstood: I don't hate Mika. I don't think she's broken. I do think she's dumb.

I love posts like these. Mika in the corner is scary indeed, but her corner game is not as scary as they make out to be. It's rather the lack of knowledge that makes people salty than the character herself. The only thing in the corner that she can do without massive risk is lady mika and only against people without armor moves or invincible dp. She has to guess correctly in the corner several, several times to do great damage and one wrong guess and she eats 250-300 damage. I rarely have issues fighting most Mika's, since she's fairly easy to beat once you know her weaknesses

If you guess wrong on a DP, you're dead. If you guess right, she back recovers and you still need to fight out of the corner. Your other options are block, jump or press a button. Lady Mika puts her at a frame advantage and beats all three of them. The best option you have is V-reversal, which loses to throw. You have to take a much bigger risk getting out than she does to kill you. No other character has that.

I have like a 75% winrate against Mika last I checked. It's not a problem match-up. I have repeatedly said I don't think the character is OP, or if she is, we won't know for a while.

And yes, she has to work incredibly hard to get in the corner against most characters, has no way to get out of pressure, no way to close in, can get hit out of her moves, has a borderline useless vskill, no normal game, no great AA without bar, no answer against crossups, can get jabbed out of cmd, dropkick is borderline useless against non-shit people, unsafe on a lot of her moves, mediocre slide and has below average health.

She has the worst neutral in the game, I don't dispute it. But she corner carries on almost any hit. The reason I'm not willing to say she's broken or needs nerfs, but I DO think she's dumb, is her gameplan is the exact same in all 17 match-ups. Get the hit, get the corner, start the blender.

What Ibuki was in AE, Mika is in SFV.
- The AI is random, so it can go HAM on you at any time
- You get nothing if you fail, so you waste a ton of time for nothing
- Boosters are random, and can fuck you over in times of need
- Color unlocks are per Costume, not per Character, so you have to do it three times PER costume
- You only get FM and EXP once, despite that last one
- If you get disconnected from the server while playing, you lose all progress for that run and can't start over
- You get no FM or EXP while doing it offline
- Trying to Matchmake while playing Survival can slow the game down

How to Fix:
- Make it a lower, set number of Opponents on a set difficulty, instead of ever-increasing difficulty
- Allow players to choose how many points to spend on Boosters after each level
- Make Color unlocks once per character, not per costume, especially since you can't buy said colors anyway
- Allow players to continue a run if they get disconnected
- Matchmaking shouldn't slow the game down

It would be nice if they allow us to spend on boosters we need instead of randomizing them, especially when you need a big chunk of health after a match where you almost lost to an AI. I agree on the colors, the color unlocks should carry over to other costumes and vice versa.


A poster from another forum I frequent compiled a list of SF story facts gathered by a SRK poster who was translating the Japanese text that accompanied the art of SF characters that was posted earlier in this thread. Some of this stuff is pretty interesting and I don't believe it's been posted yet:

Ultima from Herv said:
A poster on SRK named bakfromon has been doing yeoman's service translating all sorts of JPN stuff of late, including all the profiles posted accompanying these pieces of artwork. He's most active in the SFV Story Thread on SRK for anyone who cares. Mostly he's been going over scans and translating them directly so we now know what comes from what. Most of it is old stuff, but he's revealed some new info here and there (like Lee apparently being a chef).

As for the new artwork, these are not just concept designs. They have been accompanied by profiles on Capcom JPN's site, many written in the form of a Shadaloo soldier commenting on them. These contain data compiled by Shadaloo themselves, and thus seem to refer to current canon. Some interesting tidbits:

