Sanford ragequitted.
he might as well. That was subpar Ken play.Sanford ragequitted.
that has helped me succeed before, kinda tough to do when players open on all offense though. Need to figure things out more, as well as stop getting bodied by bronze players.Probably play more offensively. A lot of decent players kinda fall apart from strong offense me included
man...legit feel like I could be doing much better than Sanford right now. Why is he playing Birdie like that? You have to get in on Birdie and not let him bully you. And you dont use Kens target combo 1 for jumps in, the standard TC keeps whiffing.
that has helped me succeed before, kinda tough to do when players open on all offense though. Need to figure things out more, as well as stop getting bodied by bronze players.
You'll get a blog update only and you'll love it.CAPCOOOOOMMMMM!!!! HEAAAARRR MEEEE!!! MAKE GUILE APPEAR TOMORRRRRRROOOWWWWW!!
Open just as hard. Laura's got way better mid range tools than necalli, and most of the cast. Shouldn't be hard too grab the momentum early and hold on to it. You're defensive style is pretty good, but being a grappler means being aggressive.
You should have stuck around to see how flux plays her. He seemed to know less tech than you, but his pressure game was monsterous. Really shut me down.
You'll get a blog update only and you'll love it.
If Capcom doesn't have the Zenny shop go up when Guile does they're so fucked.
I think they'll give away another 2 free story costumes as well. Hopefully they give a refund to players who buy the ones they gave away for free. That ain't happening, though.
They first may want to sort out the survival mod haha.If Capcom doesn't have the Zenny shop go up when Guile does they're so fucked.
I think they'll give away another 2 free story costumes as well. Hopefully they give a refund to players who buy the ones they gave away for free. That ain't happening, though.
Got 4th at NLBC sanford was doing so much unsafe shit but I choked.
The hell? Steam just downloaded a 108mb update.
The Guile has landed.
stealth RQ punishment, hopefully....
RQers now fall into a pit.
Grats man!
What will Guile's hair look like?
Shoestring fries? Cheesy breadsticks?
They first may want to sort out the survival mod haha.
Though I'd LOVE a better Survival Mode, because 10-round Survival on Easy is actually kinda fun, but only because the other difficulties suck so, so much.
Getting stabbed is actually kinda fun, but only because getting shot sucks so, so much.
That escalated quickly 啊Getting stabbed is actually kinda fun, but only because getting shot sucks so, so much.
What will Guile's hair look like?
Shoestring fries? Cheesy breadsticks?
Im guessing zenny shop will be in May earliest and Guile on free trial until then.It's nice that Capcom is giving us 1 thing that'll be in the next patch, but we still don't know anything beyond that. No date, no prices of costumes, etc. Just that it'll hopefully fix rage-quitting. People need to stop jumping to conclusions in this time of early access.
I think people that are interested in arcade mode just want a series of fights against the AI. At least imo the story bits of SF4 added very little to that mode and I doubt that people are actually looking forward to more of Bengus artwork at this point.
But then again, maybe Capcom should try their best to make this a well put together Arcade Mode to get those that were asking for it interested in SFV (if it isn't too late for this). But again, artworks and storyline similar to what we got with the character stories wouldn't help with that.
One thing that could potentially be cool are more unique bonus stages, maybe even character specific ones? For Ryu they could bring back the basketball bonus stage.
But I doubt the team behind SFV has this much time and money on their hand.
I personally hope the Extra Battles turn out well, so unlike survival mode.
I'm hoping that we see Guile today. They showed Alex on the second Thursday of the month, so, fingers crossed.