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Street Fighter V |OTVIIII| New Generation - Fighting Game Is Something So Great

I'm so ready

Btw guys, I asked this a long time ago but given that I'm kinda out of the loop as of recent, which pros still use Ed? I'm too predictable with him, and wanna learn better spacing and set ups from some videos :/
Dieminion has a great Ed as well
Any pros use Laura other thank Krone btw?
iDom is easily the best Laura. Wolfkrone and 801Strider are also both great.

Some good Asian Laura's are: WildTaiwanese, Mishi-oishi, Weili, Jun8Park
Swapped out the Taeyoung Fanta for a Hori Hayabusa and they're like polar opposites. Hayabusa is very light to move around. I have a G3 Silent Sanwa I'll prolly try out in a week or two once I get this one ingrained in me to see what that'll be like, but I think all this stick experimentation is going to bring me all the way around to a too hot, too cold, just right situation and me sticking to Sanwa.


Guess that’s one way to stop him. Good that he got hired (if that’s what’s actually happening) but no more leaks? It is X-Flowtron’s time


Can somebody who reads Portuguese check those three new retweets on his twitter to be sure?

This is what I got from google translate but of course they don’t translate 1:1.

“@CapcomUnityBR @captrancas what's missing to designate @Mikami_XKira to advertise content to BR and improve communication.”

He might be advertising content and communicate with people on the side while still data mining.


If I were dude and I got hired by Capcom I'd personally start putting fake things in every future patch in order to throw off any would-be dataminers.

Kart racing mode, erotic painting mode, cooking minigame, etc.
If I were dude and I got hired by Capcom I'd personally start putting fake things into every future patch in order to throw off any would-be dataminers.

Kart racing mode, erotic painting mode, cooking minigame, etc.
Kart racing actually made it to one of the Mortal Kombats


I get the impression that it's someone advertising him for the job?

I honestly hope it's true so that people can stop taking Kira's bullshit speculations as actual 'leaks'.
It's been far better since he started "showing his work" more to make it clearer what's "spec" and what's a hard leak.


It's been far better since he started "showing his work" more to make it clearer what's "spec" and what's a hard leak.

Kira is only good when he datamines. The whole 'S3 is all legacy, *a day later* it's four legacy/two new' bullshit just annoys me when people eat it up as if it's 100% confirmed.
Nevermind, look at the chain of Tweets. I think it's a guy just saying he'd love to see Kira as Capcom BR's PR dude and not necessarily that Kira is becoming that. I don't think even Kira himself said anything, and usually the official accounts would support such a claim on their channels like they did with Martin.

Nyoro SF

Dusted off SFV on PC last weekend (first time in over a year) to see if I could try out Menat using my excess FM instead of Ryu and Cammy, get some games in and see if anything improved about the title.

After turning on Fight Request in training mode (did I mention that the UI in this game is really awful and that slapping on some gold paint is not going to fix a lot of the issues it has?) I proceeded to wait for 20 minutes for no matches. I live in SoCal, so it's not like I'm trying to connect to the Russians from South Africa or something.

Figuring that Fight Request must be broken, I decided to try the direct query for Ranked and Casual matches from the main menu. Keep in mind I had all the default filters set. Another 20 minutes... and nothing. Figuring that search must be busted, I go into the Battle Lounge searches and pull up a list of lobbies. Most lobbies are either poor ping, or mostly-full 8-man lobbies (meaning I'd have to wait eons for a turn to play), or Ultra-Gold or higher accounts requesting expert level play in the comments.

I finally decide after almost an hour of shenanigans that I will just make my own 3-man lobby. After waiting another 10 minutes, someone finally joins... and it's a PS4 player with 3/5 bar ping. Aggrieved at having to wait over an hour just to play a single game, I decide to ready up.

Turns out it's a Nash from the UK. And the match is one of the laggiest matches I have ever played in FGs, with an incredible amount of teleports and rollbacks that made the game visually impossible to follow. After this horrible match is over, the Nash immediately readies up for a rematch; telling me that online SFV players must have adapted to this terrible environment because they don't have a choice if they want to play Street Fighter. After kicking him from my room, I wait another 10 minutes, and no one joins.

This is a disaster. If SFV online is like this then MvCI must be even worse, especially since the player count is lower. The more hardcore community of players has not held Capcom to any sort of quality standard. We are way too focused on character rosters and getting starry-eyed over tournament players, ignoring the low-effort, low-budget (mildly band-aided) work that comprises this game's skeleton. Everyone keeps talking about the netcode and while that's a problem, the real issue that no one mentions is the complete disaster matchmaking is!

