Pretty good.
Pretty good.
Wow, Double Helix really started to get really good lately!
Is this out in the UK today???
So uh.. about that Steam release. Why am I waiting one more day?
Double Helix has really come into its own. Strider reminds me of a Shadow Complex with a much better combat system and a scaled-down exploration element. And that's perfectly okay with me.
A slick pastiche of 80s retro cool and modern gameplay, Strider is both faithful to its source material and still capable of finding its own identity. Its basically the raddest Saturday-morning cartoon youll ever play.
Strider is a great reboot for old-school arcade junkies and at the same time a fresh action experience for newcomers to the franchise.
Strider takes most of the best parts of its lineage to heart. Double Helix has built a game that captures the wide-eyed exploration of 8-bit adventures and marries it to razor-sharp side-scrolling combat. It's not that Strider ever felt like it needed that combat sophistication but it is all the better and more vital for it.
From the moment you embark on your journey right up until the final deathblow, Strider is a blast to play. Controlling this agile ninja feels empowering right out of the gate, and each new upgrade brings with it an enjoyable new way to engage your foes. While his world is a little drab theres still plenty to explore even after the job is done. Strider is fun, pure and simple, and serves as a fitting revival of a classic video game hero.
Long-forgotten franchises are rarely resurrected as successfully as Strider, and hopefully we won't have to wait a quarter of a century for the ninja's next adventure.
Strider is admirably true to the game that Capcom released on arcades in 1989 and will delight those who still hold a candle for the original, with its unaltered core gameplay and polished production values.
With these qualities on side, it's easy to overlook the game's shortcomings and deem it worthy of the Strider name.
Strider is an unbalanced yet extremely stylish platformer, and the series' best game since the original.
Had this game been released a decade or two ago, it might have been seen as a classic of its type, alongside Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night. But today, at the tail end of a wave of Metroidvania-style games, Strider fails to stand out. It's a competent, workable game that draws inspiration from the right places, but which is rarely anything more than a cover version of the greats.
Well, it's NOT MetroVania. It's more like a 2D Tomb Raider 2013 where you have large chunks of MetroVania areas.I'm glad to see this game is getting good reviews, but I really hate the word "Metroidvania", I've heard that since the early 2000s and it has always bugged me. The early Castlevania games aren't even like Symphony of The Night or the GBA Titles anyways.
I am glad to see that this game isn't really as exploration based as it may have looked, I love action games. I can't wait to hear the new version of Siberian Tunnel.
What is the normal protocol for PSN day one digital stuff? It's nowhere to be seen right now. Is that normal? Will it just populate in the store sometime tomorrow?
720p/30fps.Any word on how the performance is on 360? Thinking about that or Steam but my PC is junky.
Eurogamer review 7/10
Yeah, that stood out to me as well!"But today, at the tail end of a wave of Metroidvania-style games"
What is he talking about? A wave?
Shadow complex, guacamelee!,and La Mulana, are the only metroidvania style games that were released on recent years(and La Mulana is a remake).
Strider Week's discussion of all the bad Strider box arts is amazing:Altered Beast wasn't really too bad for a bundled game, especially if you had someone else to play it with. For me, it was kind of a big deal, because I had been playing it at an arcade in California each day on my way home from school. Then about four months later, I moved back to Indiana, and they only had it at the local arcade there briefly.
When they started showing the screenshots of it for the Genesis, prior to the console's release, I thought it looked really goddamn phenomenal (nothing looked that good at home yet). It was a very faithful port.
^The US box art for Strider was freaking terrible. I had the import version, but somehow over time I ended up with the US version too.
And Valids Story, Steamworld Dig, Project Black Sun, Knytt Underground, Rogue Legacy, UnEpic, Waking Mars, VVVVVV, Aquaria, Aztaka, 1000 Amps, Bunny Must Die!, Saira, Cave Story, 2 Darksiders Games, 4 Batman Games..."But today, at the tail end of a wave of Metroidvania-style games"
What is he talking about? A wave?
Shadow complex, guacamelee!,and La Mulana, are the only metroidvania style games that were released on recent years(and La Mulana is a remake). are offering smal cash rewards for beating Strider and unlocking cheevos in it
Their cash rewards program is still in beta status sadly and there's a chance you won't get the cash from some cheevos, like what happened to me with The Cave =P
And still not even a listing in the Sony web store, or is it buried somewhere?
nope neither is Rayman Legends or the FFXIV BetaIs it up on ps4 yet?
With jaggies and some tearing, are my guesses.
PS4 a-go-go!
Not showing up on the PSN Store online....PS4 a-go-go!
More like PS4 a-no-go… Searched the web store and still no sign of it. A keyword search for Strider brings up two Dragon's Dogma items. That's it.PS4 a-go-go!