Added a new frame:

In a universe where Joker is rumored to have killed, I have a feeling this Harley Quinn is gonna be pretty depraved and fucked up.both Dick and Commissioner Gordon
I hope they don'tkill Robin. I'd love a Teen Titans movie
Cool. I liked him on Hell on WheelsCommon joins Suicide Squad [THR exclusive]
In the BvS trailer,I hope they don'tkill Robin. I'd love a Teen Titans movie
In the BvS trailer,you can see in the background Robin's memorial. Likely Jason Todd, so Dick Grayson and Tim Drake are probably OK
I think he's referring to the shot of Bruce Wayne when Alfred first starts talking, it's in the background that's really dark so I can't see it myself but people say they can kind of make out a Robin costume.where is this?
Common joins Suicide Squad [THR exclusive]
Hmm. Saw something in a comment section of another site that was interesting. You know the rumor that Joker is said to have. Look at the right arm and that tattoo that is there. Compare that to every other tattoo. Possible reference to that rumor?killed a Robin.
I don't know what I should be seeing?
His right arm, on the bicep.Possible tattoo of a bird or wing.
Not really digging the teeth.
Aaaaaannd let the endless "I know better than the professional costume designers because I'v read a lot of comic books" stream of extensive Leto photoshops begin.
People know they don't just throw this stuff together, right? They spend months doing size/shape/lighting/color/movement tests for multiple variations of costumes to see what looks good on-screen. I have faith that this Joker is going to look great in motion (hell I think he looks great in that low-res phone gif) and will make sense for the way Ayer is going to depict the character.
that joker thread is amazing. I mean we already saw Leto's leaked Joker photo with the trademark joke white makeup and a suit, so why people going into a panic mode?
According to our source, there has been another addition to the cast that has yet to be officially released by Warner Bros. The new character is none other than Killer Frost being played by an undisclosed actress.
Recently rumours have been swirling around the internet of a white suit for the Joker, instead of the typical purple blazer and trousers we are used to seeing in adaptations of the character. This was confirmed to us by a crew member and spotted on set being wheeled around.
Our inside source also revealed to us that Harley will be missing her mallet but donning her crop top instead of her corset for the role. It sounds like she is going for comfort and practicality over straight forward sex appeal.
Tell me, do you lift?
Wasn't he really really small a month ago? How did he make all those gains that quickly?
Wasn't he really really small a month ago? How did he make all those gains that quickly?
Wasn't he really really small a month ago? How did he make all those gains that quickly?
Well here he was a few months ago: