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Suicide Squad Review Thread: As Fresh As Green Lantern!

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Aftershock LA
oh, i forgot you weird americans don't have assigned seating.

A lot of theaters do. Then again, I live in Los Angeles, and the ones I used to work in ages ago didn't, but now it seems like all of them here do. It's really convenient, and I don't get why this hasn't been a thing way sooner than it is.

He's in the movie for like 10 minutes, he doesn't fucking matter

What I saw was fine, but clearly not his movie. Would like to see more.

It's weird, but a part of me really appreciates that level of restraint. I love the Joker, I think he's a wonderful character, but I want to see some other Batman rogues get some screen time. I want to see Clayface and Solomon Grundy and some of the more out there characters. I think it could have been really easy to have The Joker steal the spotlight in Suicide Squad and become his movie, so it's nice to see that he's not hogging everything up. Unfortunately, it sounds like his role in the movie is the same as Spider-Man's in Civil War; fun to see, but completely unnecessary to the real meat of the movie.


Is this movie worth 5 dollar movie night?

I would say so. I didn't love it, I can list a large amount of problems with it (and there are many), but it was watchable and even enjoyable in parts despite uninspired action.

For comparison, BvS was painful for me and I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone on the fence. This I give a half-hearted recommendation to, but it's worth a matinee or cheap ticket

The movie could have been and should have been better with the talent involved though. Script feels like a rough draft put into production.
Unfortunately, it sounds like his role in the movie is the same as Spider-Man's in Civil War; fun to see, but completely unnecessary to the real meat of the movie.
It's a good comparison (especially from a marketing standpoint), but at least Joker has a logical reason to be there beyond "hold on the deal went through with Sony, I gotta go to New York real quick"

I think the movie will fare better with general audiences than BvS just because it doesn't have a ton of shit going on at once, and doesn't have a bunch of unanswered/unexplained stuff meant to be paid off in future movies in the franchise


Aftershock LA
It's a good comparison (especially from a marketing standpoint), but at least Joker has a logical reason to be there beyond "hold on the deal went through with Sony, I gotta go to New York real quick"


I have no idea how well Joker is integrated in SS, but I imagine sure, it probably flows a lot better than Spidey's inclusion, because of his relationship with Harley Quinn, but I think Peter's introduction into the movie worked as well. I can't say I'd put it past Tony to employ a super-powered teenager. He's a cunt after all. At least they didn't devote anymore screen time to his origin in Civil War. It was nice to just see him interacting with other Marvel characters. As a huge Spider-Man fan, I was giddy seeing him stand next to the other MCU characters. I just wish Hulk and Thor were there.

But that's off topic!

I have no idea how well Joker is integrated in SS, but I imagine sure, it probably flows a lot better than Spidey's inclusion, because of his relationship with Harley Quinn, but I think Peter's introduction into the movie worked as well. I can't say I'd put it past Tony to employ a super-powered teenager. He's a cunt after all. At least they didn't devote anymore screen time to his origin in Civil War. It was nice to just see him interacting with other Marvel characters. As a huge Spider-Man fan, I was giddy seeing him stand next to the other MCU characters. I just wish Hulk and Thor were there.

But that's off topic!
Oh, don't misunderstand. I loved Spiderman in CW and think his inclusion was worth the price of admission (despite not caring for the film overall)

But I mean it's a difference between "Hey my girlfriend is in prison and I want her back" and "oh we need a team? ok I guess I'll get this kid, whatever"
So Angry Joe and (more importantly) Jeremy Jahns both liked this movie! Yeah i'm watching the movie.

I appreciate Jeremy Jahns opinion but holy fuck I couldn't get through his video. His arms were waving around like crazy. He looked like he was at a fucking Luau or something. Fuck. I might need to turn it into a MP3 and listen to the rest.

Angry Joe and gang were on point


Well yeah.

Tony figuring out who Peter is right away (remember Osborn is as smart / wealthy ...), Tony convincing Peter right away, trusting Peter's abilities right away while they're facing pros...


Joker mad that his girlfriend is being held captive on the other hand, does make perfect sense.
Also this has been pushed to the side in the favorite moments but

Harleys elevator fight was fucking amazing. Loved every second of it. Fuck I'm going agian tomorrow aren't I
I'm in the same boat here where I and everyone I know, has loved. My friend who has not watched BvS because of reviews, skipped reviews and loved it.

