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Stuck in the Past - a 33 RPM thread for vinyl listeners and collectors

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
If they're legitimately serious ask for identification of the label, label reps, someone in their legal department and then I'd ask for collateral before the record shipped off to them.

Sounds fishy as shit, so make it tough for them to prove this stuff if they are full of shit. if they aren't they'd probably do all this quickly and things would seem on the up and up.

Did a little digging, and through and friend of a friend was able to find out that it is a legit endeavor in the works by a label called Palto Flats that's distributed by Honest Jon's. I've emailed him back about credentials, legal info, etc and we'll see where this goes.


The only copy for sale on Discogs right now is almost $700, so obviously I don't want to just send it out to someone as a loaner, particularly if it actually will be reissued, thus making mine worth much less money.

Thoughts on what I do here?

not necessarily, your's is still original.


Anyone happen to order a second copy of the Tron Legacy OST last week and wants to resell it for a reasonable price? I got into some credit card was cancelled before the record was going to ship, so they had nowhere to charge and the order was cancelled. I understand I have a ridiculous request.
are there any other classic jazz fans here? i don't mean the occasional popular albums, but any serious listeners/buyers?
Quite a few! I need to explore the genre more.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
are there any other classic jazz fans here? i don't mean the occasional popular albums, but any serious listeners/buyers?

There was a dude on here with some unmemorable username like jbl138585 that was way into it. Posted walls of jazz records and he had one of those crazy audiophile setups with like a clear turntable that's held weightless in space with magnets or some shit. Probably buried in this thread somewhere.


There was a dude on here with some unmemorable username like jbl138585 that was way into it. Posted walls of jazz records and he had one of those crazy audiophile setups with like a clear turntable that's held weightless in space with magnets or some shit. Probably buried in this thread somewhere.

ah, yeah i remember him, but he doesn't post anymore. my setup is pretty high end as well actually.

I am. I'm currently trying to buy all the live John Coltrane albums I can find.
cant go wrong with any of the Impusle/Atlantic studio releases...you wanna also look up his albums as a sideman, with Miles Davis and others.
There was a dude on here with some unmemorable username like jbl138585 that was way into it. Posted walls of jazz records and he had one of those crazy audiophile setups with like a clear turntable that's held weightless in space with magnets or some shit. Probably buried in this thread somewhere.

Was it this guy?


Nice setup. He had rotating gear on a monthly basis, haha. I have that same Marantz pre/pro and some B&W's, but use it for the movies/games.

My dedicated stereo cd/turntable setup gets more use though.


Anyone here familiar with the Ortofon 2M line?

Are the styluses interchangeable? I have a Red and would like to upgrade to an Bronze, but not sure if I can just slide the stylus off and replace it with an Orange - or if I'd have to replace the whole cartridge.


Thinking about starting to buy vinyl. How much of an upfront investment will there be for me if I'm starting from nothing? Not talking about the records themselves just everything I'll need to play the records.

big ander

Thinking about starting to buy vinyl. How much of an upfront investment will there be for me if I'm starting from nothing? Not talking about the records themselves just everything I'll need to play the records.

you'll need either a receiver or an amp+preamp, speakers if you dont' have them, and a turntable. If you thrift/garage sale/craigslist and aim for the most basic of each element, it's feasible (though difficult) to get a full setup in the $100-$200 range. More often I'd expect it in the $250-$350 area. If you can find a good sturdy used table jump at it, esp over current/new starter tables.


you'll need either a receiver or an amp+preamp, speakers if you dont' have them, and a turntable. If you thrift/garage sale/craigslist and aim for the most basic of each element, it's feasible (though difficult) to get a full setup in the $100-$200 range. More often I'd expect it in the $250-$350 area. If you can find a good sturdy used table jump at it, esp over current/new starter tables.

Oh thats not too bad. I was honestly bracing for worse. Thanks for the info.
Have I complained about how much Record Store Day sucks? Oh I have, well nevermind then.

ps. Thanks to Black Friday RSD or whatever the hell that is coming up soon ALL the record plants in Europe are once again, clogged with shit, pushing all non-major label releases back like 4 months.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow

Frank Sinatra - Watertown
Etta James - Deep in the Night
Lauren(?) - 2

Can't find any info whatsoever about the Lauren album, but I'll buy almost any late '70s/early '80s King Records stuff. It's all cute covers of old American pop songs in both English and Japanese.

Listening to Deep in the Night for the first time right now, and man, this is killing me.


try buying some King records Blue Note reissues, hell send some my way if you find em, i'll buy em from you. hard to come by.
Anyone here familiar with the Ortofon 2M line?

