I'm bored at work so I will write about Chun.
Chun is easily Top 3/4 in a surprisingly well balanced SF title. This means she can lose and has weaknesses.
Her strength is in her normals and walk speed. She easily moves in out of her preferred range to make you whiff and eat counter hits. Her normals are mostly fast and have excellent reach. Ex Legs is a 5 frame safe on block poke that hits about stHP range, ex fireball on block feels like I'm working after a kd. V trigger is on3 of the best, combos from overhead or 3f crlp into crmk xx sbk into setups that make dps whiff or crossup and still leave her in front of you. Watch the stun bar as I run through you with these legs, fam.
Weakness? Bad jump, bad v reversal, bad v skill, bad projectile, bad vs projectiles. Chun shouldn't be throwing fireballs if isn't a crmk xx fireball, worst throw range, only slow ass reactable fHK after midscreen throws because dashing is - if you quick rise.
People are scared of iaLL for no reason. If it isn't after a crlp or stmp, hit a button. Hurtbox is texas sized. She is out of throw range after a point blanked crlp. crLP crlpx2 or crlp stmp means iaLL or bHP frame trap to catch something in start up so don't press after a blocked crLP. Like vs Cammy, take the throw, quick rise and block low afterwards.
Stop letting Chun (me) get away with V trigger overhead. I'm going for it after I push you to a very specific range, the max range where crlp will connect. I don't think her on block frames change either but because everyone gets scared I'm making Chun look like a grappler now. You can't really wait it out, it's long.
V trigger also makes fb better and let's me negate 1 projectile hit with bHP which can cancel into my own fb.
Reversal Ex Legs punishes poorly spaced whatevers and whiffed whatever. Learn the reach.
Don't jump at Chun unless projectile. sLK bHK jMP xx Legs njHK or dash unders are all bad for you, especially in v trigger.
My gtfo move is ex sbk, not v reversal.
CrMK xx fireball is tricky because 4 different projectiles and I can delay cancel crMK. Good luck. Same with bHP.
V trigger activation on Chun wakeup has a good chance of costing me my downcharge for reversal ex sbk.
Since I'm aware of what you should take advantage of, I'm trying to control the pace at all times