While I don't want SF4 type combos to return, I do want more combos and variety in general. It's not impressive that someone can DO a combo, but that someone can do it under duress. Obviously ease of of use hasn't allowed top players to escape dropping combos, as the stress of the game just makes stuff real difficult.
What I want to see is people make their characters their own. Who cares that anyone can do it if the game is stressful, but right now it's TOO stressful. Some defensive options, more tools so people can have some breathing room to play around in, and combo extensions for flavor and utility would be grand. I'd extend a few normals, as well. Not all of them, but definitely like one or two per character.
The new characters have a ton of options, and it's a good start if that's were they are going. Like Abby has a bunch of juggle points already on him, and that's what I like to see. I hope his v-stuff is neat, but Ed's applications going from what Auto showed off is crazy.
The game just needs like a few tweaks, and it's pretty much how most SF games go in terms of improving.
(Most of all, I just want the cast to be able to play around more and have fun. Less stress, still explosive, more defense, but more tools for everyone.)