The good news is, this is the easiest problem to fix. We don't need to pass bills or alter the economy or engage in massive lifestyle changes to solve the issue of social isolation, we just have to stop listening to all of the forces in our lives screaming "fear everyone!"
Fear of rejection, fear our intentions will be misread, fear of saying the wrong thing, fear of looking foolish, fear of having our resources taken, fear of losing a competition, fear of being taken advantage of, fear of taking a risk.
The media inundates us with material to feed these fears, both real and fictional, and we allow it to cripple our mental health and social ability because we believe it keeps us safe and comfortable. I wonder, at this rate, how long it will be before we're living in a post-social, post-love society?
We need to collectively reject this fear on as many platforms as possible in settings both micro and macro, and curb this trend before it's too late.