That horse does not give a fuck, and neither did the animators apparently.
These .GIFs are so bad they are killing my browser.
These .GIFs are so bad they are killing my browser.
That gif alone is better than the entirety of Gundam AGE.
I think I should add lewd to the list of inherentlyfunnyawesome words
Ah, Glass Fleet. Truly Gonzo's finest hour.
Holy shit, I had no idea she could be such a huge bitch. I mean, I knew she was stuck up and all that, but she took it to the next freakin level.
The problem isn't so much the hypocrisy, I suppose. It's that neither the characters were aware of it, or more importantly, the writers.Unless you think it's dumb for any entity besides some Federation-esque utopia to tell other worlds what to do, some sort of hypocrisy is unavoidable. Hypocrisy happens all the time in international politics anyways, and it's more because nations act in their own interests than that they're evil or something.
I wouldn't expect any force with the power to back up its words to act any other way.
I essentially agree with your point here but it's not something that bothers me because some kind of fantastical setting is as valid as any other. I'm just grateful to see adult characters in anime in any kind of setting.I guess for me, they're adults in a fantasy world though. Like, Jormungand has nearly an all adult cast as well, but very few people are dealing with the massacre of their military unit or ex-mafia guys or whatever the backstory is for the other characters.
As you've aptly highlight out by bringing up jdramas, if you have a relatively grounded setting and a cast of adults that largely have to deal with day to day real-world drama then there isn't really any point in making it into an anime. You might as well get a bunch of actors together and shoot it for real. This isn't my personal opinion, of course, but it seems to the most common line of reasoning in this area. Anime isn't there to tell those kinds of stories, apparently.It's weird. I don't really like Modern Family any more, but if there was an anime that tried to do the exact same thing, it'd probably be my favourite thing ever. lol
Like, what if an older Japanese divorcee married a Filipino woman and had to remember how to be a father again because she was a single mother? What would his kids think about the marriage? What if one of his kids were gay? I'd be happy if an anime even gestured at doing
Akarin, your life just sucks. Accept it. Also, I never want you in my party.
Getting hyped for any GONZO work seems like a bad idea now, but to be fair to you I have no idea what their reputation was like back in 2006.It makes me sad to see Glass Fleet posts.
I was genuinely really excited about Glass Fleet when it was announced. The original visual for the show was fantastic - you can still see some of okama's art on the show's website - and it just seemed like it could be a really exciting space opera.
Instead, it was possibly one of the most LOL GONZO shows I've ever seen. I did end up appreciating it for its awfulness, but man, the wasted opportunity![]()
"In the end, Glass Fleet tends to suffer from having too many stupid people milling about in control of massive fleets, weapons and soldiers. At this point I'm tempted to believe those stupid people may be the creative staff as this is looking like the first stages of a serious train wreck." Chris Beveridge, Mania
"Glass Fleet is the anime fans of Last Exile have been waiting for. Suspenseful, fantastic animation, and a bevy of intriguing characters, this is an involving sci-fi drama series filled with action, mystery, and the thrilling journey of a young noble in search of justice." Holly Ellingwood, activeAnime
"Gonzo and co-producer Satelight have a great-looking piece of work here, but the story lacks a consistent tone and tries to do (and be) too many different things. The first volume shows potential but has yet to realize it." Theron Martin, Anime News Network
"Whatever problems may exist with the writing, none of the criticism can fall against the artistry. Gonzo's trademark used of CG visuals here portrays massed fleets of ships with a genuine 3D feel, as well as the odd transforming glassy ship which gives the series its name and the individual ships of Vetti, Michel, and others." Theron Martin, Anime News Network
"If you like politically charged sci-fi on an epic scalealong with sassy teen pilots in slinky lingerie, boozing pirates sporting eyepatches and a strong undercurrent of swirling ambisexual possibilitiesGlass Fleet is definitely your show." Jack Wiedrick, Newtype USA
Man, this is how harem leads should be. This episode wrapped up what was left of the last episode and sets up what is going to be in the next episode. Not really much to say other than that.
Oh no!
Saint Seiya Omega 19
Wait, soIs that what happened at the end of the original series? Well that sucks.all of Shiryu's senses are gone?
Finished marathoning Welcome to the NHK with my friend. He loved the hell out of it.
Its a really really good series and stands up to rewatches.
Now to resume something on my backlog.
What to watch...what to watch...
Yep, worst Gundam girl of all time.
I think even near future is a bit too removed from reality to have the focus on the characters than on the setting. Space Brothers is close, but even then, it's very much about JAXA, with a guy named Mutta being the guide, than the other way around. But I suppose Kon's movies counts. Only Yesterday is another movie that jumps to mind, actually.I essentially agree with your point here but it's not something that bothers me because some kind of fantastical setting is as valid as any other. I'm just grateful to see adult characters in anime in any kind of setting.
For the record, here are a few more anime that feature anime that are essentially based in the real world: Planetes, Space Brothers, Tokyo Godfathers and Patlabor.
