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Street Fighter V Systems Trailer and hands-on impressions

Holy shit at that Dailymotion video.

Dynamic music for the rounds like 3rd Strike, super fast and intense pace, supers that look terrific...

Day one. :)

How amazing would be if Sean takes Ken's roster spot with his pseudo-shoto moveset

HOLY $@(!!!!
This looks so incredible!
This game is going to be massive

So after all this footage, which is prettier in your opinion? MKX, GGXrd, or SFV?

Its SFV by a mile. A fighting game hasn't made my jaw drop since VF4. This is some amazing stuff
I'm not liking this at all.

Are you talking about normals and jumping? Yeah that does look almost identical, but I have absolutely no problem with that. I don't want active frames and recovery to be heavily reduced. I don't want character short hopping their way in. You jump then I better get a decent amount of time to anti-air you. The pace is definitely faster than SF4, but SFV along with SF games in general should always be slower paced than most other fighters IMO. That slower space controlling style is what I love about SF. No BS characters like Viper or Fuerte and we're good to go.


Are you talking about normals and jumping? Yeah that does look almost identical, but I have absolutely no problem with that. I don't want active frames and recovery to be heavily reduced. I don't want character short hopping their way in. You jump then I better get a decent amount of time to anti-air you. The pace is definitely faster than SF4, but SFV along with SF games in general should always be slower paced than most other fighters IMO. That slower space controlling style is what I love about SF. No BS characters like Viper or Fuerte and we're good to go.

That dailymotion vid was fantastic. Finally, people who can actually play in a demo. March is so far away =/

I just noticed the stun bar is back. Love that


I would actually be cool with Sean taking Ken's spot on the roster if they gave him something to the effect of step kick and a scrubby Dp.


So after all this footage, which is prettier in your opinion? MKX, GGXrd, or SFV?

SFV and Tekken 7 for me.
So beautiful. :) :) :) :)
So much detail.

I still think that the huge damage output in this build is intentional just for E3 (so everybody in line can play and finish the match quickly).
SFV by a large margin.

Rendering (?)

I know Xrd's lack of animation frames was a stylistic choice but it doesn't look good, IMO.

HOLY $@(!!!!
This looks so incredible!
This game is going to be massive

Its SFV by a mile. A fighting game hasn't made my jaw drop since VF4. This is some amazing stuff

SFV. Xrd is really impressive for what it does, but I 'm not that much into sprites anymore. MKX looks good in stills but its animations are awful.

SFV and Tekken 7 for me.
So beautiful. :) :) :) :)
So much detail.

Seems pretty Unanimous lol


So after all this footage, which is prettier in your opinion? MKX, GGXrd, or SFV?


Off topic you can already pre order SFV I was going to at gamestop today but you don't get a beta code for doing so. So I preordered it any way and am waiting to see if they release an edition with a fight stick and will redo it when the beta codes become available.


I never said the frames were exactly like a hadoken. It just doesn't have the speed and recovery of a charge motion fireball. Also V-trigger seems to have cancel properties like focus attacks from sf4.

How doesn't it have the speed and recovery of a charge motion projectile? How often can Guile actually overpower Ryu in a projectile fight? It's almost always a stalemate. The difference is one has a shorter startup with a longer recovery, while the other has a longer startup with a shorter recovery. In the Nash vs Ryu video it looks the same as most any Guile vs Sagat or Ryu fight.

In USF4 Guile's Sonic Boom has a 10 frame startup (not counting the actual charge time) and 24 recovery.
Ryu has a 13 frame startup and a 32 recovery with no charge time.

You might be right about the V-trigger having an effect, but look at the Nash vs Ryu video again at the 3:32 mark. That's classic charge motion gameplay. While they might have changed the projectile motion, it doesn't appear that they changed the properties of the projectile itself.


So after all this footage, which is prettier in your opinion? MKX, GGXrd, or SFV?

KI by a large margin. Also the music helps it to stand way above the others. That last point is why i still don't give a totally want to SFV, probalbly when i see more of it, and more characters that i like.

I'll put MKX in second, specially since is way above the last one. Couldn't care about GG less tho'.


KI by a large margin. Also the music helps it to stand way above the others. That last point is why i still don't give a totally want to SFV, probalbly when i see more of it, and more characters that i like.

I'll put MKX in second, specially since is way above the last one. Couldn't care about GG less tho'.

I put Street Fighter V above all. The art style, detail and animation has surpassed the other fighters.
Killer Instinct definitely has a god-tier OST on the level of Third Strike. Capcom gonna have to hustle on the audio front, SF4 was not bad but it was not terrific either.


It's not about being able to do it at all, it's about getting the most out of it. Lets say low forward is 60 damage and Critical art is 350. So Ryu does that, he gets 410. But if he does 3 low shorts into Critical Art(and each low short is 20 damage) then he does 301 damage if scaling is the same as it is in SF4. That's over 100 less damage because I don't have the reactions.

Sure I can hit links and shit, but I don't have good reactions. I still struggle mightily to DP my opponents when I'm in footsie range and they randomly jump on me. I actually use to practice Ryu's low forward Super in SF4 just to see if I could do it. I never could, and I mean I wasn't close at all :(

Are you sure it's not your anticipation? Like how Daigo got his jump ins from Infiltration and Bonchan when spamming his projectiles back then and eating huge chunk of damage, because of his pride in projectile timings thus disregarding jumps. It's partially a mental preparedness thing when trying to anti-air.

