Hoping this time next year they release a huge update that just makes it seem like a whole new game, currently everything outside of offline gameplay is dogshit.
Matchmaking blows, No region filter so end up with players from other side of the world as opponents, and since all it uses is ping bar strength out of match, as soon as match starts it's just unplayable. You can only accept/reject a fight request before you see who opponent is, cannot sit in a lobby with them for 10 seconds to see if their ping goes to shit and back out or kick them out, so if just got one dogshit connection opponent you could play him again straight after with no way to stop it.
Cross-play a waste of time, PC community infested with cheating wankers who lag the match the moment you win one round or it looks like you're gonna win one. Happens every other game at least.
PS4 ranked is close to dead except evening and weekends, takes 5+ minutes to find an opponent at this hour.