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Street Fighter V |OTVIII| New Delayed Generation - Controversial Inputs


So, psn sale question

Game's on sale for $25 but I realize it's the base game with no dlc. As someone who mains Cammy am I fine with just the base game for a while? Like if I jump online are there compatibility packs I can download to play against people who use dlc fighters?

also silly bonus question but Ultra IV is on sale for $12, is it worth it going back?

You would be much better off putting that twelve dollars towards the deluxe edition of SFV. SFIV is dead.
I'm still getting matched with people outside the US and with bad connections.

That sucks.
It has been working pretty well here, so far. The worst I've gotten is people a bit far outside my LP range when playing late.

Have you tried forwarding the relevant ports to your PS or PC?


So apparently the stripping code will soon work for all the costumes, not just the non-Battle Costume alts? Excellent~

Also if people are giving away free Season 2 DLC codes, I'll take them please, kthx.

Shirtless Birdie? LETS GO

Got a ps4 and one of the first games I'd said I get was SFV. Man this game is hard as nails. Playing with ryu and I don't even know what to do. Like I can come up with a plan and cannot execute it whatsoever.

Playing as Ryu just because I heard he's very easy to pick up. Of the other characters I played(got standard edition so got barely any characters unlocked.I do like Mika. I was stringing some stuff together from what I remember from Fuudo's gameplay.

But yeah I need a guide cause I'm lost. Execution seems tough can't string things together and I frequently get mis-inputs. Instead of a shoryuken, I'd do a hadoken -__-

Makes me appreciate top level play and even mid level play a hell of a lot more.

Start with a single simple combo and try to do it in a match bunch of times. Once you are comfortable with it take a new one or modify the one you just did and learn the tools piece by piece. It can take a lot of time so just keep at it.

I'm still getting matched with people outside the US and with bad connections.

I assume yes but have you set the matchmaking to ask and only accept 5-bar matches? Ranked and Casuals should definitely have flags displayed before you accept the match so that you could be more sure about the connection.
I assume yes but have you set the matchmaking to ask and only accept 5-bar matches? Ranked and Casuals should definitely have flags displayed before you accept the match so that you could be more sure about the connection.
I don't really agree with showing flags unless you can change your flag on the fly. Otherwise one small mistake can pretty much ruin your online play, and screws over anyone who moves county. One alternative is setting flags automatically (GeoIP), but that screws over everyone in regions not identified in the database, who would just get a default flag, and there will be mistakes in there as well.


Ucchedavāda;239203170 said:
I don't really agree with showing flags unless you can change your flag on the fly. Otherwise one small mistake can pretty much ruin your online play. One alternative is setting flags automatically (GeoIP), but that screws over everyone in regions not identified in the database, who would just get a default flag, as well as any who moves county, and there will be mistakes in there as well.

Well you could just ask Capcom to change the flag. Lets ask mnz how well that worked out. But yeah didn't think about that. Could turn out to be a big problem for some.
So it looks like matches get recorded even if you get the 80001+40006 errors in a match. My first match of the day gave those errors, but it was still recorded in my list of matches and I still lost the LP.

That's a pretty big step up from CFN of old.


Tried going back to SFV after spending the last 3 days playing T7, and i never thought this day would come where i think SFV loading is fast and online is reliable lol. Also i lost all my matches today i guess I'm really not talented enough to play two games and remain half decent at both lol.
Got a ps4 and one of the first games I'd said I get was SFV. Man this game is hard as nails. Playing with ryu and I don't even know what to do. Like I can come up with a plan and cannot execute it whatsoever.

Playing as Ryu just because I heard he's very easy to pick up. Of the other characters I played(got standard edition so got barely any characters unlocked.I do like Mika. I was stringing some stuff together from what I remember from Fuudo's gameplay.

But yeah I need a guide cause I'm lost. Execution seems tough can't string things together and I frequently get mis-inputs. Instead of a shoryuken, I'd do a hadoken -__-

Makes me appreciate top level play and even mid level play a hell of a lot more.
Start easy, friend. Just try simple 2-hit combo. crouch medium kick into fireball and do that until your fingers just roll through the buttons without much thinking. After you get that, add in a jumping attack before and do that a few times. Now you have a 3-hit combo. Then try to do super after fireball. Slowly build from there.

Baby steps. Don't give up.