Sneakers, tell your Capcom bros that I love most of their animation work, but until they get their act together, you won't ever see me pick up a Capcom fighting game again unless it's on a big fat discount. Don't forget to tell them that any problem the fans have can be addressed by adding more characters and costumes!


Kira is only good when he datamines. The whole 'S3 is all legacy, oh wait no it's four legacy two new' bullshit just annoys me when people eat it up as if it's 100% confirmed.
I get what he was going for. "They're all existing characters!" ... "But two are new!" but he botched the lawyer-speak execution. Possibly cause of the language barrier.

He's being pretty explicit re: S3 chars now tho.
Dusted off SFV on PC last weekend (first time in over a year) to see if I could try out Menat using my excess FM instead of Ryu and Cammy, get some games in and see if anything improved about the title.

After turning on Fight Request in training mode (did I mention that the UI in this game is really awful and that slapping on some gold paint is not going to fix a lot of the issues it has?) I proceeded to wait for 20 minutes for no matches. I live in SoCal, so it's not like I'm trying to connect to the Russians from South Africa or something.

Figuring that Fight Request must be broken, I decided to try the direct query for Ranked and Casual matches from the main menu. Keep in mind I had all the default filters set. Another 20 minutes... and nothing. Figuring that search must be busted, I go into the Battle Lounge searches and pull up a list of lobbies. Most lobbies are either poor ping, or mostly-full 8-man lobbies (meaning I'd have to wait eons for a turn to play), or Ultra-Gold or higher accounts requesting expert level play in the comments.

I finally decide after almost an hour of shenanigans that I will just make my own 3-man lobby. After waiting another 10 minutes, someone finally joins... and it's a PS4 player with 3/5 bar ping. Aggrieved at having to wait over an hour just to play a single game, I decide to ready up.

Turns out it's a Nash from the UK. And the match is one of the laggiest matches I have ever played in FGs, with an incredible amount of teleports and rollbacks that made the game visually impossible to follow. After this horrible match is over, the Nash immediately readies up for a rematch; telling me that online SFV players must have adapted to this terrible environment because they don't have a choice if they want to play Street Fighter. After kicking him from my room, I wait another 10 minutes, and no one joins.

This is a disaster. If SFV online is like this then MvCI must be even worse, especially since the player count is lower. The more hardcore community of players has not held Capcom to any sort of quality standard. We are way too focused on character rosters and getting starry-eyed over tournament players, ignoring the low-effort, low-budget (mildly band-aided) work that comprises this game's skeleton. Everyone keeps talking about the netcode and while that's a problem, the real issue that no one mentions is the complete disaster matchmaking is!

Sneakers, tell your Capcom bros that I love most of their animation work, but until they get their act together, you won't ever see me pick up a Capcom fighting game again unless it's on a big fat discount. Don't forget to tell them that any problem the fans have can be addressed by adding more characters and costumes!
I'm on PS4 on the East Coast and I find matches fast at all times of day even w/ a 4+ bar restriction.

It's possible that people are axing PC as an option though.
Someone on Reddit wrote up almost all of the overlaps between Geki and the Striders.
This is a rough write up of all of Zeku's Strider references that I've found so far. Note that I haven't picked through all his animations, so I'm sure there are additional references in his normals and specials.

- Default Costume (Young Zeku): Young Zeku's default costume bears a striking resemblance to Strider Hiryu, with a flowing red scarf, wild brown hair, and blue ninja garb with a red kanji embroidered on the left breast. While Hiryu's uniform bore the kanji Hi ("flying," the first kanji in Hiryu, "flying dragon"), Zeku's bears the kanji Bu ("war," the first kanji in Bushin, "war god"). In Bengus's artwork (example 1, example 2), he also gives Zeku a cowlick similar to the one often sported by Hiryu.

- Battle Costume 1: An obvious homage to Strider Hiryu, replicating his costume quite faithfully, albeit with minor alteration to appear less high-tech. As before, the kanji on his chest is Bu instead of Hi. Incidentally, one of Guy's unused costumes in Ultra Street Fighter IV was modeled after Hiryu, and Hiryu has had pallete swaps based on Guy's color scheme.

