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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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Boring? Maybe I'm noob here, but I swear he has more to him than any other character.
Believe me, I'm not saying that he's not a good character, or that he's not good at what he's designed for. Maybe it's the fact that I've played against him so much, or the fact that I play FANG and he does tend to struggle against Necalli.

But boy I just do not enjoy playing against him. Playing against Ken or Bison or Ryu is infinitely more fun than Necalli.
Man I remember getting destroyed by almost every Karin when she was first introduced during the beta. Even after the game released I still wasn't use to fighting her yet and was losing most of the time. Now that I have a much better understanding of her moves and frame data as well as knowing my own characters(Ryu) I actually like fighting her. I use to think the match up so extremely lop sided in her favor(at least 7-3) but now I don't think it's bad at all. I love zoning out Karin and keeping her out of her optimal range where her normals dominate Ryu's normals. And if they dare try to use Ressenha to get in I'll make sure to let them know that I know it's punishable.

Chun Li in the other hand, man she is such a pain in the ass. This match up went the exact opposite of the Karin match up for me. I was beating almost every Chun I ran into during the beta. But that had more to do with those guys not knowing how to play SFV Chun as well back then as they do now. Now that the Chun army is much more familiar with her options she's such a pain in the ass to deal with. The only time I feel comfortable is full screen.

Besides Chun, Nash and Bison are also two match ups that I struggle to win against even guys with a lot less LP than me. Sim match up sucks as well but I can't even really complain about that since it's going to stay that will forever.


GGs Sixfortyfive. Close set, I feel like fighting Flux yesterday has sort of gotten me used to what to expect from Mika, but the whole match still feels like such a guessing game. So stressful.


As a Ryu, Nash and Bison are my enemies. Nash I still don't know wtf to do against him.

Bison because it feels like I have to block for a billion years and if I succumb to the pressure even once and throw out a jab, I get counter hit and then eat the rest of the combo.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
GGs Sixfortyfive. Close set, I feel like fighting Flux yesterday has sort of gotten me used to what to expect from Mika, but the whole match still feels like such a guessing game. So stressful.


Sometimes it feels like all Necalli has to do is walk backward and toss out crush counters though. :V For as long as he has screen real estate to use, anyway.


I don't particularly hate any character, but I do have a hard time against R. Mika, Chun-Li, and Bison.

All things considered, if me and the opponent are around the same skill level:

-Bison can't keep me out. His mixup frame traps into dash forward grab is really the only thing left he can consistently get me with. But even ryu can do this. Pretty much anyone can do this because dash into grab is so strong in this game.

-Mika is annoying, but unless she gets pressure. It's a 50/50.

-CHUN LI! HOLY SHIT. IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU THINK YOU WILL DO. Fucking A. You touch a button she stuffs it. You breathed? She stuffed it. You jumped? she punishes it. You walk forward she keeps you out with her ALIEN LEGS. You dash back to gain distance? She has one of the fastest walk speeds in the game and will walk you to the corner and start pressure. You blinked? SUPER.

I had a nightmare last night that I was in a tourney....and well:

It was weird because chun li was there. Like, IN PERSON. So I'm up next, and you guessed it: she was my opponent. Weird thing was, no one really noticed. I'm looking around like "does anyone see this shit?'

People are walking around, looking at the different TVs with matches going on and here is chun li looking at the TV we are on and she has a headset on too! I try calling her name, and she either ignored me or REALLY didnt want to talk to me. Fucking focused and mean looking. I start having a panic attack, I want to ask her a question about what the fuck is going on, but my match started already! I had my pocket birdie on deck. Weird because I don't recall picking a character.

Anyways, what eventually ends up happening is some of the most thorough ass whooping I have ever experienced. She perfected me. Kept me out, it was like the input reading computers we hate in survival.

So I go, "OK , next round I won't make the same mis-". Before I could finish my thoughts, the The Tournament Organizer asks me to get up because my "time was up".

Wut? I just did one round. Everyone around me ALL OF A SUDDEN IS PAYING ATTENTION and they say I'm lying. "That was a set of 3!", they say. So now I look like a sore loser, and chun li is mad at me in REAL LIFE (in the nightmare ofc)! Wtf? I was so embarrassed and I wanted to apologize to her and explain myself but I was thrown out wow. What made it worse was that it was by Tio Valle too. He asked me kindly to leave. So I did. Folks, I can't make this up.

Oh, and in case you were wondering who chun li picked? Chun li.



Sometimes it feels like all Necalli has to do is walk backward and toss out crush counters though. :V For as long as he has screen real estate to use, anyway.

It still requires me to get the timing down right, otherwise I'm the one eating the crush counter. Plus, walking back just puts me in the corner, which is where Mika shines. :( But yeah, we should definitely play again sometime.
Believe me, I'm not saying that he's not a good character, or that he's not good at what he's designed for. Maybe it's the fact that I've played against him so much, or the fact that I play FANG and he does tend to struggle against Necalli.