Well, noitaminA almost implies that there's a market - of at least people willing to watch shows that are mature, if not buy the overpriced DVDs - so I really don't know. I guess cartoons of any sort will be stuck in the (man)child ghetto forever.As you've aptly highlight out by bringing up jdramas, if you have a relatively grounded setting and a cast of adults that largely have to deal with day to day real-world drama then there isn't really any point in making it into an anime. You might as well get a bunch of actors together and shoot it for real. This isn't my personal opinion, of course, but it seems to the most common line of reasoning in this area.
I also find it interesting that a couple of works have, bizarrely, been adapted into live action and anime. Honey and Clover, Nodame, Moyashimon and so forth. I have to imagine this is because you attract a much larger audience by having a live-action show.
I think the existence of noitaminA implies that there exists a belief that somewhere there might be a market if only they could find it.Well, noitaminA almost implies that there's a market - of at least people willing to watch shows that are mature, if not buy the overpriced DVDs - so I really don't know. I guess cartoons of any sort will be stuck in the (man)child ghetto forever.
I didn't really touch on manga because there's already plenty of 'serious' manga out there about down-to-earth stuff. It's inherently easier to tell those stories in manga because you don't need anywhere near the staff or resources that an anime studio requires.As for why you'd do it... I mean, why would you write manga about adults when you could write a "real" novel and probably get more credit for it? Same thing I suppose.
Planetes 6
I have a feeling this episode was a filler.
The Serial Experiments Lain BD/DVD box set from Funimation has apparently been solicited and listed on Right Stuff:
Release date: Nov 13 2012
MSRP: $89.98
I am very excited by this news. I would certainly like to own Lain on BD and that seems like a reasonable price to me.Also, that same solicitation reveals both the Black Lagoon Seasons 1 & 2 Collection BD/DVD for $55, plus what's listed as a Hellsing Ultimate Complete Collection BD/DVD for $70. No idea what the exact contents of the latter are, though.
EDIT: Press release from Right Stuf; the Hellsing Ultimate collection is volumes V - VIII.
I think the existence of noitaminA implies that there exists a belief that somewhere there might be a market if only they could find it.
I didn't really touch on manga because there's already plenty of 'serious' manga out there about down-to-earth stuff. It's inherently easier to tell those stories in manga because you don't need anywhere near the staff or resources that an anime studio requires.
Joshiraku 5
the greatest christmas miracle ever told
Mazinger Z Movie
Sadly, this isn't a real movie so much as it was episode 5 of the series shown as a movie at some festival. Dang.
Dr. Hell has some illusion device and he's going to use to help capture Mazinger.
Dr. Hell's soldiers are pretty hardcore too. One climbed a electrical tower and grabbed a line rather than face capture. This was pretty cool though. I should get around to the series proper sometime.
Worth taking the time to watch, or should I just find someone else to hand it off to?
I've yet to survive RahXephon, so no![]()
I think the existence of noitaminA implies that there exists a belief that somewhere there might be a market if only they could find it.
::fap fap fap fap fap fap fap::
That gif alone is better than the entirety of Gundam AGE.
Saint Seiya Omega 19
Wait, soIs that what happened at the end of the original series? Well that sucks.all of Shiryu's senses are gone?
In what world is
Plus that gundam seed gundam looks kind of tacky![]()
Need some GAF recommendations.
Thanks in advance!
guy has a panda with chainsaw arms
hes not going to be pleased easily
As long as youre not lazy and don't give her to the CPU to control she seems to be the most OP white mage of all time. 100% evasion rate and 100% heal rate.
Texhnolyze, yo.Need some GAF recommendations.
We've just watched Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood for the second time and we're still blown away by how well animated, funny, scripted, epic, and all-round awesome this series really is. Are there any recent shows that match (or at least get close) to FMA:B's level of awesomeness that you folks would recommend? It's really hard sorting the crap from the jewels when it comes to anime. I'm told that the Gurren Lagan series is the bees knees so I guess I'll watching that show next.
Just to give you guys/girls an idea of the type of shows that rocks our socks:
Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo
Kenshin + OAVs (the show does drag though)
Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
I tried Code Geass but it wasn't really my thing. Didn't like the characters, the art design or the copious amounts of fanservice.
Thanks in advance!
It's dark, gritty, and beautiful. Also a hell of a ride. Generally lacking in the comedy aspect, though, so that may be a dealbreaker for you.Wiki said:The events take place in the vibrant yet dilapidated underground city of Lux. Denizens of Lux have come to call it "The City" and treat it as a sentient force. Three factions vie for control of the city: the Organo, a strictly professional conglomerate with ties to the criminal underworld in the prosthetics business ("Texhnolyze"); the Union, a fanatical populist group interfering with Organo's affairs; and Racan, a marauding group of Texhnolyzed youths. The series has an ensemble cast, but events particularly focus on Ichise, a stoic prize fighter who loses a leg and an arm to satisfy an enraged promoter; Onishi, a young but level-headed executive of the Organo who has many enemies; and Ran, a little girl who has a very important gift that affects the entire city. As they struggle to accept the challenges that they are dealt, the characters bear witness to major events that determine whether the city continues to exist.