Canis lupus
My next show will be: Paranoia Agent, hopefully I'll be able to watch it all today, or else I'll feel bad. -_-
My next show will be: Paranoia Agent, hopefully I'll be able to watch it all today, or else I'll feel bad. -_-
My next show will be: Paranoia Agent, hopefully I'll be able to watch it all today, or else I'll feel bad. -_-
It's a ladies only event. It was shown in the last series as well.Yuru Yuri fuwa fuwa ep 6
I know this is a all girls show damn at least put some males in a comiket event. Poor poor Ayano.
I sometime do that. I carry on reading a GAF thread.You know you can leave OPs and EDs on in the background.
You need those bookends to hold up the books. You need to experience the complete package.Sounds like a waste of three perfectly good minutes.
Good Lords above on Toast.
Is this a round about way of requesting me to make this my avatar. No need to be tsun about it. If you say please I may consider it.I see the future of 4 people's avatars
And it's bleak
Anime in the UK. Whatever next? Also all releases need covers like that.So the Gyo OVA is getting released in the UK with very appropriate boxart:
Never thought I'd see these words to describe the show.Accel world 11
This show is awesome!
And with another character named Yui. Guess Billiechu has a new potential avatar.
Being bored of the current season I dug into backlog stuff, and while I chewed through Toradora pretty quickly I'm left feeling rather lukewarm to it. Moving along at a pace that often feels crawling, characters consistently turn backwards or run away to needlessly delay the obvious and inevitable outcome. This sort of manufactured emotional build up is really just sort of frustrating to me. All conflict is derived around every girl in this show pining after the same character, and who can really blame them? How often does a nice guy come around who likes to cook and clean?
Toradora 1-25
Being bored of the current season I dug into backlog stuff, and while I chewed through Toradora pretty quickly I'm left feeling rather lukewarm to it. Moving along at a pace that often feels crawling, characters consistently turn backwards or run away to needlessly delay the obvious and inevitable outcome. This sort of manufactured emotional build up is really just sort of frustrating to me. All conflict is derived around every girl in this show pining after the same character, and who can really blame them? How often does a nice guy come around who likes to cook and clean?
Ultimately though, I found myself perplexed with how these puzzle pieces of unrequited love fit into the larger story. From the outset it's clear that the focus of Toradora is on the relationship between Taiga and Ryuji, but the show is constantly tripping over itself to thrust other characters and pairings under the spotlight.
It would be one thing if each character introduced their own interesting dynamic, but the series has an incredibly limited range in its message, tone, and character operations. In spite of the cast being likeable and diverse, they all consistently play the same sad sack part committed to self sacrifice. It's as though the characters aren't really being used to their full potential, and for a story that lasts so long it spends most of its time turning in place on its heels. After drawing things out for so long the ending just sort of sputters out, doing little more than moving to the logical conclusion through a series of unnecessary contrivances. It's remarkably unsatisfying, and the lives of the supporting cast are all just sort of pushed out of sight and mind to be left in a state of flux.
Oh, and for the record, best girl wasAmi.
I need a new avatar, this face is just too much. I can't handle it.
If anyone is bored and wouldn't mind posting random suggestions I'd appreciate it.
I need a new avatar, this face is just too much. I can't handle it.
If anyone is bored and wouldn't mind posting random suggestions I'd appreciate it.
I need a new avatar, this face is just too much. I can't handle it.
If anyone is bored and wouldn't mind posting random suggestions I'd appreciate it.
The main focus of the series is pretty much the relationship between the two main characters (which are lafiel and jinto ;p), the politics take a backseat to that. To be honest if you had a problem with the exposition in the first episode, you'll probably be complaining about LOGH more when you finally get around to watching it!I suppose it's all expectations though. Coming off Space Battleship Yamato, which is basically the Japanese version of BSG, I was expecting Crest to be similar based on your recommendations. I wasn't expecting a politics-loaded opening episode and the two main characters chasing down a bunch of street kids.
Pay attention to how the two leads interact when you watch more, then you'll SEE why I'm crazy about the series. Because it's like totally the kind of thing I love if you know my tastes well.;pI suppose it's all expectations though. Coming off Space Battleship Yamato, which is basically the Japanese version of BSG, I was expecting Crest to be similar based on your recommendations. I wasn't expecting a politics-loaded opening episode and the two main characters chasing down a bunch of street kids.
I will consider this, but I'm assuming it's related to a show that's actually good right? You wouldn't suggest something related to a crappy show would you?Use this as a base and join the Magi bandwagon!
I'm not really certain how long I've had it, maybe 4 days or so? Was shooting for a week.So how long did you have it for then? And how long were you going for?
Found this to be way funnier than I probably should have.There's always this option:
More screens of that KyoAni to mock, have fun guys:
More screens of that KyoAni to mock, have fun guys:
More screens of that KyoAni to mock, have fun guys:
Index?And some people claim anime is sexist. What other medium gives us a healthy amount of violence against both men and women?
I need a new avatar, this face is just too much. I can't handle it.
If anyone is bored and wouldn't mind posting random suggestions I'd appreciate it.
I'm not going to judge Chunibyo one way or the other until we see the full PV at Comiket.
More screens of that KyoAni to mock, have fun guys:
I'm glad Kyoani finally stopped pretending to write "smart" heroines and just accepted they have mental disabilities.
Where are you getting mental disabilities out of this?
Never thought I'd see these words to describe the show.
More screens of that KyoAni to mock, have fun guys:
Straight up legit cute IMO.
Doesn't eye-patch girl suffer from some kind of mental delusion and whatnot?
They pretend to be super heroes and what not. There's a big difference between having fun and being mentally disabled.
They pretend to be super heroes and what not. There's a big difference between having fun and being mentally disabled.
Isn't she like 15-16? Clearly not well in the head.
I don't see the problem here.
And neither does my Nakama.
Hey now, she's a total cutie too.
You missed your chance for a "hot" joke.
I like insane anime girls. However insane IRL girls are to be avoided.
Oh and I wish they translated this. :/ I dont know that language.
Oh man this looks great. Can't wait for the animeMore screens of that KyoAni to mock, have fun guys:
More screens of that KyoAni to mock, have fun guys:
Finally some plot advancement is... hinted on. Crazy googles enabling one to see clothes being reduced to nothing.
What's going on? Don't make me hate you Chi.
So how's the new Battleship Yamato OVA? I never watched any of the old series.
So is it also good aside from looking great and feeling vintage?I never watched the old but its pretty visually stunning at times and has a kind of retro feel
I think this says it all.
I like this guy. He's alright. He doesn't want any trouble. And he has a silly mustache.