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Street Fighter X Tekken |OT| Truly, truly outrageous~


How do I connect the shinku hadoken in Ryu trial #20? By the time it comes out Kazuya is already on the floor.

The shoruyken has to hit near its last active frame or near the end of its arc. It's spacing dependent so when you're doing the initial combo, I think it's c.mp xx c.fp xx EX tatsu. Try to hit him at max distance instead of as close as you can get to Kazuya.


im gonna be playing for a few more weeks but im moving back to the other fighters more. maybe ill come back to futanari-sama once in a while before fall comes round but the game will be long since stale and the vita version is the true version of the game. doubt ill pay for the DLC.

watch, Sony gonna annouse a MonHun Vita and Capcom gives vita life back in Japan. you watch. This was all part of the plot. Good Move Sony... say nothing and be the real winners. MS still have a whole lot to learn how to grease them hands.



The wife would want that shirt in a heartbeat.


are you familiar with adon in ssf4? basically the same game plan

but with dive kicks

and safe as fuck footsies

I have problems with his footsie game and can't really get the mixups going. If I do get a hit, I usually mash chain and come in with a mp xx senpusha with Juri, etc.

And I hate Adon as a character (and fighting him) so I can't say I'm familiar.

So I realized I cannot get links or cancels down in this game. It's the same reason that I didn't play SSFIV much. I really want to get into this game but after spending almost an hour trying to connect Asuka's s. RH to Upkicks and failing, I'm kind of sad. :(

Any tips? The only fighting game I really got into was UMvC3, and I thought I was doing combos just fine but I guess cancels were much easier in that game?

Links you just need to slow down most of the time. At least that's my problem... there's a rhythm to it and you just need to find the spot where you can get a hit, then have them block the second hit -- then speed up or slow down a little and see if you can get the second hit to connect.

Once you have that, just practice so the timing is in muscle memory.

For the cancels? You need to be quick, but not blazing fast or anything -- best way to learn, IMO, is to take a shoto like Ryu/Ken/Akuma and practice cr.mk xx hadoken.fp. Feel confident with it now? Jump in with an attack, cr.mk xx hadoken.fp. Really comfortable? j.attack > cr.mk xx tatsu (this will teach you to cancel into the other qcf). Finally try SRKs. Practice practice practice practice.
It just clicked for me that I can dash cancel my ex chargeable move after chains to extend combos during a juggle and/or continue pressure after an unsafe string. God I really love this game. I am figuring something new out everyday. Although, that might not be happening so frequently if I actually cracked open the guide.

It seems like in this game meter is really the ultimate currency. Easy inputs to quick combos to being able to make chains safe with the aforementioned tactic you practically can fix your mistakes on the fly.

EDIT: So Ryu's EX Hadoken is +11 on block and he only has 4 pre-jump frames. His airborne mk startup is 6 frames. SO basically it seems like he can botch a chain and for a meter get a free crossup / corner escape. Goddamn he is good in this game.


For links, it's actually simple (not to say it is easy) -

If you push your button and the attack is blocked, you did it too late.

If you push your button and nothing happens, you did it too early.

For weird things like air timings there isn't such a simple way to know, so I recommend you find a video of it being performed so you know when stuff is supposed to happen.


Mrs. Harvey
Definitely be playing tonight. Get some team play going. Today is chill day. Tomorrow is get as drunk as

Best way for me to improve links is to do Ken and Ryu's bnb from SFIV.
Has Cacom fixed the online sound bug issue?


Shortly after those items arrive, look for a free tournament support title update that will add a new and faster way to select your gems from the versus screen via a dial system. We'll actually run a live stream this Monday at 4pm PT to show off this update, so head to our Twitch TV page for details. The tournament update will also include improvements to the online sound issues discussed in Ayano-san's earlier blog.

Soon, maybe.
that actually sounds pretty soon if they're gonna show it off on a stream. Cool! I hope it's a good update and I hope this makes tourney organizers allow gems. It would be nice if it came out before too many majors happen. or at least before ufgt8 in may


Vita version has the all characters and should go for about 40 to 60 dollars.

Console version is missing the other 12 characters and will get charged 20 for them, on top of the 60 dollar price for the disc.

so wait for and buy the vita version if its so awesome. the internet is so filled with spoiled whiners it is ridiculous. there is literally nothing capcom can do to please some people and i'm tired of reading their shrill comments.

12 characters for 20 bucks is a pretty good deal when you compare it to DLC character prices for every other fighting game. and also consider that this game still has more characters on release than SF4 after 4 years and an additional $60 worth of updates. if you still think you're getting ripped off then simply don't buy it and shut the fuck up already.

(this post not directed at chavelo, necessarily. not sure you're just trying to clarify the other guy's point or complaining)


so wait for and buy the vita version if its so awesome. the internet is so filled with spoiled whiners it is ridiculous. there is literally nothing capcom can do to please some people and i'm tired of reading their shrill comments.

