It looks terrible. Though the beard makes it slightly less so.
Very slightly
Ken replacement head just dropped
Hair is good. Facial features are too large imo. I can appreciate the 3s aesthetic doe.
Ken replacement head just dropped
That's the problem, everyone's trying to make this game look like 3s when it doesn't need to. You see it with Ken, you see it with Alex.
I think that everyone looks good during gameplay. Characters designed for 2d sometimes just won't look 'right' in 3d. Part of the reason I think capcom should have opted with profile art for the character select, but hey.
i prefer art in char. select screen. probably loads faster too.
btw. i dislike all these fan mods. they're respectable for fan mods but i wouldn't want them in the game.
All they really have to do to "fix" it is to change the poses/angles in the character select screen.
How did I know that clickbait thread on Gaming was a gunslinger thread just by reading the title?
Ken replacement head just dropped
Naw I'll just wait for the Terry Bogard mod
Naw I'll just wait for the Terry Bogard mod
why does he look better as MaximilianKen replacement head just dropped
Watching CEO right now: gosh, Mike Ross' Laura is so basic and rough!
He's not getting her at all.
Both Mike Ross' and Gootecks' main char choices in SFV confuse me. Laura isn't too bad of a pick but Mike seems to rely too much on her gimmicks, and Mika just seems like the antithesis of the "honest" and fundamental based gameplay gootecks used to preach.
Just import his model from KOF XIV
It wouldn't be the same without the engrish. V_V
it is what it is mayne
Does anyone have a screenshot of the original Ken face mod? and that in game?
You play like a friend of mine and I don't really like the mentality of backing away constantly, you're basically moving out of your ideal range and resetting the game.
Also there really is no point in backing away> activate v-trigger> charge fireball, you're just wasting your v-trigger there; no super bronze and higher player is ever going to get hit by that.
Instead use vtrigger to make unsafe normals safe (like a blocked sweep) or in a combo for extra damage (easiest one is ryu's target combo, the last hit can be canceled with vtrigger into super).
Thanks for the words man
What's Ryus target combo btw?
What a load of nonsense lol
played again after 2 weeks
4/5 games people rage quit
honestly i only go to this thread to complain. Thsi didnt happen in ultra
dont play rank
Watching CEO right now: gosh, Mike Ross' Laura is so basic and rough!
He's not getting her at all.
bbuut i want that shiny number with my name
in all seriousness i cant help but not play rank since i love that sense of progression even though it doesn't accurately represent my skill.
It is so weird seeing all the pros complaining about the 8-frames then seeing Justin Wong consistently whiff-punish so much stuff handily.
J.Wong is a beast in this game.
It is so weird seeing all the pros complaining about the 8-frames then seeing Justin Wong consistently whiff-punish so much stuff handily.
J.Wong is a beast in this game.