- Abel tried to inflitrate a Shadaloo base and got injured. This isn't written in Shadaloo soldier form. Instead, the Shadaloo soldier notes that "We've seen a Shadaloow solider bearing a striking resemblance (shows picture of Abel in Shadaloow solider outfit)"
- Akuma is stated to have "defeated" Gouken (i.e. not killed) and is interested in the presence of Necalli.
- Azam is a "butler of legend" who is Rashid's attendant and body guard. Was also a good professional wrestler. He's bigger than Gief (219cm/ 7'2"), but smaller than Hawk or Hugo.
- Birdie has three profiles: One for when he was younger and slimmer circa SF1/Alpha, one for after he joined Shadaloo and started to get fat (Shadaloo outfit), and his current one where he's escaped Shadaloo and is chilling with Karin.
- Don Savage is the guy listed on TFG as "unknown". He's basically a MC/hypeman (think "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart), who appeared as a background character in Boxer's SF2 stage. He was a ring announcer for the CWA and now hosts a talk show in Las Vegas.
- Dorai, Chun-li's father, is still officially listed as "missing", not dead, and they specifically mention Claw has one who "likely knows something". He's the one who trained Chun-li and taught her Gen's Legendary Assasin Kick (Gendenasatushu, a.k.a. her Crouching HK sweep, which suggests that it was Gen who taught Dorai; not sure if that detail has ever been mentioned before; I always assumed that it was Gen himself who taught it to Chun-li, but I could be wrong).
- El Fuerte and El Stinger from Muscle Bomber were taught by the same luchador, a legendary wrestler named Meteorite Jr. The Shadaloo soldier comments that El Stinger is a "way more competent luchadore" than El Fuerte.
- Not mentioned in the files, but on a separate page showing actual early-concept designs, Gen had a student wh owas ultimately scrapped for Necalli. They don't state if Gen is dead or not, but probably not.
- The reason why I say not is because Geki is stated to be dead. The Geki in the SFV files is Geki "Super", the second generation Geki. His profile says he still uses claw and shuriken, even though he now has a sword on his back. He earns hisl iving as a spy and bodyguard.
- Go HIbiki's fighting style is a Karate-based art known as "Kenhasappo Burai-Ken" (*Law of the Killing Quarrel: Outlaw Fist). Sounds like his signature move is basically Takuma's running knees to the face attack.
- Gorbachev (Great Person), in addition to being Russia's leader, conducts social international wrestling events.
- Contrary to how we imagined him, Goutetsu is a tall (188 cm/6'2") staff-wielding badass. Apparently he's a Chinese immigrant, which is why he looks like a Shaolin monk. He has techniques that he did not pass down to Gouki/Gouken, and some of some of them are listed.
- Haggar is still mayor of Metro City. They give a bullshit excuse about how doesn't want to appear in SF as an opponent.
- Joe is from Missouri. Officially a kickboxer who was undefeated in the US, but "due to financial troubles and violent outbursts he was was forced to live as an outlaw on the road". Goes by the ring name of "Super Star".
- All the Delta Red members have profiles. Keith Wolfman got his scar from a "Spanish fighter" (they don't specify Claw); Lita Luwanda has a foul mouth and is apparently from Mozambique; Matthew McCoy seems to have been given the Birdie treatment has is now black, also has superman strength but is also very dexterous with cooking and painting being his hobbies; George Ginzu is from Singapore and that blob thing that rides with him might be an alien and is named Oracle-kun.
- Lee a master of Baijiquan and Drunken Fist(!), now semi-retired and runs a real estate agency (!!).
- Max, the black guy from SF2 intro, is yet another heavyweight black boxer (smallest of the SF bunch though, at only 187 cm/6'2" and 93 kg/205 lbs) who got into trouble. Allegedly appears in SFV "somewhere".
- Mike, on the other hand, who was always a separate character to M.Bison/Balrog/Boxer, is now really different. Now he's a reformed ex-con who teaches children how to box and is a great contributor to his community. Also has a great relationship with his family and has a sister five years younger.
- Retsu is not only friends with Gouken and Dhalsim, he also apparently has a past history with Oro(!).
- Sagat is currently residing in a village deep in the mountains of Thailand, keeping his past a secret.
- Scott is the white guy from the SF2 intro. Apparently a former boxer. The profile specifically mentions "He is not Cody", though from his profile description, he basically IS Cody, or what Cody would be if Cody were not in prison.
- Tom is mentioned as being a "pretty good MMA fighter in the military, but was forced to retire in the wake of a 'certain incident'". No other details about said incident are given, but whatever it was, it was pretty bad, said to be a "detestable act by citizens and military personannel alike".
- Tom's daughter Patricia is noted as "not a fighter, but a lovely young lady.... Shadaloo has marked these people, so it makes no difference and we must keep her blacklisted". I guess it means that they must keep tabs on her. Says he does not like horror movies but zombie films are her favourite, eh.
- Yamato Nadeshiko's heel persona's name is "Yasha Nadeshiko".
100% sure he will be a charge character.

There was no reason to change Nash otherwise.

No way. Of all the charge characters in SF, Guile is the quintessential charge character.

If he's not a charge character then there's no point in making anyone else one.

And I would drop Guile like a sack of puppies if he wasn't a charge character.

I thought Capcom was trying to do away with charge inputs.

They've already confirmed that he'll stay as a charge character.

Oh, didn't know about the confirmation. Well that sucks.

