God I hate the motion control on his headbutts, it's like trying to pilot a fighter jet at mach 3.
heres a bunch of random alex stuff i picked up from streams AKA "just alex things"
jump mp has deep (best) hitbox, sorta like kens jump hp. Is active for a long time.
Abuse the fuck out of alexs fHP.
Alex's stand mk range is his worst range because its where he's most vulnerable to crossups. (my game improved dramatically when I learned this)
Alex is all about his vtrigger and his oki. I think that dafeetlee alex setplay vid is like...required viewing for him. (https://dafeetlee.wordpress.com/2016/04/01/sfv-alex-setplay/)
heres a bunch of random alex stuff i picked up from streams AKA "just alex things"
jump mp has deep (best) hitbox, sorta like kens jump hp. Is active for a long time.
Abuse the fuck out of alexs fHP.
Alex's stand mk range is his worst range because its where he's most vulnerable to crossups. (my game improved dramatically when I learned this)
Alex is all about his vtrigger and his oki. I think that dafeetlee alex setplay vid is like...required viewing for him. (https://dafeetlee.wordpress.com/2016/04/01/sfv-alex-setplay/)