I'd love to see people master the Ryu parry, but I don't think it's going to be a huge gamechanger. If you rely too much on that shit, you whiff and eat some heavy damage, and I think the best way to use it is to find a middle ground. Much harder to do in the heat of a match and much harder to pull off and consistently punish with it unless you are a machine of some sort and the other person doesn't change their gameplan.
At one of my locals, one of the dudes was definitely on point with his parries, but he got to reliant on them and ended up eating so much damage it took him out of the match. Like you could tell he practiced for hours against different situations, but he didn't know how to switch that off when people faked him out, threw him, and made him scared.
When the hell is guile coming? I can't play this game more than an hour before I'm bored out of my mind...
I think you just don't like the core game then? A new character isn't going to change much.
I've told people this time and time again, but if it's possible, play offline at a local. For me, at least, it's a drastic difference because I'm learning, getting fast matches, and don't stress about points.
Might not fix your problem though.