- Story: Zeku's story concerns him returning to the battlefield after leaving the Bushinryu ninja school in Guy's Alpha 2 ending to develop a new fighting style and create a new ninja group. While not overt, this could imply that Zeku is the founder of the Street Fighter universe's own version of the Strider organization, if not an attempt to link the two canons. At the very least it would seem to be an homage. Note that while in the manga the Striders were founded by a man named Kuramoto, there are several different versions of Strider canon and the series was recently rebooted in 2014, with the group's origins left undefined.

- Intro: Zeku flies into the stage using a makeshift parachute-kite, both a ninja trope and an apparent reference to Hiryu's iconic glider entrances.

- Stance: Old Zeku's upper body and Young Zeku's lower body essentially combine to create Hiryu's iconic stance, sans the hand gripping his Cypher.

- Special Moves, Bushin Gram - Koku, Teki, and Ban: Gram is an ability used by Hiryu in his various crossover incarnations, named for a mythical sword from Norse mythology. Zeku's Gram is written phonetically with kanji as 倶羅無 (guramu), creating a layer of abstraction. Hiryu's version charges his Cypher with plasma to extend the reach of the blade, while Zeku's is described as a sharp kick that produces a cutting shockwave, similar to an Iai (quickdraw) sword attack. Zeku's version notably produces Hiryu's signature Cypher slash sound effect. Additionally, two of Zeku's variants, "Teki" and "Ban," are derived from the Chinese names for two of the four barbarian groups said to border Ancient China, which according to Strider's lead designer, Kouichi "Isuke" Yatsui, are ancestors of the recurring Strider enemies, the Kuniang Martial Arts Team, a group of four female assassins who use kicks that generate shockwave blades.

- Special Moves, Sankaku Tobi and Hassou Tobi: Triangle Jump and Hassou Jump are abilities used by Hiryu in Strider and Strider 2, respectively. Triangle Jump is a fairly standard wall jump, while the Hassou Jump allows him to dash off a wall in one of eight directions.

- Critical Art, Batsuzan Gaisei: Zeku's Critical Art incorporates elements from Guy's Bushin Goraisenpujin and Bushin Muso Renge Ultra Combos with Hiryu's Ragnarok Hyper Combo.

- Theme Song: The opening motif from Hiryu's theme song ("Raid!") can be heard in Zeku's theme at 1:19 in his reveal trailer.

- Bonus 1: Tonfa: Maki, Guy's soon-to-be sister-in-law and another student of Zeku, is a Bushinryu ninja who wields the tonfa, which is similar in design to the Cyphers wielded by Striders.

- Bonus 2: Cannon Dancer / Osman: Though probably unintentional, Young Zeku's default costume resembles Kirin, protagonist of Cannon Dancer, almost more strongly than it resembles Hiryu (fan art of Hiryu and Kirin, side-by-side, for reference). Cannon Dancer is a spiritual sequel to the original arcade Strider designed by its creator, Kouichi "Isuke" Yatsui, several years after he left Capcom. Much like Hiryu, Kirin is a member of a ninja-like organization called Teki (see the earlier section about Gram), and winds up on a mission to single-handedly destroy an entity that seeks to conquer the world. The similarity doesn't end with his appearance, as Kirin's primary method of attacking is to unleash shockwaves with his sharp kicks. Though Cannon Dancer was not published by Capcom and is not an official sequel, Isuke considers it an "irregular" sequel and it fits into a loose continuity with Strider and another spiritual sequel, Moon Diver. Isuke has also made implications that the Striders, the Teki, and the Kuniang all share similar origins in the "barbarian" tribes surrounding Ancient China, with Hiryu specifically being born in 2030 in a village belonging to the Tungus tribe, which in Isuke's design documents were also credited with founding the Striders towards the end of the 19th century; in his draft, rather than founding the organization, Kuramoto rebuilt and reformed it in Japan in 2006 with the goal of modernizing it, including developing new weapon technology such as the Cypher.

Here's the one he forgot.


I get what he was going for. "They're all existing characters!" ... "But two are new!" but he botched the lawyer-speak execution. Possibly cause of the language barrier.

He's being pretty explicit re: S3 chars now tho.

Kira said it was all legacy one day and then said it was four legacy and two new the next day. If someone is just flip-flopping between one thing and another how am I supposed to take them seriously? And even if he just misread it, where's the proof? Why isn't anyone else backing up his claims? I've seen this thing that's apparently his 'proof', and if that's the only thing he has to back up his claim then just lol


I get what he was going for. "They're all existing characters!" ... "But two are new!" but he botched the lawyer-speak execution. Possibly cause of the language barrier.

He's being pretty explicit re: S3 chars now tho.

