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Street Fighter X Tekken |OT| Truly, truly outrageous~


yes! the patch will be out in december! v2013 :)

and BTW! I've reached 11000+bp, number one in the Netherlands has about 15000.

So getting pretty close :)
With so many people not playing the game right, not too long. The game has been out since March.

I traded the ps3 version in since the online was dead a few months after release. And when you get that high you get reduced points against other players since so few people are over 20k. Must've taken him hundreds of matches to grind up there. Maybe he just did training mode with request for ranked on the past year since he hasn't been playing other games much (besides LoL).


I traded the ps3 version in since the online was dead a few months after release. And when you get that high you get reduced points against other players since so few people are over 20k. Must've taken him hundreds of matches to grind up there. Maybe he just did training mode with request for ranked on the past year since he hasn't been playing other games much (besides LoL).

He goes on long win streaks. It's not too bad I guess. lol

PSN and XBL aren't that dead. Up to at least when people were truly fed up with autoblocking lv.2 he was already very high.
He goes on long win streaks. It's not too bad I guess. lol

PSN and XBL aren't that dead. Up to at least when people were truly fed up with autoblocking lv.2 he was already very high.

Yeah, I guess it's possible he got pretty high before people stopped playing. I grinded up to like 12000 on psn and 15000 on 360 when I had both, so if a person focused only on one version he could get 20000 easy in that same time. The 360 version still has lots of people doing lame stuff in ranked while the ps3 version was taking me more than 5 mnutes to find ranked matches. When people would kick me from free battles due to my BP on PSN I traded that crap in.


This is a repeat of what I've said on another forum, and my opinion is highly subjective :p

But some of my wishes for the balance patch

I want him to have 1000HP, 950 on him is such bullshit and illogical and give him a small damageboost on his booms and flashkicks. And as much as I like it, fix his alpha counter.
It's dumb that he only has to press HK/HP

His jumping HK is ridiculous, he can cross me up on my ankles! And it makes him untouchable in the air too. Reduce that hitbox, same for Kazuya's and Jin's j.HK make them work a bit more for it like the rest of the cast.

Make his standing or cr. lk one or two frames faster so you're able to reliable punish whiffed moves.

Better hitbox on his cr. mk and cr. HK (use the full leg, now it's like yoshi's sword). A little bit invincibility on his lk. upball like in SF4 because his anti-air normals are already gone, give him something meterless to anti-air with. Make his EX-horiball a bit faster so it can do what it's supposed to do, punish projectiles.

Make his j.hk a bit faster, increase walkspeed, invincibility on Ex-shredder and make his super a few frames faster on start-up

Increase the damage and range on his rock'n roll circus. Hell make them only a bit worse than Gief's SPD, that won't make him Broken. And increase the speed of his megaton claw.

Lariat shouldn't be able to anti-air cross-ups and decrease his range and speed a bit on his SPD. Also make his superart a strike, why should he be the only one with a commandgrab super?

Make that damn "red lightening kick" unsafe on block

After his jab-nerf he's pretty much perfect. Good character with some weaknesses.

Also an excellent character,maybe boost his superdamage by 20-40 points (it's only 260 I believe) and give him 1000 HP

Decrease his cr. lk range a bit and he's fine. Buff his knife,so people will actually use it!

Make his sword hit everything his animation actually hits (so increase the range on his normals), better walking speed and more range on his poison mist.

She still has her jab intact that was nerfed for the rest of the cast, fix that mistake capcom

Slow down a few of his normals by one frame (like his sweep)

He's perfect this way, solid B-tier

Now he really needs the range Gief has on his SPD. Why not give it to him? In exchange make his N.L.Suplex 6 frames so normal throws can beat them.

Make his giant swing work on standing and crouching opponents and make his shining wizard an overhead strike and make his RASC safer on block.

That one kick that looks like it hits high, but it hits low?! make it a normal hitting move, not low.


Mmm I don't want too many or any nerfs hitting this game. This game needs more offensive barriers.

Those mishima jump roundhouses are great. They just need to import them over to a few other Tekken cast members. Hopefully there will be some better ground based anti-airs for most of them added in.

Also I didn't know Guile's hp was 950. Kinda justified with his tools and range. Dat c.MK~s.HK, air throw, booms


Mmm I don't want too many or any nerfs hitting this game. This game needs more offensive barriers.

Those mishima jump roundhouses are great. They just need to import them over to a few other Tekken cast members. Hopefully there will be some better ground based anti-airs for most of them added in.

