Would that even be remotely controversial? How much can Urobuchi really do with Type Moon trash?
A hell of a lot, apparently.
Would that even be remotely controversial? How much can Urobuchi really do with Type Moon trash?
I really like how UtaKoi doesn't give a single fuck now. The first episode was still somewhat grounded, but as they go on and on, more and more anachronisms have crept in. Best way to do historical fiction.Utakoi 6
what the fuck is all this doin in mai historical romance poem anime
holy shit, this episode was literally insane
School Days is a dark examination of the harem genre taken to it's logical conclusion. It's a thought provoking piece of fiction. I'm being completely serious.
Could've been much worse:
brought to you by a tumblr dedicated to MLP hot glue action
These words are synonymous.
Fresh Precure 11-15
Wig episode was friggin' amazing. Great everything. Following episode? God no.
You've never watched something and thought to yourself "I can tell that this is all really well-done but I'm just not enjoying it"?
You've never watched something and thought to yourself "I can tell that this is all really well-done but I'm just not enjoying it"?
You've never watched something and thought to yourself "I can tell that this is all really well-done but I'm just not enjoying it"?
Yes. It's enjoyable but it's honestly pretty depressing to think that anyone would consider the writing to be one of the show's strong suits. It's riddled with logical fallacies and cut corners in a feeble attempt to pack the story within the boundaries of the established world.Have you even seen the show?
Yes. It's enjoyable but it's honestly pretty depressing to think that anyone would consider the writing to be one of the show's strong suits. It's riddled with logical fallacies and cut corners in a feeble attempt to pack the story within the boundaries of the established world.
These words are synonymous.
Oh you.Nope.
Faulty in what sense? In that none of them are believable or realistic, instead falling into rather bland archetypes because of the size of the cast? That I would agree to.The logical fallacies exist because the character themselves are faulty.
Yes. It's enjoyable but it's honestly pretty depressing to think that anyone would consider the writing to be one of the show's strong suits. It's riddled with logical fallacies and cut corners in a feeble attempt to pack the story within the boundaries of the established world.
Faulty in what sense? In that none of them are believable or realistic, instead falling into rather bland archetypes because of the size of the cast? That I would agree to.
I'm not so sure about that. While the protagonist is certainly condemned for his bad behaviour by the characters in the show I don't think the show as a whole actually cares. I think it's looking to entertain and shock it's audience in whatever manner will be most effective and that's just where they ended up at.
Which is basically what I think about Elfin Lied.
This is one of those times where I'd consider the creator's intent mostly irrelevant. Maybe they were only aiming to shock and entertain, but what they actually made was more than that.I'm not so sure about that. While the protagonist is certainly condemned for his bad behaviour by the characters in the show I don't think the show as a whole actually cares. I think it's looking to entertain and shock it's audience in whatever manner will be most effective and that's just where they ended up at.
Which is basically what I think about Elfin Lied.
I'm still not sure if you're spelling that wrong on purpose or not.
dunno, School Days is only worth it for the end and the end is easily viewed via a handy youtube link, and its worth mainly lies with the shock value, which then wears off after the first viewing. There's no message being disseminated with school days, or meaning, just a bloody twist that's more important for its memetic potential than any real value of its own.This is one of those times where I'd consider the creator's intent mostly irrelevant. Maybe they were only aiming to shock and entertain, but what they actually made was more than that.
Then we have the analysis of different time periods and the mindsets of these different time periods through the kings. The Grail Dialogue(Episode 11 IIRC) was a fantastic episode primarily for that reason.
the dialogue ep showcased three personal philosophies, i wouldn't consider them to be representative of their era, nor is it a historic analysis of the time period. it's just... differing perspectives presented out in broad strokes, and their values aren't dependent on the era these genderbent royalties are from.