They're off home now to watch BvS UC.
Ouch. But I don't know if I can trust a man who prefers Into Darkness to Beyond...

this is true. i wonder what sculli thought of the joker though. he's the most important thing about this for me.

i think affleck and irons were perfectly fine and i need to know if they didn't fuck up joker either. that would be a big shame. i'm hearing 50/50 opinions on him.


Aftershock LA
Oh, don't misunderstand. I loved Spiderman in CW and think his inclusion was worth the price of admission (despite not caring for the film overall)

But I mean it's a difference between "Hey my girlfriend is in prison and I want her back" and "oh we need a team? ok I guess I'll get this kid, whatever"

Lol. Very true!

Unfortunately, as much as I loved Civil War, the movie kind of ends for me when Spider-Man exits. lol. It's not that I didn't like the rest of the movie, but man, seeing Spidey there, and his role being so fun was painful when he left. Thankfully, Black Panther was still there. My two favorite parts of the movie.

As for SS, I wish we had gotten a movie adaptation of Mad Love first. That would have been awesome, then have Suicide Squad after. Could have been a lot of fun, and The Joker and Harley's relationship deserves its own movie. I still haven't seen SS yet, but I plan on it eventually. Me and my wife will probably see Star Trek first, which surprised both of us, because I wasn't terribly excited, but recommendations from friends I trust changed our minds. And I love the first two Abrams Treks, I just didn't think Beyond looked very good.

I was pretty interested in Suicide Squad, even if I wasn't super hyped for it. Movies are expensive in our area, so we pick and choose very carefully. Tickets are like $18-$25 each at our theater, and concessions are almost another $20. Kind of insane, so we usually wait to rent on VoD.
Ouch. But I don't know if I can trust a man who prefers Into Darkness to Beyond...
Into Darkness is like a eating a bag of maltesers for dinner. You enjoy it in the process, knowing full well that it's bad for you.

Beyond it like eating a whole tray full of steamed celery for dinner.


this is true. i wonder what sculli thought of the joker though. he's the most important thing about this for me.

i think affleck and irons were perfectly fine and i need to know if they didn't fuck up joker either. that would be a big shame. i'm hearing 50/50 opinions on him.

Personally I can't see him being a threat to Batfleck at all. He's not creepy, doesn't come across as cunning or maniacal really, he's not funny, scary, unpredictable, etc. He's like...awkward quirky. About as subtle as you would expect from a man with a "damaged" tattoo on his forehead.

Deadshot would be a more interesting villain for Bats.
this is true. i wonder what sculli thought of the joker though. he's the most important thing about this for me.

i think affleck and irons were perfectly fine and i need to know if they didn't fuck up joker either. that would be a big shame. i'm hearing 50/50 opinions on him.

Didn't feel there's enough of him to form my opinion yet. That's either funny or sad.
Leto's Joker is fucking boring. As interesting as watching all those YouTube wannabes doing impressions of ledger. (Over-)Acting crazy without showing any sense of having actually inhabited a person.

PS: there is some CG in this movie that is on Mummy Returns levels. I'm talking The Rock scene.
God fucking dammit DC, this isn't a good look to have, second time around. It'll be interesting to see the second week drop.

However, after some more research and reading reviews I'll check this out. It has a likeable cast, and my main man Mr wild wild west Will Smith.

Was not a fan of BvS at all, and so far the reviews have not lambasted the film for the same reason's I didn't like BvS, so that's an improvement.

Plus Harley in a pair of hot pants for large durations of the film desveres a big screen.


Smith brought a lot to the movie, but despite their attempts to sell him as a remorseless sociopathic killer I wasn't buying.

He also has all the dialogue reminding you several times that he's a bad guy (you hear it in all the trailers) so you don't forget, which honestly you might because Will Smith is one suave mofo.


Into Darkness is like a eating a bag of maltesers for dinner. You enjoy it in the process, knowing full well that it's bad for you.

Beyond it like eating a whole tray full of steamed celery for dinner.

The steamed celery came with a tasty dip though. Pity you didn't like the flavor.