Also I didn't know Guile's hp was 950. Kinda justified with his tools and range. Dat c.MK~s.HK, air throw, booms

If they throw out a j.hk right now, only thing you can do is block if you don't got a DP.
And what about Heihachi crossing you up on your ankles. Even when you block it, he's so much plus on block he can perform his herp-derp combo's/mix-ups all day long.

Guile has very good normals, but there are characters with better ones (with 1000+hp) and air-throws are nerfed to almost useless in this game.

Normally I'mall for buffs, but I want to eliminate dumb braindead stuff. They can keep their cross-up, but make the hitbox a little less huge. So you actually have to time it.


If they throw out a j.hk right now, only thing you can do is block if you don't got a DP.
And what about Heihachi crossing you up on your ankles. Even when you block it, he's so much plus on block he can perform his herp-derp combo's/mix-ups all day long.

Guile has very good normals, but there are characters with better ones (with 1000+hp) and air-throws are nerfed to almost useless in this game.

Normally I'mall for buffs, but I want to eliminate dumb braindead stuff

His ankles could take maybe a bit of a change so it doesn't become a random fake cross up midscreen.
As for frame advantage, I think he can stay with it. Tekken chars should get away with some up close pressure and mix ups. And with throws being 5F, I don't even know how that will respond to Tekken strings even with such a short range. They need to find a way to tinker with the stuff.

Also bumped into this Dalgren yesterday. Straight up told him the web show was an awful idea, unfortunate how it ended, but just keep pushing with Capcom JP to fix the game up.


So, almost universally:

-everything does 10 damage less
-whiffing most specials gives you 0 meter

They're homogenizing some of the meta play, yeah. Cuz CADC gave some pretty good meter. They're basically making chains less significant on block and briding more SF4 style of footsie into it where you just do frame trap strings and etc instead of mashing LM, LMH to snuff people more.

Looks good on paper so far, hopefully they'll touch up more on damage elsewhere. Because with grey health nerf and these general nerfs, people will have to play more aggressively as being super super safe and running away for most people aren't going to be rewarding one bit.
Seems like they decided to nerf everything on the Capcom side. Don't know what good nerfing chains does when people will just go to confirming 1 or 2 jabs/shorts before starting chain to launcher. The result will just be games taking longer.

Hopefully the tekken side gets a lot of buffs to make the game more interesting.
honestly, not liking some of the changes right now. the dash cancel abuse is one thing, but nerfing it accross the board is meh. no more safe tags off a dp i like.

i remember someone asking for 1000 guile hp; lol @ it being nerfed down to 900 instead.

they killed poison and buffed ibuki. what are they trying to tell me? i hope this list is not final.

heavy's sandvich said:
Is this out on Vita in Europe?
i don't think it's out on vita anywhere?
edit: well i guess i take that back. i guess the release date was yesterday for europe. maybe just have to wait for the weekly psn update before it goes up on the store?


PSVita SFxT releases next week.

Their UK PR guy @CapcomDawg said there will be more systematic changes.

So yeah I think the whiners kind of are getting their wish of changing the overall game. If it works out overall I'm okay.

Overall chain nerfing and some character tuning down may not be for the worse. Super SF4 had a lot of things tuned downward and it worked out for the better. They just set the bar lower for damage to level a lot of characters.


SF cast changes seem pretty solid in theory considering their dominance in general play. Less damage and a bit less safe for getting to play on their turf.


Yeah, I've just about lost interest in the game with this patch. I've been a fan up until now, but the patch is literally going to ruin my mains.

Rolento? Completely different.
Akuma? Lame.
Yoshimitsu? I assume they'll butcher him as well.

Cammy and Rufus are extra boring now, and I bet Raven is going to get hit hard as well. No longer interested in this game, sadly.


Yeah, I played about 10 games against him in casuals between the semis and top 8. He makes a lot of good reads and has some gimmicks that he didn't really get to show in the top 8 with Kuma.

Kuma has some gimmicks that are nice but definitely not stuff you want to show off until you need it. Seth's space control with hunting was really nice but it surprised me he didn't f.mp from it (I think that was the command) for the big anti-air swipe. Didn't see any headbutts too. =o


Played well and did what was necessary.

Top 8 for SFxT is a good showing of progression despite all the negative public feedback.

Time out or not, none of the overall time outs in SFxT would rival the GF for AE2012. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. People have to be lying to themselves if they are hyped over a Rufus vs Zangief match up for an hour straight.


PSVita SFxT releases next week.

Their UK PR guy @CapcomDawg said there will be more systematic changes.

So yeah I think the whiners kind of are getting their wish of changing the overall game. If it works out overall I'm okay.

