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Strider |OT| It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got Dat Schwing)



Maybe in the first area & when your overpowered fully upgraded(actively switching between powers)

Maybe give it more time since you did buy it?

I have to agree with system11 - I'm 75% through the game, and I've never had to seriously worry about enemies and enemy fire. You can easily run through and button mash, while sponging those hits. Strider don't give a fuck!


I am playing this on the PC using a 360 controller, and the analog has not given me a single issue. With all of the complaints, I thought there would be some problems, but there aren't any. Are most of the complaints coming from people using a DS4 or DS3? Because I could definitely understand then (hated having to use the analogs in Dragon's Crown).

And what are the complaints about the sound? Nothing sounds out of balance on the PC version, and I'm assuming they are all the same. With the majority of the games I play, I typically have it set to 5.1/7.1, but I left it in stereo for this.


almost done with the collection related trophies, just need to figure out where all the large canisters are and I can go ahead and finish the game. Been running around the first area for like an hour just trying to find anything to get my Item collection rate up from 92 to 100%. Have a feeling it'll be right in my face and I ran past it like 20 times.


I have to agree with system11 - I'm 75% through the game, and I've never had to seriously worry about enemies and enemy fire. You can easily run through and button mash, while sponging those hits. Strider don't give a fuck!

I guess but the guys with those laser guns and missiles gave me problems if I didn't take them out first. Along with some turrets. Also certainly didn't blindly run into those Large spider enemies or ball & chain guys with out dodging around.


It's okay so far. The combat is extremely simplistic and the game's AI is dumb even on Hard. I bet there's gonna be some cool unlockables and exploring to be done, but the combat is not doing me any favors.
Not as good as I hoped.

* Sound mix is awful. Dropping FX and voices to half kind of helps.
* Analogue directional control. Really?
* Run blindly mashing the attack button, ignore most of the bullets since health refills are almost constant.
* Bland, bland, bland.

Just try Strider in MAME - yeah. That pretty much sums up everything.

Pretty spot on, but I still love this game. I miss the "Zing" sound effect from Strider's Cypher, though.




Most likely Maybesew knows about it but wants an old school 2D remake, not a 3D reboot.

Rygar: The Legendary Adventure outGoWs GoW long before GoW came out.
I have this game and it kicks ass still!
On topic, I tried the demo and really dug it. Just contemplating if it's meaty enough to purchase. I'm really loving the movement and combat nostalgia though. If they had D-pad controls from the jump I'd be all over it stat.
Really like it so far, about 3 hours in. Definitely have had some weird sound issues but not too bad. Fuckin love this games style tho man. Has a real nice old school vibe to it. Taking on the 3 sisters at once was tight. Now I just need to figure out how to get some new costumes.


IIRC, you could change the controls in DC to use the dpad

You still had to use the analog. You could either control your character with the d-pad or analog, or you could use your skills with the d-pad or analog. In either scenario it was pretty jank at times.
With Strider, you aren't constantly having to use the d-pad every time you want to use a skill (like you do in DC using d-pad/analog).


Dragon's Crown would probably work out better with the claw, and given the kind of game it is analog can actually be a more natural fit anyway: you aren't JUST moving left and right with jumping.

Maybe in the first area & when your overpowered fully upgraded(actively switching between powers)

Maybe give it more time since you did buy it?
This! In the first area, you can get away with blinding slashing away at enemies, but later on, they get pretty damn relentless with their fire power and spam the hell out of you like a little bitch.

So far, I'm loving this game! I might be hard on a lot of asinine moves Capcom's been putting out, but sometimes they actually allow some great things to happen(like DuckTales Remastered and this). Capcom, howabout more of the the good things, less of the bad, huh?
I love this game, fact that it is settling my Metroid urges makes it all the better. I never played a Strider game before but from what I understand the games before it didn't act like how this game does, in terms of progression of a Metroidvania like game.

Yes the sound is off a bit with the voices and sound effects I just halved them to hear the music, wish there was more of a AA option as to how much. The game looks nice and clean graphically.

I haven't beaten the game yet but I'm just loving the idea of searching around each area to get all the collectables.
This game's difficulty is frustrating because it doesn't feel like the challenge is intentional, if that makes sense. The game is never truly hard because the only strategy you need is run forward and mash the sword and/or charge attack and jump/deflect enough bullets to not completely eat shit.

I've still not once been able to fill up the charge meter or whatever, and I'm more than a third of the way through the game. This doesn't have Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls difficult, it's just sort of a game you have to brute force. Not once have I felt like I've been rewarded by coming up with a different strategy.


You charge it up by slashing the enemy and not getting hit. Also charge slashes (the attack where you hold down attack) actually decrease the bar so if all you are doing is charge slashes you won't build the meter quickly.

I wish that mode was manual activation though. It often activates when the guy is about to die anyway. Useful in some boss fights though.


Use more Kunai if you want more Strider Time. Getting hit doesn't drop the guage to zero either. You gain meter for each hit, and you lose some for each hit taken.
Charge attacks do not deplete the bar either, and in fact grant meter. It's just that they are so slow compared to normal slashes or Kunai that you'll probably get hit in between doing them, which negates any gains.


This game's difficulty is frustrating because it doesn't feel like the challenge is intentional, if that makes sense. The game is never truly hard because the only strategy you need is run forward and mash the sword and/or charge attack and jump/deflect enough bullets to not completely eat shit.

I've still not once been able to fill up the charge meter or whatever, and I'm more than a third of the way through the game. This doesn't have Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls difficult, it's just sort of a game you have to brute force. Not once have I felt like I've been rewarded by coming up with a different strategy.

