Winning through input errors feels...bad.
I just wanted to dash up and press HP as Nash against a Sim. He did a teleport , I got a HP Tragedy assault by mistake and killed him lmao. He is like "Nice read"
Winning through input errors feels...bad.
Servers are being super weird to me today.
I'll get through the wait screens, get to see my character and opponent on vs load screen, then it 40002's me.
Had that happen 3 times now. Wtf?
Agree to disagree then. I dont like having to play Super Mario Bros. in the only ground based fighting game and Capcom continually enabling that style of play...but thats just me.
I understand the momentum swings/mixup/dash under positions that jumping in gives you in this game. All I'm saying is that jumping towards the player in this game isn't as scary as it was in 4.
I never said anything was pointless lol
I beat one Laura
So the game made me fight like 5 lauras until I lost to one
pls capcom
not this character
I beat one Laura
So the game made me fight like 5 lauras until I lost to one
pls capcom
not this character
Alright guys, help. I'm stuck in Super Bronze as Rashid and feel lost on how to get higher.
I know jumping in is bad. I try not to do it, but it feels like I have no other options to ever open people up. I struggle to win the neutral game, and even when I land a hit confirm [which I do quite a bit] it's only ever with either c.LK which I can't seem to combo into anything, or forward st.MP, which I can turn into a spinning mixer and not much else.
I have no idea what to do with Rashid's v-skill, since it just sends me airborne to get SRK'd, and the roll, while nice for dodging hadoukens and passing through my tornadoes to suddenly kick people, has been valuable, it still feels too risky.
Can someone help? I know I can do better as Rashid, I've seen Gold Rashids, so I'm not blaming the character; I just don't understand how I'm supposed to open someone up who techs my throws, because none of my neutrals feel solid.
Dang, almost took a round off a platinum Nash.
Who's Rebelo, if anyone notable.
Spend ages in training mode learning confirms into bnbs. Get them down. Learn buttons. Feel good about buttons.
Go online. *checks brain for data*: "data not found"
this is what I'm saying. I don't think there's any move in this game that's as scary as jumping into an Evil Ryu with U2 stocked up.IV had the big threat of ultras. And eating a Raw ultra was like ouch.
Dang, almost took a round off a platinum Nash.
Who's Rebelo, if anyone notable.
Emperor Rebelo, Canadian Guile player.
this is what I'm saying. I don't think there's any move in this game that's as scary as jumping into an Evil Ryu with U2 stocked up.
when you gonna come get this work
We should play some sets soon tho.
It's always better earlier in a fighting game because people do not have proper punishes or character knowledge yet.
It will get you killed long term.
Whenever gief has full meter. Scared shitless.
Can I not jump out of giefs CA if he does it next to me? I've got hit by it twice now without even pressing buttons and just holding up.
Just played darksydephil on casual too and didn't realize it till I lost. Hadn't played all weekend and he was my first match. Took a round but lost the match, I wish I had put up a better fight.
Can I not jump out of giefs CA if he does it next to me? I've got hit by it twice now without even pressing buttons and just holding up.
Just played darksydephil on casual too and didn't realize it till I lost. Hadn't played all weekend and he was my first match. Took a round but lost the match, I wish I had put up a better fight.
I feel this way about Laura super too. Don't ever fuck with her on wakeup...
Can I not jump out of giefs CA if he does it next to me? I've got hit by it twice now without even pressing buttons and just holding up. .
You cant jump after it activates.
It is 1 frame activation, and jumping is 3 frames (and after the future patch,4)
You can will still be able to jump the regular SPD, which has 5 frames of activation.
Can I not jump out of giefs CA if he does it next to me? I've got hit by it twice now without even pressing buttons and just holding up.
Just played darksydephil on casual too and didn't realize it till I lost. Hadn't played all weekend and he was my first match. Took a round but lost the match, I wish I had put up a better fight.
I feel this way about Laura super too. Don't ever fuck with her on wakeup...
Spend ages in training mode learning confirms into bnbs. Learn punishes. Get them down. Learn buttons. Feel good about buttons.
Go online. *checks brain for data*: "data not found"
Can I not jump out of giefs CA if he does it next to me? I've got hit by it twice now without even pressing buttons and just holding up.
Got it, is the range about the same as the regular SPD?
Yea you cant avoid it unless you already jumped before he did it.
The key here is that because the input for his CA is a 720 , he cant just do it. He will need to buffer it in a jump or a whiffed attack. So look out for those.
Spend ages in training mode learning confirms into bnbs. Learn punishes. Get them down. Learn buttons. Feel good about buttons.
Go online. *checks brain for data*: "data not found"
Not sure where this is from, just saw it on twitter.
Clawless allows for some normals to be special cancellable. Take the claw off for pressure and keep it on for zoning. You can do standing hp with claw to unclaw to crouch mp to a special and it will all combo. Pretty neatoIf anyone is a Vega player here, when should I be taking the claw off? Does it have more to do with the character you are playing against, or the situation you're in?
Not sure where this is from, just saw it on twitter.
Not sure where this is from, just saw it on twitter.
this is what I'm saying. I don't think there's any move in this game that's as scary as jumping into an Evil Ryu with U2 stocked up.
Not sure where this is from, just saw it on twitter.
Anyone want to play?
CFN: Sixfortyfive
Her wakeup game is horrible
Please add your location...Anyone want to play?
CFN: Sixfortyfive
I get bopped because I try to meaty on peoples wake ups. Laura has hit me with her super more than once that way. Or if I go for an overhead with Vega she'll let it rip.
Feels bad man.
I get bopped because I try to meaty on peoples wake ups. Laura has hit me with her super more than once that way. Or if I go for an overhead with Vega she'll let it rip.
Feels bad man.
Just learn one combo at a time.
Not sure where this is from, just saw it on twitter.