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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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Quitting because of lag is fine. It's not fair if it's a laggy price of crap.

However if it's like that in casual I just Mika vskill over and over.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay let's say you're right. Alt tabbing only shifts lag from one player to the other. Meaning those first two rounds that were perfect for you were unplayable like the last round for him..
That's not how it works at all. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

He didn't puss out those first two but soon as you get a taste you RQ.

Regardless I bet it wasn't even an alt tab, you just wanted an excuse to bail.
You seem hurt somehow. Do you alt-tab by any chance?
oh ok. I quit if the match is too laggy and I assume people would do the same to me. Why would anyone continue playing the match like that? I have never rage quit because of a legitimate loss, and believe me, I have lost a LOT. But if I hit the person, and 1 second later he regains the health and I get hit instead, yes, I'm out of there.

This is only possible because there isn't a penalty system in place, if this was SF4, you would've lost 100 points everytime you decided to do that.
The same how there is a pause penalty at tournaments, even if you didn't mean to pause, you still lose that game, end of story.

Right now, because there is no penalty, I guess it's ok if you quit -right away- if people start teleporting at the start, but anything after that is just a rage quit.

qcf x2

As a Bison player, I can only say...


Love the evil, fear the evil.

lol, man I convinced my buddy today to pick up Bison since he likes charge characters and is struggling more than he'd like to with Fang (he's still learning Street Fighter). As we were training (using battle lounge FT10, treating it like training mode), I picked Bison and with no effort was showing him combos I had only seen done to me. He asked if I would ever consider using him and I said no way! I told him about this poster on a message board who agreed with me about how strong Bison was, but then decided to join the dark side. And how that would never be me. The rivalry is on, brother!
I initially learned Cammy specifically as a Bison counterpick, no shame in my sodium.

Think I've peaked at ultra gold for now. Maybe I should actually spend some time in training mode and actually learn matchups proper.

How did you survive the rage quits? I pretty much toughed it out until Silver, but as another poster said that rank is a minefield of ragequit. I'm not even wasting my time with it until things settle down.


Unconfirmed Member
This is only possible because there isn't a penalty system in place, if this was SF4, you would've lost 100 points everytime you decided to do that.
The same how there is a pause penalty at tournaments, even if you didn't mean to pause, you still lose that game, end of story.

Right now, because there is no penalty, I guess it's ok if you quit -right away- if people start teleporting at the start, but anything after that is just a rage quit.
There is no lag at the start if they alt-tab later. Which they usually do if they lose a round.
This is only possible because there isn't a penalty system in place, if this was SF4, you would've lost 100 points everytime you decided to do that.
The same how there is a pause penalty at tournaments, even if you didn't mean to pause, you still lose that game, end of story.

Right now, because there is no penalty, I guess it's ok if you quit -right away- if people start teleporting at the start, but anything after that is just a rage quit.
Ok and I would hope that by the time they implement a penalty they would have made the matches smoother. If not, I'll take the 100 point loss.
Well of course I quit as soon as it is obviously laggy, which is usually in the first 10-15 seconds of a match. Also rage quitting implies there's some sort of rage, which isn't true when I quit a laggy match. It's unfortunate, sure, but I'm not angry or anything, that seems weird.
There is no lag at the start if they alt-tab later. Which they usually do if they lose a round.

From what I am aware of, that's not what alt-tab does, it just shifts the rollback from one player to another, and even then it doesn't always work; I've tried it myself with a friend and nothing happened.
1 requirement is there needs to be some severe rollback on one side for it to work at all. This means if they were an alt-tabber, then you were teleporting on their side on your "flawless" rounds.
There is no lag at the start if they alt-tab later. Which they usually do if they lose a round.

To be fair you don't KNOW they alt tabbed. Maybe their room mate started streaming porn. Who knows.

Regardless I don't think quitting because of lag is unfair as its ruins the fight.