Its pretty easy if you combine the use of Kunai and Option A and it gets even easier as you upgrade the max number of kunai thrown.
I have one last water tank to take out and there are just too many spots where I have to use the kunais, an item I don't have yet. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Because this is REALLY hindering my enjoyment to an already ok game.


I have one last water tank to take out and there are just too many spots where I have to use the kunais, an item I don't have yet. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Because this is REALLY hindering my enjoyment to an already ok game.

Just follow the little arrow on your minimap?
Just follow the little arrow on your minimap?

All the pathways I'm exploring are leading to a door where I need the kunai. The game's not loaded up and I'll look again to make sure I'm not a complete idiot. It's the part with the soldier with the invincible shield who shoots sticky grenades.

That man is an asshole.


Gold Member
This game's difficulty is frustrating because it doesn't feel like the challenge is intentional, if that makes sense. The game is never truly hard because the only strategy you need is run forward and mash the sword and/or charge attack and jump/deflect enough bullets to not completely eat shit.

I've still not once been able to fill up the charge meter or whatever, and I'm more than a third of the way through the game. This doesn't have Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls difficult, it's just sort of a game you have to brute force. Not once have I felt like I've been rewarded by coming up with a different strategy.

I heard that a lot and didn't experience that when I played through on hard. If you run and mash attack at an enemy, there's a good chance your health bar will be at a quarter before you even realize what the hell is going on. There were points where I was stunlocked and couldn't recover until there was a sliver of health left or was outright obliterated.

You're probably more adept at these kinds of games, but I found it evil at parts until I figured out what I had to do for those encounters.


All the pathways I'm exploring are leading to a door where I need the kunai. The game's not loaded up and I'll look again to make sure I'm not a complete idiot. It's the part with the soldier with the invincible shield who shoots sticky grenades.

That man is an asshole.

If you look at your minimap, the icon that represents you should also be pointing you in the direction you want to be heading in.

Side Note: I feel the meter all the time. Especially on those tank dudes.


I think Charge attacks deplete first then give you some meter.. which is why they build so slow.

Starting from zero you can build meter with just charge attacks. I didn't go out of my way to charge attack and then avoid being hit just to see if the next charge (Strider being hit or not) depletes any meter, but I'll check later. I would honestly be surprised if that's how it worked.


Passing metallic gas
I honestly feel anyone who didnt start on hard did themselves a huge disservice. No way in hell can you just hold forward and mash attack and get through it. Hard itself isn't even too hard though. I've died here and there but there's only been a few spots where I've gotten annoyed.



Finished on Hard mode.

The final boss' final form is cheap as fuck especially on a keyboard. That boss fight and similar gravity defying set pieces are hard to play on a D-pad and seem to be designed around analog stick usage. Really annoying.

I did a couple of beacon runs and I am top 10 in the rankings. LOL!

Anyone know how high the rankings go in the challenges? I have gotten A in the 3 tried.

Made it through
the gauntlet
without getting scratched. I love that when you try not to get hit, the more of an acrobatic spectacle it becomes. It's also cool that the
magnetic kunai
are damn fantastic for clearing rooms full of turrets. Saved my skin a few times.


Dahdomb, rankings go to S.
Just got option-A and made my way back to the sewers only to have the game crash on me - PS4 version.

Dammit. Stability patches my ass.


Un Rama
Finished this today on normal with a run time of 7 hours 29 minutes and 87% completion. Maybe due to not having any prior knowledge of the series I enjoyed it a lot. Been a while since I've played a Metroidvania-like game so I loved that.

I think I'll do a hard run soon whilst trying to grab all the collectibles and then try for a under 4 hours run.

Solid 8/10 from me.

EDIT: Last Boss was surprisingly easy.
Does anyone know how good the game runs on a Dell Venue 8 pro or a comparable tablet?

I would love to take my Striders onto my train rides :)
Picked this up on Xbone and I found a quaint bug. I was sliding around in a dark area and I fell through the world. It would've kept going too had I not just quit the game.

Is this a known thing?
Picked this up on Xbone and I found a quaint bug. I was sliding around in a dark area and I fell through the world. It would've kept going too had I not just quit the game.

Is this a known thing?

Happened to me a couple of times, and it always seems related to sliding. Was sliding during a boss, went through a doorway and got stuck! The game's camera was in the boss' room but I was just outside of it. You could jump around and make some noise but couldn't get back in. Weird bug.


On PC btw.


still no fix for steam version ?
i have the fullscreen issue
when i switch to full screen the screen became too pixelated


Man this game is fun.
I just beat
Motherfucking Solo
last night after a few tries.

Looking forward to playing some more tonight after work.


Remote play. Boom there you go. It would be nice though to have a bundle you could buy with both versions. Play on the go and sync your saves. Guacamelee was awesome like that.

Aggh, I know. Remote play is fantastic, but I game on my Vita in my garage mostly, where I get no wi-fi access, so I rarely use RP. Thanks for the suggestion though!


Junior Member
I love all the obvious and not so obvious nods to other games.

Some examples (spoilers).

The Very metroid esque music when you get a new powerup and upon starting the game

The clicker sounds from TLOU the symbiotic soldiers make

There are a few more I noticed too!


It's very interesting how this game is bringing old and newer gen gamers together. They need more of these titles. If only they put the money that went into Remember Me into this. Not to say that that wasn't an okay game, it's that this SURELY would have made them more money.
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