Nailed it
Meanwhile on tv
I reckon he will wear it for his major action sequence (plus would make stunt men switch easy to do)There's no way Will Smith wears that mask for longer than 5 minutes total the entire movie.
Embracing that comic book silliness by making hawkeye custome nearly all black, widow custome all black and generic as hell and making asgardians aliens?
So no color then.
Ashur is on Arrow too?! DC's just locking down the entire Spartacus cast.
I can't believe a spy character called Black Widow wears a black costume.
Also, your point about Hawkeye makes no sense. His costume in the movies looks exactly like his Ultimate costume in the comics. That costume isn't brightly coloured. No one said all costumes have to be brightly coloured, but if they are in the comics, it's ok to embrace it.
Also what's the issue with Asgardians being aliens? They're still campy dudes in capes being dramatic all the time.
Who needs Deadstroke when Deadshot looks that badass
The thing is, the Ultimate 'verse is all about moving away from the "ridiculousness" of the 616 'verse. Or at least it was when it started, things went pretty badly off the rails shortly thereafter.
Need a comparison for those that live and die by the Arrow version.
I love Arrow but the Will Smith version is a LOT better.
What does that even mean? We haven't even seen them in a trailer yet
Didn't Will voice a fish in Shark Tale? I'm sure he can live with people not seeing his face for a section of the film.
Wait, he's supposed to have the eye that has to look through a sniper scope free right? He uses the reticule for other weapons... no?
Doesn't seem to be taking itself too seriously at all.
Not just Arrow and Flash. They managed to get both versions Naevia. The first played Copperhead on Gotham and the second is Amanda Waller on Arrow.
Didn't Will voice a fish in Shark Tale? I'm sure he can live with people not seeing his face for a section of the film.
Sure, but that's one costume. Hawkeye was a SHIELD agent in the films, it would make sense for him to have his Ultimate costume. Captain America is Captain America, having a bright costume is part of the gig.
Same as his neck then "I am the light, the way"?
The fish was kinda Will Smith looking
Crazy that out of all of the male actors on the show Jai Courtney gets the most high profile work.
Yeah nothing about this seems to indicate taking itself too seriously. Look at Katana. Look at Boomerang. Look at Harley. They're having fun. Just maybe not the sort of fun some prefer.
This. I don't get it at all.
YO guys, from Smith's facebook
Also written down his wrist guns.
Is deadshot into bible quotes in other incarnations?
YO guys, from Smith's facebook
That looks awesome.YO guys, from Smith's facebook
Why does Harley Quinn always have to look like an ex-Goth stripper?
Then why doesn't Hawkeye look like this.