Also I don't think people do a lot of 1-hit confirms like you are thinking, obviously there are certain tricks like Daigos infamous cr.HP into super dhalsim from full screen or Fei Longs cr.mk into super. I hope you are buffering your super when trying to do it though :p.

Considering there are no Ultras in SFV I'll assume that critical arts are not as slow as Ultras and more of an equivalent to Supers in SFIV. So it would be interesting to see if you can V-Trigger cancel off a cr.mk hit confirm into CA.

EDIT: Also when trying to do a EX/Hadouken into FADC U2. Try to think of the part until after FADC as a single motion and then returning to neutral into U2.

How doesn't it have the speed and recovery of a charge motion projectile? How often can Guile actually overpower Ryu in a projectile fight? It's almost always a stalemate. The difference is one has a shorter startup with a longer recovery, while the other has a longer startup with a shorter recovery. In the Nash vs Ryu video it looks the same as most any Guile vs Sagat or Ryu fight.

In USF4 Guile's Sonic Boom has a 10 frame startup (not counting the actual charge time) and 24 recovery.
Ryu has a 13 frame startup and a 45 recovery with no charge time.

Ftfy. Usually Ryu edges it out against Guile when going into projectile war at full screen. Even if Guile uses the input buffer to charge a little bit faster. But the moment Guile can reach Ryu with his F.HP, Ryu will be the one who loses due to Guiles fast recovery and F.HP utility.
OK so where exactly are we suppose to preorder this to get into the beta? I don't want to waste my time pre ordering it at Gamestop only to find out that you can only get it through the PS Store. Have they ever specified where to go for this?

Also I don't think people do a lot of 1-hit confirms like you are thinking, obviously there are certain tricks like Daigos infamous cr.HP into super dhalsim from full screen or Fei Longs cr.mk into super. I hope you are buffering your super when trying to do it though :p.

Considering there are no Ultras in SFV I'll assume that critical arts are not as slow as Ultras and more of an equivalent to Supers in SFIV. So it would be interesting to see if you can V-Trigger cancel off a cr.mk hit confirm into CA.

Yeah I know the trick, throw out your normal and buffer the Super. If you see it hit, then press the button to make your super come out. I've known that for a long time now, being able to confirm it reliably is my problem. It also doesn't help that I'm terrible at doing the double QCF motion really fast. I actually have to concentrate a little to do that. I also never do jumping HK/HP into Ultra because I screw it up too much, I just do raw Ultra.

As for the Critical Arts, they basically are a replacement for Supers. You can cancel into them from normals and it will combo. So the start up should be pretty fast.


Ftfy. Usually Ryu edges it out against Guile when going into projectile war at full screen. Even if Guile uses the input buffer to charge a little bit faster. But the moment Guile can reach Ryu with his F.HP, Ryu will be the one who loses due to Guiles fast recovery and F.HP utility.

Is the SF4 frame data not updated?


Not that it really matters, since you can observe what I was talking about in training mode anyway. You're right about standing fierce punch range, but I'm not sure why a Ryu would be casting fireballs at that range anyway unless Guile was walking forward.

Can confirm from Una, SF5 doesn't have chains, but a lot of target combos like 3s.

I don't really see what the difference is between a chain combo and a target combo. The VS games were heavily reliant on chaining pretty much any normal into another, but target combos always seemed functionally the same to me as far as how quickly you had to press a button, but also how easy they were to do compared to a stricter link. They already had predetermined normals you had to hit and you couldn't cancel into specials/supers with many of them, but they still seemed pretty similar.

Animation on this game alone destroys every fighter out there.

Now, with the speed increase. In the early footage though it looked really "off" to me. The attack animations seemed to take forever and the startup/active frames seemed to last an eternity.

Naked Lunch

The gameplay looks really nice in this game but the character design is butt. Chunky Street Fighter characters have got to go. SF3 got it right and they abandoned that style.


Is the SF4 frame data not updated?


Not that it really matters, since you can observe what I was talking about in training mode anyway. You're right about standing fierce punch range, but I'm not sure why a Ryu would be casting fireballs at that range anyway unless Guile was walking forward.

I was looking using the FA-Tool app. So no idea which one is right.
People can misjudge distances or try to challenge Guile's readiness to boom to prevent him from walking forward.


^^Cool. Thanks for the responses above. I caught that bit with Ryu in the trailer but wasn't sure if it was universal.

And good deal with the alpha counters. I'm digging where V is going.
I don't really see what the difference is between a chain combo and a target combo. The VS games were heavily reliant on chaining pretty much any normal into another, but target combos always seemed functionally the same to me. They already had predetermined normals you had to hit and you couldn't cancel into specials/supers with many of them, but they still seemed pretty similar.
The timing on chains is usually extremely loose compared to targets, aren't they?
Why does Bison has 3 bars of V Trigger while everybody else has 2?

Maybe to help balance him out? He seems pretty slow without it since he gets that cool teleport dash in V-Trigger, and his ex moves seem kinda limited in utility in this game. I think Chun-li had three bars in previous builds too, so things might change again.
The gameplay looks really nice in this game but the character design is butt. Chunky Street Fighter characters have got to go. SF3 got it right and they abandoned that style.

I'm sorry bro but SF characters are always exaggerated/chunky yo. SF3 sprites especially If you compare SF3 Ryu to any Ryu, whether it's SFIV Ryu or SFV, he is bigger in SF3 in a side to side comparison. SF characters have always have exaggerated body parts whether it's the Alpha series through SFV. The only sprites where they look "regular" is the sprites from the Capcom Vs SNK series.
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