Y'all got a room going?
Thanks again for the games Whales. Sorry if it wasn't too much fun on your end. Definitely appreciate the help. I'll get a round next time
With V-trigger I feel like when you are attacking Ryu,Ken or Juri they are just actively shit talking you, "No matter how much attacks you keep trying at me, my power just rises and rises, whatever are you going to do to me as I get more and more powerful you fools!
I hadn't seen a single xp booster this whole time and then today I saw them all.
Y'all got a room going?
Anybody still playing?
Anybody up to play, let me know. Bronze/silver lobby going. I'll PM Mumble info for voice chat.
any of yall still playing? lol
also man, I need to lobby vs someone here who mains cammy, I suck ass vs her and its time I learned the matchup
Want to try playing ? If yes, it's better that you try to host it.
CFN is SephLuis
any of yall still playing? lol
also man, I need to lobby vs someone here who mains cammy, I suck ass vs her and its time I learned the matchup
I can hop on in 5. CFN: RushdownTactics
ill invite you too if seph doesnt mind
ill invite you too if seph doesnt mind
Sounds good, I'm on now.
Could I join as well? CFN: AdversaryOne
Whales, how is it on your side ? The first two matches were great here and the last three ones there was a bit of teleporting.
Is it playable for you ?
ill invite you too if seph doesnt mind
I'll join in a minute. Battling TRush
GGs Whales.
Don't know if it was because of the connection, but you can have more confidence in your Ryu. Like be more agressive and finish some of the punishes.,
GGs man!
GGs luis, I wish we could play with 0 lag, it would be even more fun ( and you'd probably start owning me more lol)
what do you mean finish some of the punishes? do you have an example?
I try to be agressive but im pretty bad at keeping pressure up, I just back away even if you're in a corner :/ i wish there were some good videos about applying pressure in this game
GGs Rush.
Last time we played about a month ago you were super silver and we were pretty much even and now you are super gold and you're blowing me out. First thing I noticed is your throw tech game is super solid and your defense all around is much more solid. What have you been doing between then and now? What's your secret?
Sometimes I would fall for your meaties or frame traps and you didn't completed the combo. Though, it's tough to complete those every time and even more difficult with lag =/
Your pressure game isn't bad, I just feel you are backing away too much. You don't need to be in the face of your opponent all the time, just keep enough space that gives Ryu the advantage.
I have a similar pressure game with Chun Li, once my opponent in on the corner, I can attack a lot to keep pressure or keep Chun Li away and wait for them to do something so I can punish. In the later case, the best range would be like her sweep range because it makes it easier to react to anything people can throw.
If they do nothing, I attack. If they jump, the distance if perfect for an anti-air. The distance is also good enough for one dash and throw.
GGs Rush.
Last time we played about a month ago you were super silver and we were pretty much even and now you are super gold and you're blowing me out. First thing I noticed is your throw tech game is super solid and your defense all around is much more solid. What have you been doing between then and now? What's your secret?
What about RQ in battle lounge?Being rage quit on in casuals is the dumbest thing in the world.
I'm probably gonna jump on in a little while if anyone wants to practice against my in-training Alex. CFN is Scrafty.
What about RQ in battle lounge?
If you havent found anybody, I'm hopping on now. CFN: FaintColt
thanks for the tips luis. I appreciate it. Do you feel like I made some good progress since last time ( which admittedly was pretty long ago)?
gonna apply those corner pressure tips for sure. backing away a little bit is a smarter idea than just letting you go free
Colt, remember to use your EX Mixer sometimes! Otherwise I get free oki pressure on you, which is not something you want!![]()
Haha. My EX usage and knowledge is really low. I need to take it to training mode. I need to work out times when to throw it in. I always just end up wasting it it.
Whenever you see me going in on your wakeup and you have meter, fire it off. It makes me more honest and forces me to respect your wakeup instead of going for meaty setups every single time.
Whenever you see me going in on your wakeup and you have meter, fire it off. It makes me more honest and forces me to respect your wakeup instead of going for meaty setups every single time.
Room for another?
Room for another?
IIRC I played this guy months ago when we were both super bronze I believe
now hes super gold and im ultra bronze... lmao
Shot you an invite.
I just posted my matches from the battle lounge we had going here the other night, if anyone is interested.
The matches include EdziPC, lyteedge, molnizzle, MichaelScott, Gift-of-Fury, and the host of the lounge, ShinMaruku in the role of the final boss.