12 characters for 20 bucks is a pretty good deal when you compare it to DLC character prices for every other fighting game. and also consider that this game still has more characters on release than SF4 after 4 years and an additional $60 worth of updates. if you still think you're getting ripped off then simply don't buy it and shut the fuck up already.

(this post not directed at chavelo, necessarily. not sure you're just trying to clarify the other guy's point or complaining)

You're a sheep.
so wait for and buy the vita version if its so awesome. the internet is so filled with spoiled whiners it is ridiculous. there is literally nothing capcom can do to please some people and i'm tired of reading their shrill comments.

12 characters for 20 bucks is a pretty good deal when you compare it to DLC character prices for every other fighting game. and also consider that this game still has more characters on release than SF4 after 4 years and an additional $60 worth of updates. if you still think you're getting ripped off then simply don't buy it and shut the fuck up already.

(this post not directed at chavelo, necessarily. not sure you're just trying to clarify the other guy's point or complaining)

Hope you aren't on GameFAQs. It's much, much worse.

Nose Master

I wish. Those assist gems are seriously annoying.

I'll probably test this in a second, but what do the assist cancel / assist inputs gems actually do? I'm assuming cancel assist increases the window when you can input the special move, but what do the input assist gems do exactly? There's also two tiers of them, so it's weird. If it's just more liberal shortcuts, wouldn't that mess up your inputs more than help most of the time?


I'll probably test this in a second, but what do the assist cancel / assist inputs gems actually do? I'm assuming cancel assist increases the window when you can input the special move, but what do the input assist gems do exactly? There's also two tiers of them, so it's weird. If it's just more liberal shortcuts, wouldn't that mess up your inputs more than help most of the time?

If you look in the command list for a character you can choose to display the other two input types. One shortcut is like a direction+ button, believe the other is pretty much "hit two buttons!"
The shoruyken has to hit near its last active frame or near the end of its arc. It's spacing dependent so when you're doing the initial combo, I think it's c.mp xx c.fp xx EX tatsu. Try to hit him at max distance instead of as close as you can get to Kazuya.

Thanks a lot, will try that.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
so wait for and buy the vita version if its so awesome. the internet is so filled with spoiled whiners it is ridiculous. there is literally nothing capcom can do to please some people and i'm tired of reading their shrill comments.

How about not making content on the disc locked? That's a good start! :p

12 characters for 20 bucks is a pretty good deal when you compare it to DLC character prices for every other fighting game. and also consider that this game still has more characters on release than SF4 after 4 years and an additional $60 worth of updates.

What about all the characters for the $60 price tag that the game sells for? That's the best deal!

I don't see why people are trying justify locked content on discs and "dlc" unlock keys as a good thing. Sure what's there is good. I like this game...hell, I doubled-dipped on it and will buy it on Vita too. But I'm not going to make excuses for the shitty DLC trend that's affecting games from this company. It's not just Capcom though.

if you still think you're getting ripped off then simply don't buy it and shut the fuck up already.

No, people should speak up, but they most definitely also need to speak with their wallets. The problem here is that for all the complaining people do, they still end up buying these games and the content anyway. The reality of it all is that the fighting community as a whole would have to shun the game for something to actually happen...and they won't.
so wait for and buy the vita version if its so awesome. the internet is so filled with spoiled whiners it is ridiculous. there is literally nothing capcom can do to please some people and i'm tired of reading their shrill comments.

12 characters for 20 bucks is a pretty good deal when you compare it to DLC character prices for every other fighting game. and also consider that this game still has more characters on release than SF4 after 4 years and an additional $60 worth of updates. if you still think you're getting ripped off then simply don't buy it and shut the fuck up already.

(this post not directed at chavelo, necessarily. not sure you're just trying to clarify the other guy's point or complaining)

Between the fact that they put the entire finished characters on the disc and then locked them away for people to pay for them later? That's bullshit. Especially since they're doing whatever to make people wait to buy them. And this is coming from someone who has no problem at all with online pass, especially when a developer does it right.

My buddy had the best suggestion I've heard on the subject; treat the characters as an online pass. Buy the game new? Get 12 extra characters free. Buy it used? They cost you $20. I'd be on board with that, but you'd still get a fair share of whiners.

Best part of it all? Hackers have them at day one for free. :3
The best(and probably only good thing besides Elena lol) thing to come out of this whole DLC madness is the low price for the twelve characters. I hope it helps drive down prices for DLC characters in other fighting games.

*looks at BlazBlue*

Also, now I want to believe in Uncanny MvC3 with 8 characters for $15.


I'm impressed, i played with a friend, 2 vs. 1 (or 2 vs. 2) online, it was smooth and crazy fun.

Since i can only play one character... this is the answer. (D:)


How about not making content on the disc locked? That's a good start! :p

What about all the characters for the $60 price tag that the game sells for? That's the best deal!

I don't see why people are trying justify locked content on discs and "dlc" unlock keys as a good thing. Sure what's there is good. I like this game...hell, I doubled-dipped on it and will buy it on Vita too. But I'm not going to make excuses for the shitty DLC trend that's affecting games from this company. It's not just Capcom though.