Just saw it. These impressions that start off " I don't know what critics are talking about. It's not the worst thing in the world. It's not perfect though." and then they precede to list off all the things that didn't work. Yeah that's exactly why people didn't like it, those exact same reasons after you set up your strawman of people who claim it's "the worst movie ever made".

Anywyas, I will say this, X-Men: Apocalypse was more boring to me, but this movie is not only more of a mess but it constantly craps all over the things it has going for it. If you judge it strictly on the editing, the script, the story, the structure, and the execution, yes it really is a poor film. It doesn't know what it wants to be and the fact that it's a safe, by-the-numbers cliche plot that everything falls into as the only thing that pulls it altogether, that's how I know it fails at what it hopes to achieve.

I did like elements, but for everything it I liked, there were like 10 things that fell flat. Geez the action was the worst part. I'm surprised more people don't point it out since that is the one thing that usually saves shitty, vacuous blockbusters even when everyone knows they will be a flashy popcorn flick.

Will Smith had some moments where I'm totally on board with his character and othet parts where it didn't even seem like Ayer knew what he wanted to do with him and Will Smith isnjust phoning it in in parts they obviously need him to sell some emotional moment due to how unearned it is.

Amanda Waller is good but there are some weird things about how they handled her role in everything.

Harley Quinn was not good. I think people must have just wanted some sexy cosplay and hints of her accent because as a character, she was like a cartoon character (but unfortunately not like in TAS, except in the most unrealistic ways) in her disconnected attitude from everything going on around her and in some of the more "emotional" moments. Her best moments are with the Joker, but the flashbacks don't even flesh out her character much. They are more like fanservice. Then she doesn't even seem to have a skill set to why she would be there, at least that they show. She felt so out of place, espe for how big of a role she played.

The Joker felt forced. Again I liked some of the Joker/Harley stuff but Leto was all over the place and not in a good way. Best thing I could say is he is serviceable in his role in the film, and as much as I disliked the Joker design, that felt like the freshest thing about the character. Bad Joker if that is something that matters to you. Leto could save it in another film, but he wasn't good here. Serviceable is charitable, but due to how little the character is in, what else can you honestly say.

The movie was cool and stylish at the beginning and I thought I'd like it but it just fell apart after that for me. The flashbacks mainly hurt this film. They needed another device, or at least shouldn't rely so heavily on flashbacks to give the film and characters texture. The over reliance on the pop music was lame. Less is more, and it felt desperate.

The best stuff was the character/team dynamics and interactions. That is the only time most of the characters even worked or were fun is when they interacted with other team members. Even their flashbacks didn't really do much to endear them to you like they wanted them to (besides Deadshot and Harley, El Diablo and Rick Flagg to a lesser extent). The bar scene was the highlight and it felt like too little too late.

I would say there is a good movie in there but I think that is giving them film too much credit. There is a good film in the ideas this film borrowed from other better films. The premise was gold and Ayer had to actively work to make this suck. The plot just wastes the entire premise and these characters.

I don't know how people can reassure themselves on the fact that it wasn't the worst movie ever made when it is a serious disappointment by amost any metric , except that this script was allegedly shit out in 6 weeks and if you set the bar so low that it is even remotely watchable at that point, then maybe it was a success for you.

Maybe the sequel will be better.


It was a fun movie, not great. The tone shifting was a little distracting and the plot was just whatever, but most of the humor landed for me and it had a fun style. Smith and Robbie were both great and helped carry the whole thing. I thought BvS was garbage and after seeing reviews for this I was worried, but I left pleasantly surprised.


Joker is just a glorified mob boss in this.

Like there are probably gangster movies with crazier villains than Joker in this. If he didn't have the grills, the hair, the tats... then he would just be a generic mob boss villain with a mentally challenged laugh.


Gold Member
Saw it and thought it was really mediocre. Batman vs Superman is by far a better and more entertaining movie--especially the Ultimate Edition.

There are some interesting moments and characters (June Moon/Enchantress), but it never quite comes together. Jared Leto isn't horrible, but he's not even close to Nicholson or Ledger.



semen stains the mountaintops
Into Darkness is like eating a good meal cus the movie is good.

Cus it's not bad but good.

Good movie.


Smith brought a lot to the movie, but despite their attempts to sell him as a remorseless sociopathic killer I wasn't buying.

