Whatever it is, I hope it includes shaming those constant ragequitters with some sort of really wack ass alternate costume on some scarlet letter shit.
Changes every font ingame to comic sans.
Whatever it is, I hope it includes shaming those constant ragequitters with some sort of really wack ass alternate costume on some scarlet letter shit.
Where's my Guile write-up/trailer/announcement of an announcement?! Anything really...
I wonder what it'll be. A disconnect percentage like SF4?
Where's my Guile write-up/trailer/announcement of an announcement?! Anything really...
Changes every font ingame to comic sans.
Doesn't KI do that?
Is it, though? I feel like you'd have people justifying why they rage quit because people do it to them and they never get better about it.
Well last month they "revealed" Alex on the 10th and gave an update on when it would release on the 24th. It is already the 13th and we haven't even had a preivew/write-up/screenshots of him yet.
I do understand that they are getting their footing in the game still I just hope once the store is implemented they will be quicker to release info earlier in the month instead of waiting until the last couple of days to drop content.
Capcom.... they prolly strongly regret ever promising 1 character a month.
Doesn't KI do that?
Capcom.... they prolly strongly regret ever promising 1 character a month.
It's amazing how amateurs manage to make Alex look better than the "professionals"
I wonder what it'll be. A disconnect percentage like SF4?
LP Aurora Spin what
Gotta school the youngsters, put him in his place, hahaha.You really like talking about how good you are
like what
You really like talking about how good you are
Capcom.... they prolly strongly regret ever promising 1 character a month.
Not everyone can turn 'em around as quick as Double Helix and Iron Galaxy.
Yeah... actually given the state of the game, 1 character a month actually sounds pretty damn insane, in retrospect. I'll be very impressed if they manage to pull it off.
I mean, it's a safe assumption that some of these characters were well into development/testing at launch. Wasn't somebody playing Balrog in December? Probably just balancing and bug testing them for the most part. Similarly, after the first 6 mos / season 1 is over I expect development to be ongoing for the season 2 characters.
So now this month we've got:
- Guile
- Rage Quit Patch
Outside Possibilities:
- Zenny Shop
- Daily Challenges
These are probably going to be one in the same. If one isn't ready then I assume the other won't come.
I mean, it's a safe assumption that some of these characters were well into development/testing at launch. Wasn't somebody playing Balrog in December? Probably just balancing and bug testing them for the most part. Similarly, after the first 6 mos / season 1 is over I expect development to be ongoing for the season 2 characters.
Guile will probably come out regardless of whether the shop is ready since they've already lost a lot of good will from people because of the state of the game at launch, so I'd expect him to be in trial mode like Alex until the shop is readyThese are probably going to be one in the same. If one isn't ready then I assume the other won't come.
They clearly said that there any future DLC character that releases prior to the Zenny shop launching will be free, so I suspect they know the Zenny store still needs much more work to be released in time for the first batch of characters.
Well last month they "revealed" Alex on the 10th and gave an update on when it would release on the 24th. It is already the 13th and we haven't even had a preivew/write-up/screenshots of him yet.
I do understand that they are getting their footing in the game still I just hope once the store is implemented they will be quicker to release info earlier in the month instead of waiting until the last couple of days to drop content.
I know they said that but knowing them they are probably itching to launch the store with Guile regardless of if it is 100% ready or not. Maybe that is just me being a pessimist.
Nia takes credit for your victories tho. rude af.
Gief's flex just beat my super ._.
Pretty sure they do nity post on Thursdays, tomorrow would be the equivalent Thursday.
It's going to have to be ready. They cannot release that thing if it has problems when it comes to remembering content you've bought, especially since they don't have a proper login system for their back-end.
...that shouldn't happen
unless you mean the flex itself and not the armor lol
Flex on 'emGief's flex just beat my super ._.
Just how life should be.Gief's flex just beat my super ._.
The shit is ridiculous. He will grab people that are above him.Whoa at Vega's EX Air Izuna Drop range
I grabbed a karin from like half a training square away as she tried to jump back air-to-air me. Was nuts.
Gief's flex just beat my super ._.
I wonder what it'll be. A disconnect percentage like SF4?
Gief's flex just beat my super ._.
The shit is ridiculous. He will grab people that are above him.
Oh I absolutely agree. It just looks goofy as fuck.Working as intended, otherwise it would 100% fail in the corner
And considering the awful state of the regular FBA, I'd say EX isn't good enough ;P.
Working as intended, otherwise it would 100% fail in the corner
And considering the awful state of the regular FBA, I'd say EX isn't good enough ;P.
April patch can't come soon enough lolEvery time I've played against someone ranked below me tonight, I've lost, taken the rematch, lost again, and lost a TON of LP.
Every time I've played someone in a higher league, I've won, and they've RQ, or not taken the rematch.
So disheartening.
No, the season pass only gets u premium costumes for DLC chars.Question: If i buy the season pass right now, do i get the awesome Macho Man Gief costume ?