Are the styluses interchangeable? I have a Red and would like to upgrade to an Bronze, but not sure if I can just slide the stylus off and replace it with an Orange - or if I'd have to replace the whole cartridge.

Blue and red use the same body; bronze and black both share a body that is different.

Blue is a big upgrade over red. Most i've read about the Bronze seems to be that its better to just save up and go for a black at that point.


Fuck, I'm so conflicted. I want this and the GTA V box set. ;_______;


Oops, double post. Meant to edit. RIP.


Knows the Score


not even different labels on those gta discs?? at least make me not hate myself for ordering it.
That's a factor in ordering for you? Welcome to 2014 vinyl buying. Fuck the content and quality of music, I'm more concerned about labels on physical media that I'll only glance at for a minute or two.
That's a factor in ordering for you? Welcome to 2014 vinyl buying. Fuck the content and quality of music, I'm more concerned about labels on physical media that I'll only glance at for a minute or two.

it surely shouldn't make or break a buy, but that particular graphic is indeed a lazy (and poor) choice. If they were going to skimp on something so basic they might as well have just slapped the GTA logo across the set because even that would look cleaner than this ho.



some new pickups, Pan.Thy.Monium of Sweden and Medieval of Michigan.


How easy are these to get your records in and out of?

Fairly easy. There are four brackets and four clips securing the back. I was able to put a record in there with no issue last night. I think, think, it might be able to support a double LP with no problem. I can post pics tonight, if you'd like.

What I will end up doing is removing the records and just framing the jackets.


The NY box was available, but I thought it was overpriced as fuck. For all his anti-commercialization rants, NY seems totally fine with gauging his fans. But its a nice set for a collector for sure. I'll pick up my favorite albums separately, used.

Totally forgot about The Good, The Bad and The Ugly though...damn!

I ended up getting:

Miles Davis Prestige 5LP Box
Miles Davis Blue Note 10"
Billie Holiday at Storyville
New Order
No stores here have the Neil Young boxset BUT I did manage to get an order in this morning on his official store. However, I immediately got an e-mail saying that boxset's on backorder but they should get more in a month. So, we'll see. I love all four of those records so hopefully if I can't get one from the official store I can snag one from Discogs for a reasonable price.
On the plus side, Amazon got more of the Bob Dylan Basement Tapes boxsets, so I'll be getting that next week.
No stores here have the Neil Young boxset BUT I did manage to get an order in this morning on his official store. However, I immediately got an e-mail saying that boxset's on backorder but they should get more in a month. So, we'll see. I love all four of those records so hopefully if I can't get one from the official store I can snag one from Discogs for a reasonable price.
On the plus side, Amazon got more of the Bob Dylan Basement Tapes boxsets, so I'll be getting that next week.

I got an e-mail saying the backorder is a mistake and its in stock. I ended up getting a local copy so hopefully my cancelation goes through.

I had a really good original copy of On The Beach previously and these new masters are a step above. Absolutely gorgeous job.
I got an e-mail saying the backorder is a mistake and its in stock. I ended up getting a local copy so hopefully my cancelation goes through.

I had a really good original copy of On The Beach previously and these new masters are a step above. Absolutely gorgeous job.

I haven't received that e-mail BUT the package with the t-shirts is gone, I ordered just the records, which is still up, so I'm hopeful that I'll actually get a boxset. I don't know how they could have this on backorder when there's only 3500 of the things printed in the first place.


Hi all, I'm looking into switching from CD (I know...) to vinyl+digital and was wondering if the recommendations in the OP were still up-to-date regarding turntables? Anything I should look (out) for? Thanks.
Hi all, I'm looking into switching from CD (I know...) to vinyl+digital and was wondering if the recommendations in the OP were still up-to-date regarding turntables? Anything I should look (out) for? Thanks.

I think they are.

If you want to go check Rega turntables (imho best bang for your buck) in person you can do it there : http://www.audio-synthese.fr/produits-hifi/platines-td/ (rue de Prague, métro Ledru Rollin).

: )
Merci monsieur le Baron ! Avez-vous un disquaire de (p)référence ?

Pour les occases, je flâne chez Gibert musique / Crocodisc (rue des écoles) / la Dame Blanche (rue de la montagne Sainte-Geneviève, pour le classique).

On peut aussi trouver des trésors aux puces, brocantes et vide-greniers.

Sinon discogs.com est très bien pour des titres précis et souvent à un bon prix. Ou Amazon/Fnac et autres distributeurs habituels pour du neuf.

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