He also has all the dialogue reminding you several times that he's a bad guy (you hear it in all the trailers) so you don't forget, which honestly you might because Will Smith is one suave mofo.
Yeah he says it at least twice and other characters repeat it several times as well. I'd have a hard time believing that anyone is or was a straight up "villain" at any point in time.

GotG was similar in that way, and I expected this film to go a bit further into that premise where these people were probably less redeemable, even if they found something about them to be relatable, but nah not really. Everyone is Gamora where characters talk about how the character is worse than we ever see them being.


Batman vs Superman was better than this. Just got done seeing it. I liked what it was going for in the beginning but man the middle section really sucked. The action felt boring when they fought all those brainless goons. Also the plot felt incoherent after they formed the group. Again the buildup to the group was really good.also final villlian was such a Marvel cinematic movie level of a letdown lol nice visuals aside.

So....since this is after BvsS, and the flash is already a hero in this universe, where is he and the other heroes during this attack on a big city??
So....since this is after BvsS, and the flash is already a hero in this universe, where is he and the other heroes during this attack on a big city??

I think time travel is involved. He wears his official costume in this but in the Justice League trailer when Bruce visits him he just has a work in progress costume I believe, he doesn't seem to get this one until later in the JL film


I saw an action scene in VR that convinced me the action wouldn't be that bad but the actual scene in the film looked way worse with only close up shots and almost none of the choreography. I don't get it.

The action in the film looked so poor and, worse of all, boring. The slow motion didn't even make it seem cool, it only made it feel worse.
I think time travel is involved. He wears his official costume in this but in the Justice League trailer when Bruce visits him he just has a work in progress costume I believe, he doesn't seem to get this one until later in the JL film

I think that is his suit he have made from NASA parts, I don't think we have seen the Waynetech suit yet.


Still going to go see this. I viewed Xmen Apocalypse and Batman v Superman in the theaters and I doubt Suicide Squad is worse than these movies.


So....since this is after BvsS, and the flash is already a hero in this universe, where is he and the other heroes during this attack on a big city??

There is no logical reason the soon to be members of the justice league never showed up here. I still can't understand why they chose to go with the villain they did. Now magic in this universe just looks like a joke.
Suicide Squad isn't as bad as Rotten Tomatoes would make you think. Has some glaring flaws but it's good & easily more entertaining than BvS.


- good cast chemistry on-screen (especially when Will Smith is on screen with anyone else)
- actually does a better job of establishing the DC cinematic universe than BvS (more locations, more varied characters, better flowing backstories)
- Been a Will Smith fan since I was a kid and I really liked him in this (he also had the funniest lines)
- Batman's scenes were pretty short but he had some nice parts
- Comedy/humor works a little more times than it doesn't.


- some pretty laughable or awkward shots/sequences
- Joker isn't as bad as Lex luthor from BvS (he's okay). The problem is there's not enough of him in the movie
- several of Harley's jokes fell really flat
- Some weird pacing/editing going on at times. I feel like they could have used a little more time to polish the script and/or edit the film better
- action could have been better designed or more imaginative (it was pretty simple). DC really needs to step up their game here (Marvel action sequences are more imaginative/entertaining)
- Some awkward CGI w/ the enemy near the end

But yeah, go watch if GAF.


Well, I sure as hell didn't expect to be able to post this picture at the beginning of the week. What a bummer.


I'd actually go for the Theatrical Cut of BvS before I'd watch Suicide Squad again. Yes, the plot was hilariously convovluted, the character's motivations muddled and the mood all around depressing. But at least the action scenes were pretty good. That Batman fight in the Warehouse? JESUS. That was amazing. That Batman V Superman fight? It's conclusion: UGH. The fight itself? Awesome!

There are highlights among the muddled nonsense. Suicide Squad doesn't have these highlights. It's just an utterly lifeless, boring, stale treck through the mud without any highpoints. Things happen for no reason, people change their motivations for no reason and then it's all over. No great action scenes, no standout scenes of any kind.

Suicide Squad's lows may not be as low as Batman V Superman's but it also didn't have any of its highs.
Joker is just a glorified mob boss in this.

Like there are probably gangster movies with crazier villains than Joker in this. If he didn't have the grills, the hair, the tats... then he would just be a generic mob boss villain with a mentally challenged laugh.

And they also cut out all the interesting bits of his relationship with Harley.
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