But it's another reason I don't like ranked mode. Best of one, chances of bad lag, wonky match making. None of it feels right to me for a ranked system. So when I do play (which hasn't been much lately) I stick to casual. I would stick to battle lounges if the actually worked but I'm in the UK and have very little luck getting them to even connect let alone have a good connection.


First off, if you're playing someone way above you in LP and you lose, you lose like 5-25 points. It's not worth rage quitting over. Secondly, while I've never quit a match for any reason whatsoever on purpose, that level of lag is a bitch and makes the match useless.

I've lost probably 1500-2000 points based on rage quitting, but none of those guys, absolutely none, quit before I beat them. I wouldn't blame a guy for quitting who had 2000 LP less then me and lag started. It's actually better for me tbh. I stand to get like 25 points but stand to lose like a 100


Is there any way to sort or search battle lounges by connection? Because it's not very useful to get 1 bar opponents halfway across the world.


Laura typically destroys Nash. Don't see too much of a problem with him. Karin, Bison, and Dhalsim are the real shitty mathchups for me.

qcf x2

Ha, tell me about it. I am sure the guy I was playing last night must have given me a standing applause when I used Mika's EX-Wingless Airplane to finish the match. The only thing is, I actually wanted to do her EX-Flying Peach, but I slipped and pressed the kicks instead of the punches.

Similarly, dropping your combo and it turning into a reset that does WAY more damage is pretty funny.

The only time I remember an execution error winning me a match was also with Mika. A Ryu jumped over me when he caught me crouch blocking, and I kind of panicked and hit back + a punch button, bam, command grab.

Who do you guys think is the most YOLO character? For me it's definitely Rashid. Valle was laughing at his wakeup super working, but the prospect of a wakeup EX mixer or super or his dash kicks is basically what makes the character in the current online field.

I feel like Mika is up there too, because so many Mikas don't block.


I still cant get over people rage quitting in Casual. Why....
They are mad and turn off the game. It isn't necessarily always about ranking they might turn it off in frustration. I don't really know why people get so salty at games anyways. But I'm more cool-minded in general so iunno maybe it's just me.
How does one report rage quitters?

Also even if the match is laggy why take the time to restart the entire game. Just get through it. Especially with the stigma already set for this game.
Also I think alot of ragers are using that as an excuse because I have personally never had somebody quit until after losing the 1st round.

P.s. rage quit vol 1 coming soon lol.


From what I am aware of, that's not what alt-tab does, it just shifts the rollback from one player to another, and even then it doesn't always work; I've tried it myself with a friend and nothing happened.
1 requirement is there needs to be some severe rollback on one side for it to work at all. This means if they were an alt-tabber, then you were teleporting on their side on your "flawless" rounds.

Can I just clarify something. This alt-tab glitch. Is that from fullscreen mode? Because, I play in windowed mode, and between rounds I might occasionally alt-tab to check emails and whatnot out of habit. Hope I'm not messing anything up doing that.
Can I just clarify something. This alt-tab glitch. Is that from fullscreen mode? Because, I play in windowed mode, and between rounds I might occasionally alt-tab to check emails and whatnot out of habit. Hope I'm not messing anything up doing that.

windowed should have no effect on it, there is a tiny hiccup in any game when you alt-tab, this doesn't happen when the game isn't in exclusive fullscreen.
I don't see how Nash has trouble with Laura. His normals are better and she is equally free on wakeup.

Laura with momentum > Nash with momentum. That being said if the Nash player does their job she'll never get in but he's pretty fucked if she does save for a v-trigger escape.


atonalism is gold and hes still lag switching. god pc gaming communities are quite sickening

I really find it hard to believe that people that are "lag switching" are actually lag switching. Idk, just seems like a lot of work to do. I think it's people on wifi w/ siblings streaming netflix and minecraft tbh.

Even though the fightinggame.community website is not updating, I went through it all again and noticed there's only 1 > 7-3 matchup and that's Gief vs Sim, and we know how that goes.

def sim

Atonalism is a Chun player, no? I really doubt that guy is lag switching; he's pretty good.

edit: apparently no longer a chun player


Laura with momentum > Nash with momentum. That being said if the Nash player does their job she'll never get in but he's pretty fucked if she does save for a v-trigger escape.

