So I'm Ultra Bronze right now, feel like I've sort of staled. Been playing casual and Battle Lounge seeking out mostly Silver level players, can't really seem to 'level up.' Ultimately, I would like to reach Gold. I know it'll take a long time and all, but that's what I'm shooting for. Is it realistic to want that without studying frame data and all that? Maybe a stupid question, but I'm curious, because I don't really understand that stuff. I have looked at a lot of things about it, but it goes over my head. I understand basic stuff with match ups (with this character it's best to do this against), but I don't get frame stuff. I just can't see it within the game at all.
Also, with the patch they had, did something change with jumping or Mika? I ask because I play Mika and people constantly jump out of my Super all the time now, where as it use to rarely happen. It's weird, I can't seem to land it hardly at all anymore.