Overall chain nerfing and some character tuning down may not be for the worse. Super SF4 had a lot of things tuned downward and it worked out for the better. They just set the bar lower for damage to level a lot of characters.

When? The Vita version has all the characters right?
Kuma has some gimmicks that are nice but definitely not stuff you want to show off until you need it. Seth's space control with hunting was really nice but it surprised me he didn't f.mp from it (I think that was the command) for the big anti-air swipe. Didn't see any headbutts too. =o

I saw him do the swipe in his top 16 match, but going against marduk's low jump arc there really isn't too many opportunities to use it on reaction. I asked him why he doesn't like using the headbutt more and he said he feels it's too unsafe if you guess wrong and he'd rather use the ex punch.


I saw him do the swipe in his top 16 match, but going against marduk's low jump arc there really isn't too many opportunities to use it on reaction. I asked him why he doesn't like using the headbutt more and he said he feels it's too unsafe if you guess wrong and he'd rather use the ex punch.

Makes sense. EX Megaton is generally safer as a punish because of recovery and you still get to make use of the invincibility. EX Headbutt is basically Kuma's Piledriver so you'd use it in situations similar to Gief, though, heh. It's 250 damage though (as I recall) and with power gems, it goes up. Plus, it can punish full screen fire ball and pokes.

I played AfroCole a bit when SFxT was first released (and we still had it at weeklies) against his Raven/Sim (at the time) and I'd just Rolling Headbutt straight through his stuff and stay in his face. Of course, there were no fireballs so.


Sigh, they destroyed my two of my mains (Rolento and Guile), so I'll be pure Blanka from now on. I'm scared what they are gonna do to Jack-X, Kuma & King.

And since I've downloaded update 1.07 I can't juggle ppl after a fisherman's slam with Bryan anymore.
There must be some stealth changes.


Sigh, they destroyed my two of my mains (Rolento and Guile), so I'll be pure Blanka from now on. I'm scared what they are gonna do to Jack-X, Kuma & King.
Dude, I know. I was loving Rolento, just my type of character (safe pressure, pokes, footsies). Now he's gonna SUCK! They've nerfed Akuma as well, his defensive air fireball is slightly worse now, as is his teleport. And yet he still has ass health. I never mained Raven but was very interested in playing him, simply because he's the only true Tekken keep-away character.

Now Capcom has taken away everything that makes each char unique! With the nerf to long-distance mechanics, all matches will literally look the same now. Walk...jump in with roundhouse.

Ugh. I'm gonna DL the patch once to try it out. Then I'll be deleting it and playing vanilla on my own.

Fixing the game is so simple as nerfing boost combos, increasing the timer by 30 seconds, and making a legitimate use out of Pandora. Or, Capcom could man up and admit that Pandora and the gems suck (they won't). They'll change anything else just to keep the stupid gems in.


ah wait, Blanka has one great buff.

His close HP is cancelable, so j.hk, c.hp, electricity is possible.
Great easy combo for those laggy matches.
I imagine now that this is out of the way we will get an announcement for Street Fighter IV: Arcade 2013 Edition or some such thing.


Sigh, they destroyed my two of my mains (Rolento and Guile), so I'll be pure Blanka from now on. I'm scared what they are gonna do to Jack-X, Kuma & King.

And since I've downloaded update 1.07 I can't juggle ppl after a fisherman's slam with Bryan anymore.
There must be some stealth changes.

Yah few players have confirmed that.


Sigh, they destroyed my two of my mains (Rolento and Guile), so I'll be pure Blanka from now on. I'm scared what they are gonna do to Jack-X, Kuma & King.

And since I've downloaded update 1.07 I can't juggle ppl after a fisherman's slam with Bryan anymore.
There must be some stealth changes.

Dunno about Jack-X but I highly doubt Kuma and King are getting nerfed too badly. Both have have holes in their current play, I think. King, at least based on my old knowledge, has somewhat low damage and pretty poor specials on the whole, outside of his knee combo. I don't think he has any footsies either so I suspect some good changes will come for him. But seriously, his damage is unusually low for a Tekken character.

Kuma, despite winning a major now, still has problems with neutral matches and footsies. You can sort of mitigate that with hunting stance and good use of the g-clef cannon/Double Swipes tekken strings but it's still messy. The nice thing is that he gets grappler level damage in return to make up for that deficiency. So he is in a bit of a decent place.