It's just a fanservice thing that really has no explanation besides....I guess someone on the dev team had some sort of fetish...probably a rare case of something like that making it in a game...I mean...who on capcom would design a character to cater to specific fetishes? thank goodness we dont see that stuff in street fighter.

Chun Li was created because the designer had a huge fetish for women with big thighs.. He's on video talking about it.


You really want that She-Honda, don't you luce.

Start easy, friend. Just try simple 2-hit combo. crouch medium kick into fireball and do that until your fingers just roll through the buttons without much thinking. After you get that, add in a jumping attack before and do that a few times. Now you have a 3-hit combo. Then try to do super after fireball. Slowly build from there.

Baby steps. Don't give up.

cr.mk xx hadouken is definitely good thing to learn first. I find it amusing that I got to gold with Ryu and still can't do that. Who needs low buffers anyway?
Is it just me, or does the "Character Play Ratio" statistics not make any sense on the first page of your profile? For example, the "Ranked Matches (Last 100)" show numbers above 1000, and 50% of those matches are Balrog, whom I haven't played in ranked in more than a month. And there are small differences between "Cumulative" and "Last 100" for Ranked matches, but not for Casual matches, where the two are identical.

What is going on?

On an unrelated note, you can turn off the battle start notifications, so that you only see the results of your favorites' matches. Makes the timeline less cluttered.
What won't work exactly?
Alright, so the CFN patch didn't really fix matchmaking, didn't fix the server errors, and the buffs didn't really help Alex. Great.
I played it yesterday and I probably won't come back to it for a while. The buffs feel pretty small, but there were no major nerfs on other characters and the buffs for Vega and Ryu felt pretty substantial. In the end it feels like he probably stayed the same (since I feel like Fang and Juri are going to be somewhat better), but in the grand scheme of things the changes won't mean much unless you are godlike like CoolKid, Donpachi, Kubo and Gunfight. Maybe he is better than Chun for the first time in his 20 year history? lol

Time for Baeken
I'm still getting matched with people outside the US and with bad connections.
Like 70% of my matches yesterday must have come from Mexico and I'm all the way up in the Northeast.

Swear to God
I mean they have been obvious uh... preferences in street fighter as well. The 3rd strike artist... really really liked alex. Then you have urien and his everything, juri and a lot of stuff going on with juri , then that one artist who is obsessed with chun. Having preferences and even expressing them in design is fine.

Just you know, somethings are more tactful than " i turned you into a woman, you are now mine and I shall take you" You know... that creep ass mess
He did? Unlike with Ryu I never got the sense that there was a lot of official Alex centric art out there.


Did the vega buffs come with this patch or is that sometime later?

Haven't been playing this game in a while but I'm fiending to play again.

Ed is fun af.
Did the vega buffs come with this patch or is that sometime later?

Haven't been playing this game in a while but I'm fiending to play again.

Ed is fun af.

Those buffs should be in the game now.



Enjoy this two sentence horror story from the depth of the Steam Community forum:
A Solid 3FPS?! :( [SOLVED]
This is being caused by
tethering Wifi through my phone which makes NO SENSE.
When you have that kind of life lead and you're pixels away from chip kill range, why not just do it? Isn't it smart to do "dumb" (i.e. unexpected) stuff when you're at that kind of advantage?
It's a bit of a meta joke, I love doing F.A.N.G's CA to close out rounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhofOEXW7ss

And I also do dumb stuff like that whenever. Ask myco. I once did a dashup CA at the start of a round against him.
I wonder if Vega players have been choosing this stage in Ranked.
Vega players don't feel shame so naturally they choose it. Birdie players do, that's why they never use Kanzuki beach.


benevolent sexism
I wonder if Vega players have been choosing this stage in Ranked.

Vega's climbing animation looks kind of dumb. Ryu's new c.hp looks kind of dumb. Cammy's new air throw looks extremely dumb. And Zangief's new grab on crouching opponents has a terrible transition into the animation.

On the other hand Ed's animations are uniformly excellent, and Kolin's are certainly on par with what's come before.

I don't know whether I should be worried about a decline in effort and quality in the one area in which the game clearly excels.
Got back into the game this weekend after playing Injustice 2 for a while and played against Ed for the first time.
His animation seems weird, especially when moving back and forth. It almost seems like it's missing a couple frames of animation. It makes me think that there's rollback for a split second, though my connections have been good (mostly).
Also, is the psycho knuckle attack safe on block? It looks like it has a ton of recovery but also a lot of stun and I didn't get a chance to punish it.
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