Which is compensated HEAVILY by the fact that Nash can never let Laura start her pressure. But he can start his own game very easily.

Ofc once Laura gets in , she is better than Nash.

This is one of those matchups where Nash wants to use Tragedy assault as much as possible , to deny Laura EX elbow against Fireballs.
He's pretty free on wakeup. He has no reversal or wakeup option until he has super. That's how you beat Nash, you get the knockdown and pressure the shit out of him.
This is true. On 90% of my losses, this is how it happens. The round could get turned completely around from one successful jump in.
I really find it hard to believe that people that are "lag switching" are actually lag switching. Idk, just seems like a lot of work to do. I think it's people on wifi w/ siblings streaming netflix and minecraft tbh.

Even though the fightinggame.community website is not updating, I went through it all again and noticed there's only 1 > 7-3 matchup and that's Gief vs Sim, and we know how that goes.

ive never once had a problem with someone who was a ps4 player


Give them credit for what feat? There are still rage quitters everywhere.

For being capable of detecting suspicious drops instead of asking people to submit videos as "proof?" Because that was flat out pathetic.

Also, you know, for wiping the LPs (weekly) of players with suspicious disconnect rates vs win percentages. You will never be able to stop people from dropping. What is your ideal solution to this?

They can't (or shouldn't) directly penalize players for dropping (yet) because at the moment the netcode is a complete disaster and many players drop on slideshow matches (...and other players have the ability to force these match conditions).

For the record - I still drop in the first 10 seconds of any match that isn't playable. Occasionally it will stabilize out, but if it doesn't, I'm out. However if we get into round 2-3.. fuck it. I'll just hit buttons and shrug. It's not fun but I assume whoever on the other end isn't having fun either. There should be a way of detecting slideshow matches and dropping both players. Probably asking for way too much though.

Bob White

I was so close to quitting a match yesterday. Was literally at 3989 LP. Next watch was an Ultra Bronze dude with an Israeli flag (I think).

And it was a fucking slide show. I just sat there so close to Gold thinking "do it". I stuck with it and lost like 100 LP. So I'm with PR Rog, now that I'm gold I'm done with ranked until rematch and the servers get some sort of boost.
What does "top user" or "all users" mean in the bottom left corner of the main menu?

corresponds to the heat map that displays in the menu background.


All Users (Established player base)
Active Users (Current Playing)
Top Users (??? The top 200? I'm guessing here.)

That's my guess, at least.
holy shit lmao

both Karin and myself (Mika) were on a sliver of HP

Karin activated her super

I activated my V trigger

I get hit by Karin's super... get into the second hit of her activation, so I'm locked in

Nadeshiko knocks out Karin

fucking amazing lol


holy shit lmao

both Karin and myself (Mika) were on a sliver of HP

Karin activated her super

I activated my V trigger

I get hit by Karin's super... get into the second hit of her activation, so I'm locked in

Nadeshiko knocks out Karin

fucking amazing lol

Had that happen 2-3 days ago. Saved by Hidden Missiles thank god.

qcf x2

For being capable of detecting suspicious drops instead of asking people to submit videos as "proof?" Because that was flat out pathetic.

Also, you know, for wiping the LPs (weekly) of players with suspicious disconnect rates vs win percentages. You will never be able to stop people from dropping. What is your ideal solution to this?

I gave my suggestion in that Pokken thread, but basically:

1. Higher point penalty: you'd lose more points for quitting than you would if you took the loss.
2. Extended wait before matchmaking is allowed again, with some fugly troll art of Dan to look at.
3. Disconnect % is shown next to username.
4. Matchmaking includes %, so users with higher percentages are grouped together / will face each other until their % is low enough to rejoin the respectable people.

None of that should be hard to do.


I finally remembered to Vreversal out of a super chip out attempt by Karin.

Then I lost after dropping mika's bnb combo.

I'm an emotional wreck.
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