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Street Fighter X Tekken |OT| Truly, truly outrageous~


So apparently Claw can cancel the first hit of his St. HP, and I thought was only possible in an MP, HP chain.
You can do St. HP (1-hit)xxHP Rolling and link off of it. I can't do this however, so I just stick to MP, HP (1-hit)-->EX Rolling-->Cr. MP, whatev


so is that quick combo thing completely useless? I was under the impression I would be able to record my own combos or choose from some other presets of combos but all I see is something pointless to waste a bar of meter.


Do anti airs just suck in this game?

They said they wanted to make jump-ins more viable and as a result anti-airs will trade (or even lose) a lot more often than in SF4.

Also I saw Aris messing with Yoshi on Cross Assault and he pointed out how off his hitboxes are. I decided to see it for myself and WOW they are awful. As in you can have his foot all the way up to his knee kicking inside someone and it doesn't register. Don't even get me started on his sword hitboxes (or lack thereof).
Played some online matches tonight: near flawless (and I have shit internet) and after all this time waiting and going through all the hype I got to say the game is fucking great. I can totally see why a lot of the best players are hyped for it and it totally fits between SF4 and MVC3.


600+ damage combo into super, easy 450-ish damage combo without meter anywhere on the screen. EX Backbreaker is an excellent anti-air and does 200 damage.

Hey guys if you don't see your online gamertag for PSN or XBL in the first posts, let me know so I can add them ^_^;

I doubt it matters much but I'm in southwest Ohio.
Played some online matches tonight: near flawless (and I have shit internet) and after all this time waiting and going through all the hype I got to say the game is fucking great. I can totally see why a lot of the best players are hyped for it and it totally fits between SF4 and MVC3.

Great to read. And in other news I still don't have the damn game!!

Will see if I can get it before I go the library later today, why oh why do games have to release on a friday in the UK. Made sure to order the Brady guide too and hopefully it arrives on Monday.


My copy arrived hella late, 9PM. Damn you UPS. Anyway, been playing since then. I was expecting it to play a lot like SFIV, but this is a breath of fresh air. A ton of new mechanics to learn. It's a bit overwhelming at the moment, but that's what makes it fun. Flaky sound during online matches is annoying. Hope that gets cleaned up soon. Overall great game.

BTW, my instruction booklet is all messed up at the top and bottom edges. Not cool. But I don't feel like shipping back to amazon for exchange. :/


Am I the only one who thinks there should of been more than 3 stocks? It seems to limit the potential of the game considering all the different ways to utilize it.


amazon.de just shipped mine! one day earlier than expected :D
should be here tomorrow if everything goes right


Does anybody have any tips on using Asuka.I have trouble getting in with her.

Edit:Also the remix for Jin's tekken 3 theme is great

Yeah my current problem too. That said though, everyone's saying she's super safe. But when you're facing someone like Rolento, that means squat lolol. QCF dictator D:

Also looks some of the bnb tech for her so far are jumpins?

Nose Master

Rockin Hwoarang and Asuka at the moment. Enjoying how they incorporated Tekken characters into the whole thing, but...
Yawn @ people playing it safe and using Ryu + Ken in Ranked. Did you pay $60 to play the same characters that you did in SSF4? Sounds boring to me.

Sirlin, man. Some people don't want to have fun, they just want to win. Let them have their fun before everyone else actually progresses.


My lol go to combo with Asscar right now is MP LP MP LK x Lift Kicks J.HK EX Air Grab c.hk, problem is actually getting it started outside of a jumping fierce on wakeup if they don't tech roll or you guess the roll :(

Tekken characters don't feel like characters you just pick up and do "decent" with in this game, at least @ my level of play. I suck @ Tekken.. but with t6 I did 100ish matches with Asuka and won like 80%... she's nowhere near as scrub friendly in this game as she was in T6. If this was a 1v1 fighter I doubt I could pull out a 20% win rate with Asuka even against mostly horrible opposition.

Asscar would be godlike in this game if tech rolls didn't exist, imagine getting a knockdown and going into 50/50's for 400ish damage....

Anyway what gems are people using... I've put 2 setups on the characters I'm playing... Cammy, Ken, Asuka.. setup 1 being 3 gems that active when the partner connects a launcher... my other setup is mostly defense based with 3 gems all activating when hit by 2 special moves.. 1 being instant 60 life back, the other being +80 over 5 secs and I think the last was a fort gem?

And man, fuck Capcom for the lack of colors, I've seen the pic with all those colors listed... was like 16 and I think you can scroll down. They should've included 10 from the start like SFIV and than added additional colors..

Hyped for this game coming out officially in Australia tomorrow, so i can finally play a lot online....


Wow, I really thought about getting it day 1. But with the disastrous online experiences you guys have I wait for a patch first.


Am I the only one who thinks there should of been more than 3 stocks? It seems to limit the potential of the game considering all the different ways to utilize it.

IMO, 3 bars is ok because of how quickly meter is gained in this game. This isn't SF4. You can whiff moves to gain meter and there are meter-centric gems. I also think they wanted to simplify the system a bit considering the audience they were going for. What does 4 bars accomplish (in the SFxT system) that you can't already do with 3?
Wow, I really thought about getting it day 1. But with the disastrous online experiences you guys have I wait for a patch first.

You should still get the game early imo. I'll be levelling up in training mode for a good week or two until I feel I'm ready, there's really so much to learn.





After YEARS of complaing...

After MONTHS of HYPE...

After days of wating...

The Game Came.

