Do you think a lot of these SFV hate bandwagoners would have actually bought the game even if it had arcade mode? I think not. They would have still been butthurt about something.
We really pretending that the SF5 hate/sales are completely unlinked to the actual state of SF5?
There's so much shit missing or badly designed.
1 We can pretty much all agree that Survival mode is shit, through and through, it's just terrible. The ai is cheap as fuck and the powerup system is rng bullshit. And let's not mention the absolutely mindboggingly idiotic way that colour unlocks are tied into survival is. If you want to unlock the colours of just the base and first alt costume, assuming you complete all the easy, normal and hard on first try ( good luck with that ). You have to grind over three fucking thousand rounds.
2 No arcade mode, seriously, this just doesn't make sense. It's a staple features in pretty much every fighing game, the exclusion of it makes absolutely no sense.
3 Story mode not in the game for 3 months or however long it is. You can make the "SF5 is a content platform" argument if you want, but when the game is as sparse as SF5 was/is at launch, it doesn't hold up.
4 Store not going online until 1½ monts after release. And the money making part of the store is still being worked on, with no eta.
5 Only 16 characters. Say what you will about quality > quantity, however 16 characters is a low amont when looking at other full price fighting games.
6 Training/tutorial mode. For a game that capcom was very vocal about wanting to help draw new players into the genre, SF5 does a horrendous job of actually being friendly towards new players. Killer Instinct is what SF5 should have aimed for in this regard, but instead it did the exact opposite and did absolutely nothing to help introduce players to the mechanics of the game.
7 Online was a mess and near unplayable for days after launch. Seriously, MKX for freaking pc was better at launch than SF5.
8 The complete lack of a penalty system for players who quit matches repeatedly.
9 The game appeals to only the fighting game purists who just want to play other players, yet the online portion is a joke in terms of features and options
I could go on...but I'm tired as fuck so I'll end it here. But uh, yeah...Given the state SF5 launched and still is in to a large extent, the backlash for the game is absolutely understandable.