Just youtubing the ending is silly. For me, the characters' downward spiral was much more interesting and memorable than the Nice Boat.dunno, School Days is only worth it for the end and the end is easily viewed via a handy youtube link, and its worth mainly lies with the shock value, which then wears off after the first viewing. There's no message being disseminated with school days, or meaning, just a bloody twist that's more important for its memetic potential than any real value of its own.
Why not?ಠ_ಠ You can't be that dense. Premises don't exist inside a vacuum, you know.
Just youtubing the ending is silly. For me, the characters' downward spiral was much more interesting and memorable than the Nice Boat.
Take the premise and imagine it is for a live action movie, now imagine it is for an anime. See my point?Why not?
The fun of School Days is the journey leading up to the end, not just the end itself. come on people
Not really.Take the premise and imagine it is for a movie, now imagine it is for an anime. See my point?
The fun of School Days is the journey leading up to the end, not just the end itself. come on people
no, they're not molded around perspectives unique to their times, or patterned after whatever times they're supposedly from--they're each representative of fairly universal themes, and their backgrounds are there more to fill out their skillsets for the game of cups. i think it'd be one thing if their views were truly representatives of their origins, but they all come off in the end as modern personas, and the setting itself supports this as they are essentially timeless beings, anyways.I disagree with that especially when you compare Saber and Rider's perspectives. Both of those I could definitely see being set in historical precedence. King Arthur's rule was mainly based around the knights but a general principle was that no person was inherently better than another(hence the Round Table). That stands in sharp contrast to say Rider and Gilgamesh where those time periods elevated individuals. It stands to reason then that Arthur would of course have issues with both kings. Also many of the stories(myths) in Arthurian era are based around the principle of self-sacrifice especially in the search for the Grail.
Just youtubing the ending is silly. For me, the characters' downward spiral was much more interesting and memorable than the Nice Boat.
The fun of School Days is the journey leading up to the end, not just the end itself. come on people
Left: Typical look on my face while watching this.
... :lol
The chances of something going terribly wrong (see Ro-Kyu-Bu!) in each scenario isn't equal.Not really.
Walking across the country is liable to be a lot more interesting than whatever you do/find/suffer at your destination!sorry, the journey sucks. it's like walking to grand canyon, the destination is what matters because the trip itself is going to blow.
e: except in this case it's more like walking to LA so you too can have the pleasure of being mugged. Deconstruction of tourism.
no, they're not molded around perspectives unique to their times, or patterned after whatever times they're supposedly from--they're each representative of fairly universal themes, and their backgrounds are there more to fill out their skillsets for the game of cups. i think it'd be one thing if their views were truly representatives of their origins, but they all come off in the end as modern personas, and the setting itself supports this as they are essentially timeless beings, anyways.
the whole point of the king arthur mythos is that he (or she in this case, lolnasu) is special, that he is elevated and above the rest. the story ends with the mythification of the king as he disappears into avalon, anyways. the irony of the round table is that your worth isn't considered reciprocal to that of others due to its shape, but rather, it's measured by the distance of your seat from that of your king.
sorry, the journey sucks. it's like walking to grand canyon, the destination is what matters because the trip itself is going to blow.
e: except in this case it's more like walking to LA so you too can have the pleasure of being mugged. Deconstruction of tourism.
Walking across the country is liable to be a lot more interesting than whatever you do/find/suffer at your destination!
I love it how you guys do research for this kind of stuff. I'm just too lazy.
Wow, J.C. Staff really didn't give a fuck with that show.Tsukihime 8
This is the laziest fall I've ever seen.
no, they're not molded around perspectives unique to their times, or patterned after whatever times they're supposedly from--they're each representative of fairly universal themes, and their backgrounds are there more to fill out their skillsets for the game of cups. i think it'd be one thing if their views were truly representatives of their origins, but they all come off in the end as modern personas, and the setting itself supports this as they are essentially timeless beings, anyways.
the whole point of the king arthur mythos is that he (or she in this case, lolnasu) is special, that he is elevated and above the rest. the story ends with the mythification of the king as he disappears into avalon, anyways. the irony of the round table is that your worth isn't considered reciprocal to that of others due to its shape, but rather, it's measured by the distance of your seat from that of your king.