A.E Suggs

- The AI is random, so it can go HAM on you at any time
- You get nothing if you fail, so you waste a ton of time for nothing
- Boosters are random, and can fuck you over in times of need
- Color unlocks are per Costume, not per Character, so you have to do it three times PER costume
- You only get FM and EXP once, despite that last one
- If you get disconnected from the server while playing, you lose all progress for that run and can't start over
- You get no FM or EXP while doing it offline
- Trying to Matchmake while playing Survival can slow the game down

How to Fix:
- Make it a lower, set number of Opponents on a set difficulty, instead of ever-increasing difficulty
- Allow players to choose how many points to spend on Boosters after each level
- Make Color unlocks once per character, not per costume, especially since you can't buy said colors anyway
- Allow players to continue a run if they get disconnected
- Matchmaking shouldn't slow the game down
All this, survival mode is just terrible on all fronts.


A poster from another forum I frequent compiled a list of SF story facts gathered by a SRK poster who was translating the Japanese text that accompanied the art of SF characters that was posted earlier in this thread. Some of this stuff is pretty interesting and I don't believe it's been posted yet:
Whoa, neat.

- Haggar is still mayor of Metro City. They give a bullshit excuse about how doesn't want to appear in SF as an opponent.

- Joe is from Missouri. Officially a kickboxer who was undefeated in the US, but "due to financial troubles and violent outbursts he was was forced to live as an outlaw on the road". Goes by the ring name of "Super Star".
- Scott is the white guy from the SF2 intro. Apparently a former boxer. The profile specifically mentions "He is not Cody", though from his profile description, he basically IS Cody, or what Cody would be if Cody were not in prison.
- Max, the black guy from SF2 intro, is yet another heavyweight black boxer (smallest of the SF bunch though, at only 187 cm/6'2" and 93 kg/205 lbs) who got into trouble. Allegedly appears in SFV "somewhere".
- Mike, on the other hand, who was always a separate character to M.Bison/Balrog/Boxer, is now really different. Now he's a reformed ex-con who teaches children how to box and is a great contributor to his community. Also has a great relationship with his family and has a sister five years younger.
whatatweest.jpg, deepestlore.mp4

- Tom is mentioned as being a "pretty good MMA fighter in the military, but was forced to retire in the wake of a 'certain incident'". No other details about said incident are given, but whatever it was, it was pretty bad, said to be a "detestable act by citizens and military personannel alike".
jeez, what the hell Tom


Did you mean "Nash" or mash?

Er, mash. As in Chun's old lightning kicks input.

Charge moves are still in the game, even if some previously charge-based characters were switched over to motion input. Chun's as much of a charge character as she usually is, for example.


I guess I should have said they're trying limit the amount of specials that require charge inputs; like they did with Chun-Li, if I'm not mistaken.

She has the same number of charge specials as she did in 4. All they did was make her lightning legs qcf like it was in sfxt.

A.E Suggs

A poster from another forum I frequent compiled a list of SF story facts gathered by a SRK poster who was translating the Japanese text that accompanied the art of SF characters that was posted earlier in this thread. Some of this stuff is pretty interesting and I don't believe it's been posted yet:

Nothing on rose?
A poster from another forum I frequent compiled a list of SF story facts gathered by a SRK poster who was translating the Japanese text that accompanied the art of SF characters that was posted earlier in this thread. Some of this stuff is pretty interesting and I don't believe it's been posted yet:

Pretty dope. Wonder what the scoop is on Rose and Sodom?


Yeahhhhhhhhh Ranked matchmaking seems like a total crapshoot at lower rankings, guessing it's a population issue. At Bronze it's taking me a good while to find matches, I got 3 in the last 30 minutes; a Silver player, a guy who was like 5 points from Silver, and a Rookie lol. The first two players had more than twice my LP and curbstomped me (both taunted), the Rookie had no idea what they were really doing. Meanwhile I can get Casual matches almost immediately and against similar LP players, so I'm guessing this just means most people in this range have just given up on Ranked?

Back to lobbies/Casual for me. In Casuals I have yet to have someone not go for a second match regardless of who won so that's pretty rad. I really wish larger lobbies had been in at launch, probably would have gotten a lot more playtime in then :/. Feel like I learned some stuff today though and shook at least some of the rust off, pulled of some nice confirms and other things that I actually intended to do and they worked which is always a good feeling. Gonna lab it up some, I see someone on the SRK Chun boards put up a video compiling pretty much all of the Chun BnB and punish etc combos, need to get on that and also get my IA legs down, my consistency on that is all over the place.
She has the same number of charge specials as she did in 4. All they did was make her lightning legs qcf like it was in sfxt.