No, people should speak up, but they most definitely also need to speak with their wallets. The problem here is that for all the complaining people do, they still end up buying these games and the content anyway. The reality of it all is that the fighting community as a whole would have to shun the game for something to actually happen...and they won't.

But you're getting all of the characters for $60. Did Capcom ever advertise that this game would come with the 12 extra characters? Nope.

The DLC stuff is a slippery slope for sure, but video game consumers are (sometimes obnoxiously) vocal about this stuff and make damn sure that the publishers don't let it get out of hand. You don't think Capcom listened to you all when you complained? Why do you think you're getting so much free DLC? We all know they want to charge for the DLC gems, but they aren't. We also know they want to bundlefuck the shit out of us with character DLC in 4-packs that cost $10 each, but they aren't. And we sure as shit know they would sell us a whole new retail game with 12 new characters 8 months down the road for $40, but they aren't doing that either. All things considered, especially how many characters are already in the game, it really isn't that dire.


God damn it guys, go fight about the DLC in one of the numerous threads about it.

Anyway, I am free as shit to Tekken characters. It seems like every time I make a mistake its a massive combo for 40% off my health or more headed my way. It just feels like my SF guys have to work much harder for the same damage.


Between the fact that they put the entire finished characters on the disc and then locked them away for people to pay for them later? That's bullshit. Especially since they're doing whatever to make people wait to buy them. And this is coming from someone who has no problem at all with online pass, especially when a developer does it right.

My buddy had the best suggestion I've heard on the subject; treat the characters as an online pass. Buy the game new? Get 12 extra characters free. Buy it used? They cost you $20. I'd be on board with that, but you'd still get a fair share of whiners.

Best part of it all? Hackers have them at day one for free. :3

This is exactly how I feel. I need to play more of this game, but I still have plenty of mass effect 3 to go.


I finally decided to put my piggy bank together.... only to realize Im to fucking crippled to snap the damn pieces together.... Im fucking sad now. I shall now take this emotion and let it out on shitty players in ranked.


Yes battled my way back to a C-rank after falling at <400bp.

Switched King for Raven and magic happened.
But like I said before, I hate Raven's character design and I love King's moveset.
Maybe I'll just go for some endless battles the next few days.


Can we get mods to step up to the plate please and make sure the DLC bickering stays in the DLC thread?

I'd like to read about the current game as it is in this thread. Match ups, characters, online woes, looking for matches, etc etc.

I'm stuck babysitting right now but soon...very soon.... I am going in hard tonight with Paul.

Who wants to body me fraaaaay?(360)


But you're getting all of the characters for $60. Did Capcom ever advertise that this game would come with the 12 extra characters? Nope.

Well actually, they did (partially). They showed off Cody and Guy in a reveal trailer months before release and gave people a clear impression that those two characters would be in the game. And I know there are people out there that wanted to play both of those characters but now have to wait several months for them to be bought and unlocked on the disc.

Regardless, I don't have a huge problem with DLC characters if those characters were originally budgeted to be DLC anyway. However, it's kind of lame to reveal characters and then not include them in the disc release.


As in "Heathcliff"
Well actually, they did (partially). They showed off Cody and Guy in a reveal trailer months before release and gave people a clear impression that those two characters would be in the game. And I know there are people out there that wanted to play both of those characters but now have to wait several months for them to be bought and unlocked on the disc.

Regardless, I don't have a huge problem with DLC characters if those characters were originally budgeted to be DLC anyway. However, it's kind of lame to reveal characters and then not include them in the disc release.

Don't forget that they reveal 12 characters for Vita Version before the 360 and PS3 release. IIRC

Can we get mods to step up to the plate please and make sure the DLC bickering stays in the DLC thread?

I'd like to read about the current game as it is in this thread. Match ups, characters, online woes, looking for matches, etc etc.

I'm stuck babysitting right now but soon...very soon.... I am going in hard tonight with Paul.

Who wants to body me fraaaaay?(360)

I don't mind to play, but when?


Can we get mods to step up to the plate please and make sure the DLC bickering stays in the DLC thread?

I'd like to read about the current game as it is in this thread. Match ups, characters, online woes, looking for matches, etc etc.

I'm stuck babysitting right now but soon...very soon.... I am going in hard tonight with Paul.

Who wants to body me fraaaaay?(360)

i concur. now where are you (for live)?


My GT is Outlaw Slevin

I'm in Colorado in the USA.

I'll hopefully be on in the next hour or sooner. I'll post back here when I'm ready.

Send friend requests and just mention you are a GAFfer.

I'm more than open to creating a bigger lobby if we got more peeps.
Can we get mods to step up to the plate please and make sure the DLC bickering stays in the DLC thread?


Enjoying playing julia/chun at the moment. Feel it is a team that well suits me just chipping away. Always like chun in SF4 but never could get her anti-airs to be effective without meter. Now that everyone has the same problem, she seems much more fun.
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