Huh? How? Capcom kept SF in the public mind by constantly supporting the game. Only people I saw complain were dudes who throw fits about having "complete versions".
That's a very large number of people, though. The "public mind" were the people who watch EVO, the non-casuals and pay attention to the FGC. Again, this conversation is mainly about the more passive audience, and those are the people who buy the game the most. They don't really care about "support" in the sense of re-releasing the game, because what they perceive is being ripped off when a better version of what they already bought is released shortly after they bought it.
It's why you'll see a bunch of people now (mainly towards ASW games) say that they'll wait until the next revision, or why Capcom themselves were sure to emphasize that there will be no SFV revisions as to not dissuade the significant number of people who are tired of that.
The casuals don't give a damn. They're too busy worrying about COD, ignoring JRPGS, and focusing on the next big mainstream game.
If it weren't for casuals, there would have been no SFV.