People's favorite part of Karin's CA is generally her laugh, but mine has always been "Behold: the final attack!" Great quote.
That's what she says?
People's favorite part of Karin's CA is generally her laugh, but mine has always been "Behold: the final attack!" Great quote.
That's what she says?
I like the effortless 7595° spinning of her enemies. It's so stupid.People's favorite part of Karin's CA is generally her laugh, but mine has always been "Behold: the final attack!" Great quote.
Yeah, she says: "Kanzuki-Ryu ougi* Hadorokushiki Hasha No Kata! Behold, the Final Attack!"
It's so stupid.
I like to adlib what she says at the start.
"I shall give you hoagie! C'mon, Ruskie!"
Makes me wonder why three of them rage quitted on me last night when they've got all they could ever need to win a match.Ryu is god mode, best character in the game, he has no faults, if he's not great at something he good at it, his lowest rating is's like this...
Damage is great..
Normals are good..
Defense is very good...
Having a lot of moves doesn't mean much if they're not effective. Look at Ryu for a character with a ton of tools that actually work well.
He has a whole bunch of stuff to him, and one of the largest movelists. My favourite adaption of the DLC characters so far
You must mean ducked. If you crouch his spiral DDT completely whiffs. I got a surprising amount of mileage out of it in fightcade 3S, though. I prefer it to power bomb because spiral DDT at least gives him some forward momentum. A couple of mp+mk and st.HPs and people will eventually normal block which gives you a good chance to get a spiral DDT in as well. You'd be surprised by how often it works.DDT was trash in Third strike, a blockable slow
I thought so as well, but he needs it for more forward momentum imo.I thought his DDT should just be his V-Reversal.
Yeah, fighting Ryu or Ken is an exhausting experience since you never know what they've got in store for you. Every crossup is a possible parry or DP and every touch is a 35% combo.With an amazing dash, tatsu, jumping lk, fireball, parry, uppercut and good normals, he's much less predictable than most of the rest of the cast. Not sure what you're talking about.
Capcpom going for the jugular. I'm glad I'm not buying the DLC.almost cost as much as the season pass
c a p c o m p l s
Yeah, I'm pretty much sticking with Beach Karin and classic Alex when he comes out. Their DLC plan is way too expensive for most gamers.We don't know if those people only bought 1 or 2 costumes for just the characters they're using, but would normally have bought many more if the pricing weren't so high. A lot of people seem to acknowledge that the pricing is ridiculous, but shrug, cave, and pick up one for their main.
Capcom seems to be doubling down on gouging fans who only pick up a few as opposed to making it actually reasonable for those who like to purchase them for a bunch of characters or the whole cast. It's debatable which would make them more money in the long run, but the former seems much, much less customer friendly.
They're pricing me right out of this game, and I love alternate outfits and had no problem buying all the Ultra sets. There's no good justification for a 4x price increase.
No way I'm paying for those, Capcom. Fix that broken survival mode instead.1) Chun Li and Mika summer costumes releasing today!
2) Survival Mode Colors will be put on sale in the future.
The mode they need to fix most, too. It's completely useless, but it could be so much better and add more replay instead of fixing shitty survival mode they will just sell them instead. blech![]()
The top 5 most played doesn't surprise me one bit. The bottom five perfectly reflects what people were thinking back when Sim and Zangief were revealed. I'm laughing at the early posts suggesting that Ibuki would get less play than Balrog. Even fucking french fry hair Alex is beating these bums. This is sad lol.
TBF Karin's beach alt and beach stage are the best DLC added to this game so far and that includes the character DLC. Capcom needs to put out some classic alts and SF3 stages already.Karin outfit
Cammy outfit
Karin's beach
Top 3 money items
We're almost there, brother. Soon we won't get a faint whiff of Mickey D's whenever we pick Alex.I'll finally be able to use Alex without vomiting.
Sorta cool, but I hope I can mostly use him without his jacket. They better go the extra mile and fix up his face/hair while they're at it. Ken got it good compared to Alex. Easily the worst transition from old to new in the entire cast so far.![]()
Quoting this for new page courtesy of Redx508
YESThey should give Season Pass holders the Jacket Alex costume free for what ever the fuck that abysmal one that came with the SP is as an apology for it
Capcom gonna squeeze blood from a stone if they have to, I guess. Can't believe some people will actually pay for the stage on it's own haha.Code:[img][/img]
$10 for a stage? Are you fucking kidding me?
So this is what a irl 9-1 matchup looks like.She told me "shut the fuck up, who cares, it's fucking 20 bucks, shut up TheSpoiler". I told her how stupid it was, and she smiled and clicked bought. With my credit card.
Looks pretty, but not ten dollars worth of pretty.