Sorry for taking so long to get around to it but I updated the first post ^_^;
From what I read of the upcoming update, RiP Hugo's beastly 650 damage combo into super *MGS Salute*
Hope Elena's gonna be good though


Dunno about Jack-X but I highly doubt Kuma and King are getting nerfed too badly. Both have have holes in their current play, I think. King, at least based on my old knowledge, has somewhat low damage and pretty poor specials on the whole, outside of his knee combo. I don't think he has any footsies either so I suspect some good changes will come for him. But seriously, his damage is unusually low for a Tekken character.

Kuma, despite winning a major now, still has problems with neutral matches and footsies. You can sort of mitigate that with hunting stance and good use of the g-clef cannon/Double Swipes tekken strings but it's still messy. The nice thing is that he gets grappler level damage in return to make up for that deficiency. So he is in a bit of a decent place.

I played with King for a bit. I think his damage is pretty good and don't view him as a regular grappler.

He has fair mid range tools and is all about the oki/wake up game. He doesn't even need meter to break 400 damage. You can power bomb and charge up a counter before they wake up for some stuff.
CH Tackle (f+LK+MP) uf+MK, uf+MK, HP~Power bomb for a lot of damage and you can just repeat the CH store, backdash and just stay in the neutral zone. It's like a really good spot for people to think they'll jump at King but they're just openinig themselves up for a counter (F+2Punch)

As for his other tools, i think his close s.MP is pretty good, far s.HK is a great great great whiff punisher into raw tag; this is also good for jaguar stepping some people. His command normal string isn't a blockstring but it's decent enough to work at least once per match against people mashing. The rest of his normals are so so but he has better options out of c.LP range. And his very gratuitous j.HP and j.HK speed and hit boxes give him leverage to pressure a lot of people.
i wouldn't consider king a low damage character. knee lift hurts. however, i do consider him somewhat of a high risk character.

i thought of kuma to be a pretty risky character as well, but seth(?) played him pretty safely at the la qualifiers. i think combo was looking for him to make some mistakes, but they just didn't happen enough. what he should've done imo was cross counter to reset to the midrange game with julia.


I don't think he's a regular grappler but I definitely think he should be able to squeeze a bit more damage out of them Looking at some of the combos, counterhits seem to provide him a big source of damage but that isn't always going to be an option to use.

Still, a general buff to give him more options and a more well-rounded playstyle is probably in order. His throws should be variable damage too, I don't think they are right now which is somewhat silly.

Edit: I think King is somewhat low damage for a Tekken character, not low in general. He does get some hefty damage in places but considering many of the Tekken characters get even better without too many silly set-ups, it's a bit of a minus for King.

Combo wasn't really battling Kuma like we should've but Seth did play him well.


Here's to hoping he gets some buff in any form. Range, damage, and better frame traps hopefully. His chains are already very punishable so I don't think they will touch that.


Sigh, they destroyed my two of my mains (Rolento and Guile), so I'll be pure Blanka from now on. I'm scared what they are gonna do to Jack-X, Kuma & King.

And since I've downloaded update 1.07 I can't juggle ppl after a fisherman's slam with Bryan anymore.
There must be some stealth changes.

Other than the Guile health nerf, how bad are the changes, really?

Such a frustrating character to play they way Capcom balances him. He wasn't anywhere near top-tier, was he?

Still bitter over that original AE treatment. That was insane.


Other than the Guile health nerf, how bad are the changes, really?

Such a frustrating character to play they way Capcom balances him. He wasn't anywhere near top-tier, was he?

Still bitter over that original AE treatment. That was insane.

All I know of Guile is fighting against him and he's hard to touch sometimes. Upside down kick is great, flash kick TC is seemingly omega safe on block, c.MK range is really good in here and more so because it leads into BIG damage (c.MK~raw tag, c.MK~HK~raw tag) compared to SF4 where it just pokes and overheads, amazing anti airs with c.HP, air throw, and the norm from SF4. Along with an easier alpha counter by pushing B+HP+HK, there isn't any glaring weaknesses Guile has now.

Basically with Guile in Ver2013, he takes a little more risk in everything on the offense. F+HP+HK AC's, lowered health, chain spam being less safe, and flash kick TC. His rewards are still present in Ver.2013 if none of that changes in the end, and depending on how much other characters change he can probably do even more damage from other nerfs the rest of the cast receives for taking risks.


The fact that they even nerfed Blanka means that they'll nerf 90% of the cast. Capcom has this weird tendency to nerf the less popular lower tier characters (poor Vega in SSF4 & AE :lol), almost as an excuse to nerf the shoto's.

Hopefully the mishima j.hk gets the same treatment as Hugo splash, that would make the game so much more fun for me.

For now I'll stay with my Blanka/Jack team, my goal is to reach 15k this week :)

I'll worry about the nerfs when the 2013 version is actually here.
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