Er, mash. As in Chun's old lightning kicks input.

Charge moves are still in the game, even if some previously charge-based characters were switched over to motion input. Chun's as much of a charge character as she usually is, for example.

Oh, I see. My mistake.
Take out the costume color unlocks and leave it as is.

No one ever really cares about survival modes. We're just being forced to play it for unlocks and no arcade mode.
While it would be nice to have the color unlocks as something you can just unlock by playing the game, like in SF4, I don't really mind it being tied to a mode. At least it isn't dlc. People complain when there's shit that used to be unlocked through various means of playing and is now dlc instead....but now we're complaining that we can unlock stuff, idk. In older fighting games there was SO much shit you had to unlock and it was usually much more difficult than this braindead survival mode.

Not taking a shot at you or anything, but you can easily have 6 colors for each character and then buy a few more in the store. I know people are really anal about unlocking everything though.
- The AI is random, so it can go HAM on you at any time
The AI is typical Capcom AI. It can be tough but it's also very exploitable
- You get nothing if you fail, so you waste a ton of time for nothing
That's just how a survival mode generally is, though I can't lie and say that I wouldn't appreciate it if they would at least give some damn fight money and exp
- Boosters are random, and can fuck you over in times of need
Most survival modes you don't even get boosters. I can understand your complaint though
- Color unlocks are per Costume, not per Character, so you have to do it three times PER costume
Absolutely agree, this is incredibly fucking stupid
- You only get FM and EXP once, despite that last one
Yup, that should definitely not be the case
- If you get disconnected from the server while playing, you lose all progress for that run and can't start over
That shit definitely sucks and should be addressed
- You get no FM or EXP while doing it offline
I can understand why though. It would be very abusable
- Trying to Matchmake while playing Survival can slow the game down
Should be fixed

How to Fix:
- Make it a lower, set number of Opponents on a set difficulty, instead of ever-increasing difficulty
But survival modes are supposed to get harder the farther you go...

I wouldn't mind one set mode though

- Allow players to choose how many points to spend on Boosters after each level
That would be alright
- Make Color unlocks once per character, not per costume, especially since you can't buy said colors anyway
- Allow players to continue a run if they get disconnected
I agree, though it would probably just lead to more cheesing
- Matchmaking shouldn't slow the game down
Didn't know that happened
Removing the alt colors from the mode and just tying them to character usage like SF4.
I agree
- More, varied boosts (examples: overshield, or something that allows you to stack health; re-do/continue token).
Fuck no, no continuing, that defeats the entire point of the mode. More boosts would be cool though
- Option to Save
That's can be abused, no thanks
- Address problems arising from being disconnected from the server while playing (being able to save along the way helps with this)
- Address the AI inconsistencies. For the early stages, it's totally free. After a while, it'll turn into this remarkable top 8 major player. Reacting to everything and rushing you down with impunity.
I do agree with this, but it would be so that the computer isn't a boring pile of shit for almost 40 stages. It should definitely present more of a challenge earlier on.

  • The match amounts from Easy - Hell should be: 10, 20, 30, 50
  • The difficulty needs to be gradually increased as opposed to 30 braindead opponents and then 20 KOF final bosses
  • The powerups shouldn't be randomized. You should be able to pick what strength level of each powerup between matches.
    Why shouldn't they be random?
  • You should be able to purchase multiple power ups. Maybe increase the cost of each additional power up selected simultaneously to balance it out.
  • There should be much more interesting power ups. Aside from an Extra Life power up which is desperately needed, have some that grant crazy bonuses like temporary Genei Jen, V-Ism mode, infinite super meter (for a limited time), infinite V-Gauge (for a limited time), etc. Make these very costly as running out of score almost never happens.
    This would be pretty awesome
  • Make the enemies more interesting. Make every 10th opponent a "boss" opponent that has an assortment of these crazy power ups.
    That would be pretty cool too
  • Make whatever colors you unlock in Survival be character wide, not costume specific.

Now I only asked this question because I've been struggling to understand exactly what everyone has a problem with in Survival. A lot of it just seems to be the whole color thing and I guess that just seems a bit strange to me. I can partly understand it because SF4 didn't do it this way, but another part is like well...it's something that can be unlocked and this isn't something that's exactly new to fighting games. I am glad that there are quite a few other issues people have though.

....then I sit here and wonder why I even asked...it's not like I have the power to do shit about it lol.
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