Launching the PC version at the same time as the console version was a mistake. The launch issues with the servers KILLED user review scores. Now anyone looking at this game will always see the abysmal percentages on the steam store page and think the game is downright broken. :/According to SteamSpy the PC version has sold less than 200k copies so... :/
This is the worst. Alex, Fang, Rashid (I wouldn't mind him staying crap, though) and Gief all need help. Cammy, Guile and Laura need a little, but not quite as much.So according to Combofiend, he's using those win/lose statistics as proof that the game is balanced and that no characters require any major tweaking.
okay bruh
Guess I'm stuck with colors 1-6 from now on. I don't think I'll ever be able to beat hard survival mode even with my mains. This is messed up considering I've beaten gold/platinum players and completed all the combo trials with the launch cast, Alex and Guile.yup. 1 round mod doesn't work anymore.
Dunno about anything else.
NopeNow you're going to have colours 1-6 available to you, and you're going to have to live with it.
Until colour purchasing is a thing.
Not to mention not fun to fight lol. Most Guiles just turtle, but I get that it's part of his game plan.Guile is legit underrated and underplayed
Was going to wait for a sale but fuck it. Love both of these characters.
We both are, man. But to my defense, my set-up is used for locals. I'm still trying to unlock the colors the legit way.I bought Cammy's costume because I had the money in my wallet... I will probably buy the pass despite being a shitty value. I'm part of the problem.
I bought Cammy's costume because I had the money in my wallet... I will probably buy the pass despite being a shitty value. I'm part of the problem.
We both are, man. But to my defense, my set-up is used for locals. I'm still trying to unlock the colors the legit way.
I had a gift card I've been sitting on for months. Only bought the costumes because the colors look ugly to me and the titles don't interest me.
Was going to wait for a sale but fuck it. Love both of these characters.
Please tell me they didn't break all mods. I read some color mods are broken, and apparently some Birdy and Ken costume mods?
I just beat this Ultra Gold Necalli 2-0 with a dash in LK tatsu > Super in the 1st match and then when we were at full screen I V triggered when he was doing seismo and hit him with a full screen Denjin(he was still in his recovery frames) to take the 2nd match. I feel too good right now, time to stream monster the rest of the day.
love doing that kind of stuff. I went on a 20 game winning streak earlier when servers came up. Felt good.
Are there any pics of the cast with the new EX2 or whatever color along with the new outfits + colors?
Please tell me they didn't break all mods. I read some color mods are broken, and apparently some Birdy and Ken costume mods?
Fitness Chun would make me learn to play her. I would like it to replace the cop uniform. If someone could give her the SF Alpha costume that would be awesome!
A couple characters are missing from that.
Zangief, Fang, Nash, Birdie and Necalli specifically.
Anyone want to play a set? I'll just be sitting here in Survival mode unlocking more colors for the new costumes until then, lol.
CFN: Sixfortyfive
I can play. Could you invite me? CFN is FluxWaveZ.
Did SFV pools and early? Stream schedule shows it going for another 2h, but almost everything seems done. Capcomfighters stream seems offline.
You play Ryu as well? I guess because I'm not a fundamentally strong player I love going for gimmicks. In that 2nd match I'm pretty sure I could have landed dash in, tatsu, super again. But I purposely held back to catch him doing a seismo instead. I'm glad it worked and I won, otherwise I probably would have gotten salty from losing because I wanted a fancy finish instead.
yeah it's too expensive, but at least it is awesome and some of it goes to the CPT pot.I finally get a wrestling ring stage and it looks awesome, why it gotta be 10 bucks tho. tsk tsk capcom
Yeah it ended early.
yeah it's too expensive, but at least it is awesome and some of it goes to the CPT pot.
I dunno if I will buy it. Probably not for a while.
A lot of people must have went 0-2 this year.
They can't even get shit they promised out the door. A lot of the stuff that's out is still broken will no fix in sight. How do you not get pissed at something like that? How do you not get pissed at basic functionality that's been in every fighting game ever? How do you not get pissed at Capcom prioritizing paid content over fixing their damn game?
I bought the game expecting a working product that I can play and enjoy. They haven't provided that.
You can't play it?
I can play. Could you invite me? CFN is FluxWaveZ.
How'd you get Balrog up to lv47 so quickly?
Well, he's my main. I guess I've just been playing a lot with him since release.
GGs, though I pretty much got demolished there. Any tips? I feel like I wasn't patient enough, though when I was, I feel like my defensive options were still lacking.
Your punish rate on blocked target combo was 0%. I was keeping track.
Otherwise I couldn't point to any specific mistakes. I noticed that I jabbed my way out of a lot of V-Trigger... rekkas?... so I dunno if there's a way for you to tighten up the timing on those or just bait my ass out of it with a shimmy-esque punish. Haven't checked the frame data for his stuff yet.
I know PR Balrog has been saying that match-up is AIDS, for what it's worth.
I for the life of me, cannot locate the Capcom Pro Tour Bundle on PSN or the SF shop.