Anton Sugar
- Forbes, 2016, on Nine Lives
Haven't seen Nine Lives, but probably true.
- Forbes, 2016, on Nine Lives
In a bit of good news, at least Skwad isn't the worst movie releasing this weekend
Christopher Walken is in this too. Money.I seriously need to know if Kevin Spacey killed a hooker and was being blackmailed or something. Dude didn't need to do this.
Kevin Spacey said:"There are a lot of people out there who offer roles to actors because they'll elevate their movie to a place the movie would never reach," he says. "They offer them a s--tload of money for a crap part, but it doesn't make the movie any better. And I'm not interested in elevating someone's crap movie."
I seriously need to know if Kevin Spacey killed a hooker and was being blackmailed or something. Dude didn't need to do this.
In a bit of good news, at least Skwad isn't the worst movie releasing this weekend
Kevin Spacey was in a fucking Call of Duty game
He's all about that paper
Regardless of personal feelings of quality, Call of Duty is a very well known and popular brand that has had actors like Kiefer Sutherland, Gary Oldman, Keith David, Lance Henrickson, Ed Harris, Michael Keaton, Ice Cube and Michael Rooker associated with it(Sam Worthington was also technically in it but I don't know if I'd call him an "actor"
Saw this and I don't think it's as bad as 30% on rotten tomatoes. I mean Iron Man 2 is like 72% and that movie is hot garbage ass. Suicide Squad isn't great but it's not terrible. The tone is all over the place and it often feels like competing films.
From a pure logic standpoint I'm still trying to figure out why Harley Quinn would be involved. Dead shot I can see, and Croc will super strength and Diablo obviously. All have powers or insane skills like never missing with a gun. But wtf why is Harley there? She's just a crazy chick with a baseball bat and a perfect butt.
GARY OLDMANAll of those people are losers
This is more along the lines of Tim Allen in The Shaggy Dog
This is more along the lines of Tim Allen in The Shaggy Dog
Kevin Spacey was in a fucking Call of Duty game
He's all about that paper
All of those people are losers
Man that whole cast in the game was underwhelming and average.I forgot that Idris Elba was in MW3 so you can shut your darn mouth. ;p
All of those people are losers
Fuck knowsI'm not sure what that has to do with her twitching around.
What was the line?
The best thing Idris Elba ever did was help cancel the apocalypse
Watching this in 4 hours or so. Reading this to pump myself up:
The savior of the DCEU is here!
In a bit of good news, at least Skwad isn't the worst movie releasing this weekend
That's nice, but we've had many people in this thread alone say they thought it was garbage. It's incredible how divisive the film is.Something is really wrong with critics if they think the movie is that bad, sheesh. It has flaws, but these reviews would make people think it's utter and complete trash like Starship Troopers 2. There is a lot of great things, and a few oversights. If I were feeling nasty, I'd say it's a 7/10.
Well, sitting in the theater, movie starts in about 20 minutes, discounting trailers. See you on the other side, GAF!
That's nice, but we've had many people in this thread alone say they thought it was garbage. It's incredible how divisive the film is.
why are you sitting in the theater 20 min before the movie starts?
why are you sitting in the theater 20 min before the movie starts?
So is BvS, Ghostbusters or Suicide Squad the Most Devisive Movie of the Year?
why are you sitting in the theater 20 min before the movie starts?
For good seats. It's packed, Imax status. Plus with my fam, so want to sit together.
oh, i forgot you weird americans don't have assigned seating.
Shit, if it's a Movie Tavern/iPic kinda place I'll get there like an hour before it starts just to have the opportunity to get blasted
Some theaters do, but not by me.
now i understand why you are easily entertained.
So is BvS, Ghostbusters or Suicide Squad the Most Devisive Movie of the Year?
Did you give your joker opinion? I might have missed it