Lol, lagswitchers are on both systems. That shit is everywhere in every game.
And the model itself isn't that bad, it's that the current content isn't enough to compliment itself. You want us to get to level 50 with our characters for the last color? Fine, but allow me to gain EXP by hitting some offline matches or training BESIDES Survival too. It's abuseable, but who cares?
And the Survival mode method of unlocking shit is super archaic. What they should do is make that shit buyable with FM and/or make it unlockable with other means. Maybe the dailies could be incorporated into it.
In fact, I think the dailies and odd AI challenge mode could help out, as would an arcade mode/cpu vs mode that isn't in training. Possibly the story mode as well depending on how they do it. But tat shit isn't coming for a while, so people are stuck grinding it out for a color or having to go through Survival to get more shit.
I don't mind it as a system, it just needs more content to compliment what it's trying to do.
It's hilarious hot pitiful the FM is for playing online matches, you would think they would want to reward the players who are sticking to the game.
It's an ecosystem sort of thing. If they up it more, there'd be no reason to trek through the rest of the shit, nor possibly push people into spending money. They want you to grind that stuff out. Problem is, offline stuff doesn't really give you all that much since there's nothing to grind in, really.