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Street Fighter V |OTVIII| New Delayed Generation - Controversial Inputs


Wake up is bad but god his jabs have stupid range and AA ability.
Once you get in none of that matters. His jab won't stop ambiguous cross up ranges. His buttons are slow enough that wake up buttons get thrown almost every time so he techs or eats grabs or eats shimmies.

Even sim isn't as free as him on wake up
Actually I'm ready to have a pocket Zeku. After months of Abby, it'll be great to have maybe a fast dude to mess around with.

But Abby is #1
Once you get in none of that matters. His jab won't stop ambiguous cross up ranges. His buttons are slow enough that wake up buttons get thrown almost every time so he techs or eats grabs or eats shimmies.

Even sim isn't as free as him on wake up
That's what surprised me tho. I was playing one Abby and he was stuffing me with wake up cr.jab. Must've been BS rollback because without fail it kept me out.


Like Abigail feels not only like a character, but a character. His whole vibe just clicks well. Mashing those buttons for his specials, throwing out huge buttons and making them scared

Ucchedavāda;244583295 said:
LOL. You meet some crazy people in silver. Just met a Ryu that started off with wiffed tatsu into DP. Twice.
Did it hit


Well there are the shotos who have EX dp

My face when I decide I'm going to EX DP.

Ucchedavāda;244583295 said:
LOL. You meet some crazy people in silver. Just met a Ryu that started off with wiffed tatsu into DP. Twice.
Starting to hate online shenanigans. I keep telling myself to get into the WNF scene here in Austin but I may get pushed to do it soon.

Also: Dem bad feels when every single read you make is the exact opposite of what you should have done.

My face when I decide I'm going to EX DP.
Funny enough, NONE of the Gief streamers I watch ever bump into shotos who wakeup DP. They always let the Gief meaty headbutt or free SPD or throw. Like, in what world am I in? Lol


Unconfirmed Member
Ucchedavāda;244583295 said:
LOL. You meet some crazy people in silver. Just met a Ryu that started off with wiffed tatsu into DP. Twice.
And we all know that it worked, too
I'd say the DLC characters feel the best overall, in terms of toolkits and shit in most cases. But Abby definitely feels far more open and full


Just tested it, and that's right. I never bothered with it because I remember one of the two hosts during the Abigail Showcase on WSO saying that it didn't work, but it totally does.

I remembered hearing the same. I don't know if anything was changed in the final build. Heck, I didn't even test it just started doing it in a match because I read another gaffer mention it earlier in one of the SFV threads.

Ryu couldn't do shit from full screen but give me free V-guage and CA meter.


Cacpcom making a mistake and spouting misinformation? Never.

Matt can be pretty clueless about new characters and the rest of the group there are learning stuff as they go so they're not reliable in terms of what works or not. Its a not a great way to showcase new characters honestly.

I preferred the showcases with Mike Ross and Combofiend on Capcom Pro Talk.


Juri's AA jab was nerfed? I couldn't tell. Shit is still good.

Was playing a Platinum Juri in Battle lounge last night....that jab still seems good to me too.
All high hitting jabs are good, even when they aren't meant to be real AAs because 90% of jump ins has ass hurtboxes. Nerf is real though, she use to be able to AA things like Gief's j.HP clean before,

Necalli got keep his though, of course.


Pulling off situational stuff WOULD be hype as shit. As long as it's not part of an everyday life kinda thing who cares.

Anyone remembers people going nuts over Guile corner loop, how broken it was and how it's going to be used in every single match?
The loop did get nerfed though.

Cacpcom making a mistake and spouting misinformation? Never.

To be fair, they were using an old build. In that build his V-Skill actually takes grey damage. So there were some changes.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I've never played SF or "typical" fighting games, period.

But for a series of related reasons, I've decided to take the plunge an invest some serious time into trying to not even "git gud," but ... ... git okay? Because, with less than 2-3 hours under my belt in 20 years of gaming, I'm abysmal. Just the worst. Like, can't beat easy AI.

I picked up SFII on the Switch, and I have a Pro Controller. I did this because 90% of my free time to play this game/practice will be when I'm on the road.

Am I doing myself a TERRIBLE disservice by starting with that game? Would I be better off jumping in with V, even if I have drastically less time to actually play?


Matt can be pretty clueless about new characters and the rest of the group there are learning stuff as they go so they're not reliable in terms of what works or not. Its a not a great way to showcase new characters honestly.

I preferred the showcases with Mike Ross and Combofiend on Capcom Pro Talk.

I think the Capcom UK guys do a lot more than Capcom USA is doing right now for the game. They have the WSO sessions every week and Matt Edwards even gives us the in-depth "Introduction" videos that showcases every new character. It's probably something that went under the radar as eveyone is still learning the character.
I've never played SF or "typical" fighting games, period.

But for a series of related reasons, I've decided to take the plunge an invest some serious time into trying to not even "git gud," but ... ... git okay? Because, with less than 2-3 hours under my belt in 20 years of gaming, I'm abysmal. Just the worst. Like, can't beat easy AI.

I picked up SFII on the Switch, and I have a Pro Controller. I did this because 90% of my free time to play this game/practice will be when I'm on the road.

Am I doing myself a TERRIBLE disservice by starting with that game? Would I be better off jumping in with V, even if I have drastically less time to actually play?

Start with what you want to play. It won't hurt just know that Vs execution is less strict than 2. To git gud all it takes is some practice. I'd suggest hitting up the giefs gym guide. It's steered towards sfv but you can use it for most fighting games.

Teh Lurv

Ucchedavāda;244583295 said:
LOL. You meet some crazy people in silver. Just met a Ryu that started off with wiffed tatsu into DP. Twice.

I've run into a couple people like that. It's always fun after the set to pull up their profile and play the "is this guy really a Ken main?" game.


Ucchedavāda;244583295 said:
LOL. You meet some crazy people in silver. Just met a Ryu that started off with wiffed tatsu into DP. Twice.
I remember back when I was in silver one of my first mathes in that rank was against a Charlie who would do wakeup EX Moonsault.

Bob White

Once you get in none of that matters. His jab won't stop ambiguous cross up ranges. His buttons are slow enough that wake up buttons get thrown almost every time so he techs or eats grabs or eats shimmies.

Even sim isn't as free as him on wake up

Yeah, this seeing this more and more. Can't do SHIT once "it" starts.

"It" being SFV's endless rush down.
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