I'm on PS4 on the East Coast and I find matches fast at all times of day even w/ a 4+ bar restriction.

It's possible that people are axing PC as an option though.
Same, I'm in NYC, on PS4, wired, and usually limit to PS4 players with 4-5 bars only. On average, takes me no more than 40-50 seconds to find matches. I'm usually in Training mode with Fight Request on and the requests are very consistent.


Dusted off SFV on PC last weekend (first time in over a year) to see if I could try out Menat using my excess FM instead of Ryu and Cammy, get some games in and see if anything improved about the title.

After turning on Fight Request in training mode (did I mention that the UI in this game is really awful and that slapping on some gold paint is not going to fix a lot of the issues it has?) I proceeded to wait for 20 minutes for no matches. I live in SoCal, so it's not like I'm trying to connect to the Russians from South Africa or something.

no, it's because they have implemented a rage quit system and you have no handshake symbol (for not rage quitting) yet. Now you have to play 3 matches against users who have no handshake symbol. Unfortunately that takes time because you won't be pared with handshake symbol users (as far as i know)
Dusted off SFV on PC last weekend (first time in over a year) to see if I could try out Menat using my excess FM instead of Ryu and Cammy, get some games in and see if anything improved about the title.

After turning on Fight Request in training mode (did I mention that the UI in this game is really awful and that slapping on some gold paint is not going to fix a lot of the issues it has?) I proceeded to wait for 20 minutes for no matches. I live in SoCal, so it's not like I'm trying to connect to the Russians from South Africa or something.

Figuring that Fight Request must be broken, I decided to try the direct query for Ranked and Casual matches from the main menu. Keep in mind I had all the default filters set. Another 20 minutes... and nothing. Figuring that search must be busted, I go into the Battle Lounge searches and pull up a list of lobbies. Most lobbies are either poor ping, or mostly-full 8-man lobbies (meaning I'd have to wait eons for a turn to play), or Ultra-Gold or higher accounts requesting expert level play in the comments.

I finally decide after almost an hour of shenanigans that I will just make my own 3-man lobby. After waiting another 10 minutes, someone finally joins... and it's a PS4 player with 3/5 bar ping. Aggrieved at having to wait over an hour just to play a single game, I decide to ready up.

Turns out it's a Nash from the UK. And the match is one of the laggiest matches I have ever played in FGs, with an incredible amount of teleports and rollbacks that made the game visually impossible to follow. After this horrible match is over, the Nash immediately readies up for a rematch; telling me that online SFV players must have adapted to this terrible environment because they don't have a choice if they want to play Street Fighter. After kicking him from my room, I wait another 10 minutes, and no one joins.

This is a disaster. If SFV online is like this then MvCI must be even worse, especially since the player count is lower. The more hardcore community of players has not held Capcom to any sort of quality standard. We are way too focused on character rosters and getting starry-eyed over tournament players, ignoring the low-effort, low-budget (mildly band-aided) work that comprises this game's skeleton. Everyone keeps talking about the netcode and while that's a problem, the real issue that no one mentions is the complete disaster matchmaking is!

Sneakers, tell your Capcom bros that I love most of their animation work, but until they get their act together, you won't ever see me pick up a Capcom fighting game again unless it's on a big fat discount. Don't forget to tell them that any problem the fans have can be addressed by adding more characters and costumes!

I swear I don't think I've waited more than 5 minutes for a match in all the time I've played. Some people have no luck with the servors I guess?


Yeah, on PS4 I get matches in about 30-40 seconds, usually. That's limited to casual matches (since I don't play ranked much these days) with 4-5 bars, PC and PS4. Going by the heat map on CFN, it seems like there's always a lot of people playing at any given time (except in like, like, Africa and Australia).


Wow, they just said no shared animations between both versions of the character. I thought it'd be more like different properties, but even his normals are completely different.

He's gonna be pretty hard to learn.


Wow, they just said no shared animations between both versions of the character. I thought it'd be more like different properties, but even his normals are completely different.

He's gonna be pretty hard to learn.
They deliberately made him less like Gen despite the two distinct forms, the only switch combos involve the V-Skill.


Nevermind, look at the chain of Tweets. I think it's a guy just saying he'd love to see Kira as Capcom BR's PR dude and not necessarily that Kira is becoming that. I don't think even Kira himself said anything, and usually the official accounts would support such a claim on their channels like they did with Martin.

Y'all seriously confused me. You gotta learn to parse out the Brazilian X-Kira fanboys. lol
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