Gary Whitta said:It's actually more expensive than the one I was recommended in the other turntable thread.
WEGGLES said:Hmm. It seems to work great on most records.
Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone still has an unlistenable amount of static-y surface noise. :[
Sometimes when I brush a record, listen, then go to flip it the mat sticks to the record (It's just the felt one that came with my Debut III). Should I get a new one, or is that fine?
Hazaro said:Oh this thread is nice.
I have 2 or 3 boxes of old vinyl. Does anyone think they are semi knowledge able on prices / rarity or know a good forum for that kind of thing?
I'll need time to dig them all out and such. (I feel like I should keep some, but 3 boxes with the amount of room I have now is not so good)
Will do.Witchfinder General said:No, that's normal. Some records will still retain a static charge for various reasons. You may also need to get a record washing fluid and microfibre cloth for the odd stubborn record.
So awesome.The company created a record player from a corrugated cardboard envelope that can hold a 45 rpm record in place. Just spin it with a pencil, and voila, vibrations pass through the needle to generate a recording of a children's story called "A town that found its sound." It's a brilliant marketing idea--and a great reason to upcycle old pieces of cardboard.
whatsinaname said:No suggestions from GAF, I am disappoint.
Anyway, after some interwebs research, ended up getting a Vintage Rega Planar 2 (Glass Platter with R200 tonearm, Grado ZF1 Cartridge, Original Box and close to mint visual condition) off Craigslist for 150$. Also got a TCC TC-750LC phono preamp off ebay.
Definitely a step up form my previous setup of mp3s-->Onboard sound card-->speakers
Also, is it ok to keep the tt plugged in all the time?
WEGGLES said:In other news I got Sunn O))) - Monoliths and Dimensions in the mail today. The first record I've gotten that I'd say sounds significantly better than mp3.
nitewulf said:Latest haul, all 180g vinyl:
been listening to the coltrane and chet baker albums, basically....i cant describe the beauty in words. so good.
well, here are my thoughts on that:whatsinaname said:I don't have any Zeppelin on Vinyl (yet). Should I just get Mothership or look for used copies of the original LPs?
nitewulf said:well, here are my thoughts on that:
if you find mint original LP's, they'd probably have the best analog sound, as they were pressed from the original tapes. but they'd still have the 70's rock mixing...which may or may not be enjoyable.
if you find the 80's cds, they were apparently recorded from the original master tapes, so these would be your next best bet on the original sound.
the 90's cd's are the worst of the bunch, highly compressed, loud. i have the 90's box set and its just awfully flat and boring, and you must use equalization for it to sound involving (which is what most normal people do anyway).
pretty sure the mothership vinyl remasters are digital, someone else could chime in, but i guess they would use the original master tapes...remaster to digital format, use the digital source to record the cd's and press the vinyls. i only did play one disk, disk 3 for over the hills and far away, and it was quite enchanting. the songs were remastered under supervision from plant and page, as far as im concerned, whats good enough for them, is good enough for me. very full, warm, and wide soundstage. quiet, noise free and just very pristine audio.
keep in mind, your gear matters in this regard as well.
beautiful art deco artwork, 20 page booklet, back cover...and 4 slip cases w/ original band member photos for each one. it's a great set.
I have. It shakes the house.Giant Robot said:listen to it at maximum volume!
the tones on that album are so fucking amazing.
nitewulf said:are the prices of the classic LP's gonna go up, did you get them from elusivedisk?
Dunno about US, but in Europe is a good source.Bioshocked said:Where's the best place to get plastic and paper sleeves to protect my LPs?
Bioshocked said:Where's the best place to get plastic and paper sleeves to protect my LPs?
luiztfc said:So, I want to jump in in the Vinyl World. Thing is that I don't have the slightest idea of what to buy.
Can you guys recommend me a good entry level turntable and a pre amp?
I guess I'd willing to spend 400 dollars.
STG! said:I use mainly, although I wish they had poly inner sleeves and jackets for 10" records...
Note that you will need a speed box too if you are planning to play singles more than just once a month, otherwise you need to manually change 33 rpm to 45Giant Robot said:the consensus here will tell you Pro-Ject Debut III
Giant Robot said:the consensus here will tell you Pro-Ject Debut III
luiztfc said:Beautiful! It seems that's the one I'm buying. Does it have a pre amp?
What is a speedbox ?
Edit: Jesus, found it, 150 dollars... I guess I'll buy it next month.
Also, is a cartridge upgrade recommendable?
luiztfc said:Beautiful! It seems that's the one I'm buying. Does it have a pre amp?
goldenticket said:yeah ive bought from them before, i like that you can pay via paypal