Well if you get blown up by a Necalli because you fucked the spiral arrow cross up, you can just blame me.
I'll get blown up by Necalli for a multitude of reasons!
Well if you get blown up by a Necalli because you fucked the spiral arrow cross up, you can just blame me.
Haha I just had the best bug. I was watching a replay from OG|Shine (CFN id: 3Dolla) about 5 minutes ago and now during my next match I had his id:
This game has bugs you couldn't even come up with man.
Yep, I restarted. It's not going away. WTF
Yep I can't get rid of it. This is...bad. I hope I didn't influence his real account!?The same has happened to me, it's been like this for three days. I'm beating players up with a fake ID.
I think that poster just made a mistake, as it will definately cancel into legs on block. With Chun another good button to do this with is bHP.
Made a battle lounge, got the rank 440 player in the world (a Bison). Me, only a lowly silver.
For him it was only Wednesday etc. but for me, I got bodied hard but I took 2 games off him, so I feel pretty alright about how I did. The frame traps are so real on that dude, holy crap.
Learn the frame data. Any time you block against something negative, it's your turn. Even at negative two your jab will beat their's giving you advantage.I think I've actually gotten worse since launch. That's weird. I just never know when it's my turn I guess.
I think I've hit a point of no return with this game. Can't tell if I want to drop Karin or the game in it's entirety. Gonna give it an earnest go with Birdie and Mika before I call it quits, though.I think I've actually gotten worse since launch. That's weird. I just never know when it's my turn I guess.
Why dont you try the laura elbow train?I think I've hit a point of no return with this game. Can't tell if I want to drop Karin or the game in it's entirety. Gonna give it an earnest go with Birdie and Mika before I call it quits, though.
Why dont you try the laura elbow train?
Yeah I guess that's the next step. But I'm wondering if I want to take that step. Learning frame data is not fun, and if I'm not having fun I would probably stop playing. I guess I'm fine being forever bronze.Learn the frame data. Any time you block against something negative, it's your turn. Even at negative two your jab will beat their's giving you advantage.
Yeah I guess that's the next step. But I'm wondering if I want to take that step. Learning frame data is not fun, and if I'm not having fun I would probably stop playing. I guess I'm fine being forever bronze.
I think I've actually gotten worse since launch. That's weird. I just never know when it's my turn I guess.
literally braindeadWhy dont you try the laura elbow train?
Yeah I guess that's the next step. But I'm wondering if I want to take that step. Learning frame data is not fun, and if I'm not having fun I would probably stop playing. I guess I'm fine being forever bronze.
Yeah I totally get that it's necessary and I understand why people enjoy it. For me, it's just so boring and it feels like work. To be competitive, you need to put in the work. I thought maybe i could get to a slightly higher rank but i underestimated so much of the audience. This might have been the point where I stopped playing SFIV also.What's not fun about it? It's not hard at all, it's learning the match up. I mean you could beat your head in training mode for hours figuring out which attacks are negative or you could just look it up in a chart in 5 seconds. So next time a character uses that attack you know what your options are.
This is probably what I'll end up doing eventually. I'll start really paying attention to the moves they are throwing out and learn that way instead of obsessing over the numbers on a chart.You don't *have* to learn the frame data, especially if you find it's dulling your experience learning the game. Instead you can just try and learn organically over time what's safe and what's not, and make a mental note of it, and how you should react.
Yeah I totally get that it's necessary and I understand why people enjoy it. For me, it's just so boring and it feels like work. To be competitive, you need to put in the work. I thought maybe i could get to a slightly higher rank but i underestimated so much of the audience. This might have been the point where I stopped playing SFIV also.
I think I've hit a point of no return with this game. Can't tell if I want to drop Karin or the game in it's entirety. Gonna give it an earnest go with Birdie and Mika before I call it quits, though.
Yeah I totally get that it's necessary and I understand why people enjoy it. For me, it's just so boring and it feels like work. To be competitive, you need to put in the work. I thought maybe i could get to a slightly higher rank but i underestimated so much of the audience. This might have been the point where I stopped playing SFIV also.
I almost picked Ken today which has me feeling pretty down. Laura feels like the female version of Ken. No way I'd play her.Why dont you try the laura elbow train?
I know which is why I'll be trying Mika and Birdie who are probably better overall. Karin was by far my aesthetic favorite and I do okay with her. I'll definitely enjoy the game less playing someone else, but glass cannons are the worst.Shop around. A lot of people latch onto a character that may not necessarily be a good fit for them. Put a little time into everyone in training. Someone will click.
The Steam support forum is full with the id name problem lol
Apparently a lot of people don't have any name anymore: http://i.imgur.com/HAqmz1n.jpg
Yeah I need to do battle lounges more often. Id like to fight people better than me, but not like, embarrassingly better than me heh. Going to watch some more replays too. I will say I'm so damn impressed with people who take the time to get good at this game. It's incredible to watch 2 great players.It doesn't have to be work. Make it fun! Make a battle lounge and just fight randos. You'll get a much, much better idea of a matchup when you do a set of first to 3/5 with someone than when you face a FANG in ranked once every blue moon and get your ass handed to you. It doesn't matter if you lose, you get practice, you get to figure out first-hand which moves are safe to punish and which aren't, and you COULD watch your replays and/or go into the lab and practice punishing the moves you weren't sure about.
Well that's not what they say on the forums and since I'm now rocking Shine's id, I believe them lolThat happens when you delete your save file. It doesn't update your name on the menu for some reason.
Well that's not what they say on the forums and since I'm now rocking Shine's id, I believe them lol
Haha I just had the best bug. I was watching a replay from OG|Shine (CFN id: 3Dolla) about 5 minutes ago and now during my next match I had his id:
This game has bugs you couldn't even come up with man.
Yep, I restarted. It's not going away. WTF
If there were like 6 characters in the game, this would be true, but it's hard to remember stuff like this for all the characters.Is it really work though? You don't have to bring out a bunch of spreadsheets and pour over them for hours or anything.
Just play like normal, if you're in a match and a move is giving you a problem look up it's frame data after the match. That's it, then next time you play you know what to do. It's no more work that looking up how to do a move.
hey at least the gameplay is solid ¯\_(ツ_/¯
hey at least the gameplay is solid ¯\_(ツ_/¯
capcom halp ur game need patch
whoever inv'd im coming, its just taking a long ass time lol
edit: them servers tho :/
Thanks for the reminder. I'll be watching!http://www.eventhubs.com/streams/teamsp00ky
Next Level Battle Circuit with $1000 pot bonus this week, starting soon, stream is live
Did anyone else notice SFVServer hasn't tweeted in over a week
So much for me being a quitter scrub. Gotta put more work into Karin now.Wow, only now I realise karin's english VA is the same as squigly from skullgirls...I guess that somewhat explains why I liked it so much.
Maybe it was laggy for themHoly shit. Someone just rage quit on me <10 seconds in a match.