But boy I just do not enjoy playing against him. Playing against Ken or Bison or Ryu is infinitely more fun than Necalli.

Thats fair lol, I don't really enjoy playing Fangs myself, so I can understand you for sure. My favorite fights are against Nash, I've found.
Damn I wanted Moons to win.


I really hate Karin. I don't care who becomes offended by that declaration. I hate the bitch. She has no real weaknesses. She has low health but not the lowest health like Akuma -assuming that Akuma was in the game and his health would be the absolute lowest when compared to every other character- and she has no Reversal until she has meter. That's about it.

She has great pokes. She's got plenty of gimmicks with her Ressenha and Rekka followups. Multiple overhead moves. Her V-Skill is very fast, reaches about half screen distance, hits you out of the air if you neutral jump trying to bait her to do something, she can combo into the V-Skill, and it's safe/safe-ish depending on which version she does. Her Tenko is another YOLO move that allows her to get in and -unlike the V-Skill- allows her a free juggle. A blocked Tenko is supposed to -6 but for some reason it's really hard to punish online. It can't be just me who notices this. I refuse to believe it's just me just by seeing how many Karin players abuse the shit out of raw Tenko. I know how to punish it. I can punish it 10 times out of 10 at all ranges in training mode. But when I try to actually punish it in a match online, it's like "NOPE!" safe. I played a Karin scrub who mashed out EX Ressenha after I blocked the raw Tenko, and I ate the EX Ressenha as if my MP never came out and they were right next to me.

Her super does great damage. If she lands the Mujinkyaku (QCB+Kick) she has all day and all night to confirm into that super. She also has juggles with her EX moves that do massive damage. She has her EX -I'm not even going to bother to spell this fucking move- QCF+Kick that goes right through fireballs and can be used like Bison's dash for a free dash throw. She locks you right down with that 2MP then 5MP and she can easily mix that up and walk in and throw or throw in a Tenko or Ressenha or V-Skill. Oh yeah, and all versions of her Ressenha can hit you out of the air because why not?

I don't want to hear anything about her EX Ressenha is "Bad" or "Fair" okay? Yeah, you can neutral jump it but you have to be right next to her to do that. So lets say you get a knockdown in the corner and you are right next to her. You don't even need to dash in. Or let's say you scored a Crush Counter Sweep and can approach however you want. If you neutral jump as she gets up, she can still delay the EX Ressenha just like Chun's EX Spinning Bird Kick. It's nothing at all like Rashid's EX Mixer. Rashid's EX Mixer can be easily baited by jumping and you don't have to be right next to him. Plus Rashid's move has startup. It's not the same thing guys. Chun's EX Spinning Bird is fair even though that shuts down crossups. It's charge move so there's tell tale signs of when it might be coming, and if it anti-airs it does very little damage unlike Karin's EX Reversal.

So this turned into an essay and I'm probably going to be blasted by Karin mains who will act offended that I don't like their character and I have calmly and rationally explained why.

But anyway, fuck Karin, and I'm pulling for some sensible Karin nerfs. Either a damage nerf or more startup/drawbacks to the EX Ressenha. I doubt Capcom would nerf the Tenko or V-Skill in any way.

I think Karin is really really good. One of the best characters in the game.

Ressenha followups are ass, though, and it's mad unsafe. Git gud.

The one thing I really hate about Karin though is her st.lk, that shit drives me fucking bonkers

Now THIS is a really fucking good move.


Not being from an English speaking country (or even having been to one), it's so jarring for me to hear stuff like Rye-u and however some people pronounce Karin. Or however Makoto pronounces "karate" (kurarry? something along those lines) in English, lol.


Junior Member
Karin isn't a name of Japanese origin though isn't it? (Or at least not exclusively Japanese) So having different pronunciations is not a surprise.


So i was curious and looked up the origin lol.

Given Name KARIN
GENDER: Feminine
USAGE: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German, Dutch, Finnish, English
PRONOUNCED: KAH-rin (German, Dutch), KAH-reen (Finnish), KER-ən (English), KAR-ən (English)


So wait, it is KAH REEN. Right? Like said really fast and stuff?
Go here:


And click this icon on the left:


Man, I'm drunk and I still can't get over the anxiety of playing ranked.

I need a hypnotist to get me through this shit. Fucking hell.


there's something strangely narcissistic about Chun-li picking Chun-li

Anywho... I think this dream is a sign that you should take a short break from the game :p

Yea you're prob, right. I also think it is a sign that deep down, I know I need more prackteece against her to learn the matchup. I think the "1 round to prove yourself" part of my nightmare is symbolic. I always feel like I don't have enough time to download my opponent (especially with chun li). So I often don't do too well in ranked, but do really well in battle lounges (ft2 or higher).

I need to work on that. It's my fault.
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