I think the more fitting and voncoluted analogy would be that you're walking naked across the country as a van follows you and out the windows are two men with waterguns squirting warm syrup on your back and as night falls they light lamps so that bugs crawl all over you as you struggle to get to your destination.
e: except in this case it's more like walking to LA so you too can have the pleasure of being mugged. Deconstruction of tourism.
Well I've had the OP to Jinrui stuck in my head these past few days. If that counts as enjoying it I guess I have to go with that. I like the dance however.So what summer op's do you people enjoy?
Because I went to bed straight after posting that one gif. Guess this will be my next one.Yuru Yuri - 06
Why hasn't anyone made a gif where Chitose is spinning her way down the aisle?l
I know nothing about this School Days show. Is it worth a gander?I will never stop being incredibly envious of people who got to experience School Days without being spoiled beforehand.
Why would you do that to yourself?Yuru Yuri was wonderful as always. It's a shame I was watching it on the terrible PS3 crunchyroll app.
first being Porco Rosso
Is one to deny a man the pleasures of dressing up in his older sister's clothes?
Helps her fit in with potential targets easier.Why is she dressed like a 10 years old?
Drinking tea.If you haven't watched Fate/Zero then I have no idea what you're doing with your time.
Tsukihime 8
This is the laziest fall I've ever seen.
16,768 *2 Kuroko no Basuke [DVD+BD]: 2012/07/27
*9,455 *3 Hyouka [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/29
*9,138 *1 Accel World [DVD+BD]: 2012/07/25
*8,918 *2 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*7,990 *2 AKB0048 [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*6,966 *2 Saki Achiga-hen Episode of Side-A [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/20
*4,887 *2 Eureka Seven AO [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*4,698 *1 Natsu-iro Kiseki [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*4,494 *1 Tsuritama [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*3,759 *1 Queen's Blade Rebellion [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*3,588 *1 Nazo no Kanojo X [DVD+BD]: 2012/07/04
*3,499 *1 Jormungand [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*3,302 *2 Sengoku Collection [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/06
*3,192 *2 Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? Of The Dead [DVD+BD]: 2012/05/25
*2,520 *2 Acchi Kocchi [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/06
*2,180 *1 Hiiro no Kakera [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*2,059 *1 Tasogare Otome x Amnesia [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*2,037 *1 Sakamichi no Apollon [DVD+BD]: 2012/07/27
*1,487 *1 Sankarea [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/29
*1,133 *1 Shirokuma Cafe [DVD]: 2012/07/27
**,882 *1 Kimi to Boku. 2 [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
**,612 *1 Zetman [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
**,*** *0 Medaka Box [DVD+BD]: 2012/07/25
**,*** *0 Shining Hearts ~Shiawase no Pan~ [DVD+BD]: 2012/07/27
Code Geass had some nice character animation?If you have a JP IP or a VPN, you can watch the first 10 minutes of Akito the Exiled now: http://www.geass.jp/akito/index.html
- Character animation seems rather stiff, not as nice as some of the stuff in Code Geass.
- The CG action is pretty well done, except for the explosions. I love the particle effects and the shading, but the explosions trying to copy how 2D explosions look just doesn't work well.
- Music rocks.
- The 10 min clip ends in the middle of an action scene, FML.
That's what you get for watching a preview clip.- The 10 min clip ends in the middle of an action scene, FML.
Code Geass had some nice character animation?
The first few episodes of Code Geass has really nice character animation and solid key frame art, especially the major scenes with the lead characters. Lots of great poses and movement which defined the characters early on. It's not consistent, but it made a solid first impression and introduced the characters well. Didn't look boring and plain.
This is running dangerously close to that Angel Beats! image.