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Suicide Squad - Cast Photo (In Costume)


I like it better with the mask.



Margot looks fantastic and so does the rest of the cast (especially Big Willie).

The only issue I see right now is that most of them also look like generic white men, so I hope that through acting they'll give each member a distinct personality.

2 out of 9 members are white men, and less than half of them are white period. As far as comic films go, its a very diverse cast.


Are we taking bets on who will die? Knowing very little about DC but just looking at the picture I am guessing Slipknot, Rick Flagg, El Diablo, and Katana all die in this movie

Maybe Deadshot too because I don't see Will Smith agreeing to do a ton of these. Unless of course he agreed to a multi film contract in exchange for his son getting a role in a future movie.
Are we taking bets on who will die? Knowing very little about DC but just looking at the picture I am guessing Slipknot, Rick Flagg, El Diablo, and Katana all die in this movie

Maybe Deadshot too because I don't see Will Smith agreeing to do a ton of these. Unless of course he agreed to a multi film contract in exchange for his son getting a role in a future movie.

Batman's not a killer. The main threat of death is disobeying Waller and getting blown up. I don't think more than one or two will die.
Are we taking bets on who will die? Knowing very little about DC but just looking at the picture I am guessing Slipknot, Rick Flagg, El Diablo, and Katana all die in this movie

Maybe Deadshot too because I don't see Will Smith agreeing to do a ton of these. Unless of course he agreed to a multi film contract in exchange for his son getting a role in a future movie.

if they want a sequel to this and it's not a one-off then rick flagg and deadshot will live.

slipknot and el diablo gonna bite it.


Are we taking bets on who will die? Knowing very little about DC but just looking at the picture I am guessing Slipknot, Rick Flagg, El Diablo, and Katana all die in this movie

Maybe Deadshot too because I don't see Will Smith agreeing to do a ton of these. Unless of course he agreed to a multi film contract in exchange for his son getting a role in a future movie.
My money is on Flagg dying at the end after it's revealed he's the most ruthless and psychotic of all of them, all in the name of his patriotism.
Slipknot and El Diablo are sure-fire red shirts.
I can see Enchantress biting the dust.
I can't see them killing off Deadshot. More than likely he gets a happy ending with his daughter after redeeming himself.
I really hope Katana doesn't die. She's too awesome.


I wonder whether it'll ever be possible to post a picture of a woman in slightly revealing attire without five dozen masturbation replies.
very true. hopefully suicide squad does barrow heavy from AoA. if it does i really hope whoever the composer for AoA was does some of the score for suicide squad, cause i really dug the electronic mixes throughout the film

With this film departing so heavily on the traditional "hero" theme they could really get funky with the score. Would love some kind of band to do it, Daft Punk/Tron-Legacy style.
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