Poison is the greatest fighting charater ever. Haters be damned. Futanari-Sama will have major, major problems with pokers because her normals outside of mid kick leaves a lot to be desired. But her Axe Kick, Rush Whip her Back Grab and EX off these moves with Vitality Gems or defense gems and shes unbeatble with the right player (some one that plays Adon will win a lot with her) Her chains are beyond 9 well you get the idea. Links are harder to gage.

Jin is too damn dangerous in the right hands, when i can pull of 5 hit combo first try the dude is so fucking free but i changed the control to fit Poison.

Cole is a work. I loved the idea of him. But hes not my thing because you gotta slide and as far as i know you cant EX from it. Slide is unsafe at certain places. All of the other moves can be punshed and his control grab is WAY TOO LONG and misses close. More work need with him.

Marduk is great. But more work with him

Rolento is the best fighter in the game bar none. This game rewards footies like I never seen before. Julia is the only fighter i know has an avantage but even then he will be 5 to her 7. He punshes shotos hard. Never, ever ever get close to him and if hes a great player your gonna lose period. Almost like Blanka was in SF4 (never beat him online)

But like all games this has a problem.

As much as the lag is nearly non existanent - the sound issues? UGH. UGH. UGH. Mute isnt gonna help. Im thinking is connected with lag and ping - the youtube showed that Mike Ross isnt haveing the same problem as many here. So what gives? I smells like GGPO light - less lag, bad sound.

Now, im not a fanboy - but even if i was, Xbox 360 GOT SHORTCHANGED badly this game. Now its not that i dont love the cats (i do) or cole (ditto) but... um...christ. they made the game using windows (or some seblance of it) and you mean to tell me the XBox 360 which has windows componants dont have the tech to pull off local co-op? cant we just admit that it was moneyhatted? NOT hard to do. I mean Big Cap did screw us over the one second lag issue...3 times. The DLC thing is almost a non-sequtor because there not gonna be in the tourny anyway - and besides who wants to play test 12 more to see if they are legal before EVO? Too much headache.

The BEST thing about the game - TWO players can play online and ranked!

The worse thing about the game... my SEN GF isnt here with me. :( where are you Fairy_Xiaoyu?!
Hyped for this game coming out officially in Australia tomorrow, so i can finally play a lot online....

Really looking forward to seeing the old SF4 crowd online. Never got into MvC and stopped playing after ssf4. Time to get bodied again if Aus post can step it up

Who combines well with Julia? Used to play her in Tekken and she sounds viable so might try her first.

Looks glorious.


So...the game itself is awesome. The characters are cool though the Tekken guys will take a while to pick up. The co-op modes are pretty cool and will make a great addition to drunken Friday nights.

The issuse:
-Sound in online games...this is horrible and needs to be fixed ASAP.
-No Option for infinite time...it is very lame that 50%+ games end in time out. Why is this not an option?
-Color Edit mode...black and white...really?
-Lack of stages...there is a severe lack of stages in this game...threre needs to be 4-8 more stat.

It is going to be a long day at work waiting to play this again.
Jin is a lot of fun. That timing of special step is... interesting.

Is there a trick to switching in during a combo and continuing a combo with the other char, or am I just not finding the right attacks/situations to switch in with. It seems like I can't get a hit it time, or the opponent is too far away.


Cammy's jump cancel is just so fun, aside from the stupid damage output it has really good mixup on block as well. Also man... cammy jump roundhouse cross up is perfect against quick rise after spiral arrow combos... if she had this in SFIV...

And I just read that you can link Ken's super after his step kick (+2 on hit), 1 framer.. gonna go try that now...


PS3 netcode is good?

Played about 30 matches in Australia and apart from the sound glitch i'll say 26 of them were definitely playable. Tomorrow I should be playing against people I usually play SFIV against on XBL, so that will be a good measuring stick.

Still where's the dev blog? DLC Dev blog?!


I just woke up to an email from amazon saying my SFxT guide has been delayed. The shipping estimate is April 18, 2012 - May 16, 2012. What the hell is going with this guide?! I need all the help I can get in this game.


Played matches all last night and a few this morning. Only had one match that was a problem, but even then it was still playable enough to the point I was able to pull off combo's like normal. I should also add that I was playing with a friend of mine online while he was using his phone as a mobile hotspot and even with that crappy connection (1 bar most of the time) we had a playable game. I'm so hype about this netcode.

I still get really nervous when I play online with randoms for some reason, and I forget everything I just figured out how to do and become a shining beacon of bad play. But I never get this way when I play locally with people. I calm down after awhile and ease in but at the start of the match I just turtle and if someone knows what they're doing they'll be all over me.

Lost a bunch using Jin/Lili, but then won many more with Jin/Ryu. I love using special step to dive through fireballs for a free combo off of the uppercut. Gonna try local co-op play on the PS3 version at some point today, if I can get someone to stick around long enough for more than 1 or 2 matches.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I found the netcode to be pretty good (played mostly on XBL yesterday), but not quite as good as SSF4 overall. The worst seemed to come when playing Scramble mode or against two people on a team, which is understandable. Some matches had some pretty horrific lag despite the connection indicator showing full bars.

Nothing to really complain about, though, except for the sound effects issues. Weird that this is happening on both PS3 and 360.

Hey guys if you don't see your online gamertag for PSN or XBL in the first posts, let me know so I can add them ^_^;

PSN: lyteedge2
XBL: lyte edge
I'm on my day off and just finished and won the most intense 2 out of 3 with Rose vs Makoto in AE that I've had for a long time, then then the postie came with my SFxT 2 days Euro early.

Thank you based Shopto, a company able to "ship" an item and have me receive it on the same day.
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