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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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now i'm goind to watch it to see if it's that bad


I can't begin to imagine how boring the source material for Hyouka is. The anime is like someone's pet project somehow getting a shitload of money.


[Hyouka] - 22

Eh, I'm still convinced this material got far, far, far better treatment than it deserved. I'm sure there are plenty of other tales that would look amazing if KyoAni poured all their effort into making them spectacular.

The episode was, as expected, very good but I just don't really have time to write about it now. I really do think last weeks was better though.

Are there, though? I mean the vast majority of otaku fiction is pretty bad. I don't think KyoAni could make the "There's No Way My Little Title and Content Can Be So Derivative" kinds of stories palatable.


Hyouka fin-

The visuals were fantastic and probably the best I'll ever see out of a television series. The extreme attention to detail, subtle lighting, interesting visual monologues, down to earth backdrops, and great use of DOF made this a wonder to watch. I am curious as to why they seemingly put forth such an insane effort on this show but it ultimately doesn't matter. The animators did a great job and this is ultimately something they should be very proud of. There were no dips in the animation level and it was consistent all the way through. There was little CG or visual shortcuts that I was aware of, something this forum loves to nitpick about. I also think some of the storyboarding was amazing as well, especially in episode 21.

Eh, there was quite a fair amount of CG actually, it was just used sparingly and correctly in most cases, which is a compliment to KyoAni.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Eh, there was quite a fair amount of CG actually, it was just used sparingly and correctly in most cases, which is a compliment to KyoAni.
Praising KyoAni for their mastery of visual work has become as cliché as saying Pixar makes great-looking flicks.

edit: Or, Nintendo and responsive and relatively bug-free video games.
Durarara 18-End

I had long put off finishing this show, and now I remember why. It has a host of problems, but what grated me most was its complete lack of subtlety. Durarara is a show afraid to let the visuals speak for themselves. It couldn't just have a shot of someone looking lonely in the city, it needed to have 30 seconds of narration describing how that person was lonely in the most banal, pretentious, and anvilicious way possible. The narration in the show was awful, it conveyed redundant information that the visuals already provided and I felt insulted that they had to spell every single thing out. Introspection is fine, but the way they chose to present that in these final episodes (and the show as a whole) was a very poor, and it just made me want to skip any section where someone started to naval gaze.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Hyouka End + Retrospective
A most subdued finale, but certainly fitting. There really is something wholly placating about this show. It's so unusual for there to be a culprit and
nothing is really done to apprehend or even confront them
. It slotted itself in well with the way the show operates and the tone it shoots for, although obviously the mystery here is secondary at best. Oreki's personality growth is showcased well without ever being flaunted; perfect for the show's subtle nature.

And really just wow, I know everyone has talked to death about this episode but it just bears repeating how astoundingly gorgeous this episode. There are two sides to the show, one bustling and busy and the other calming and relaxed that are both captured to their fullest.

I came to really love this show, and I do find myself wondering just how I'd feel if I went back to the episodes I found myself cooler to. Ultimately there was a lot to like about Hyouka, it's often finely crafted, and that's something that the viewer can just sort of sit back and relish in as the show urges you to come along rather than bluntly pushing with its narrative. Sometimes it's maybe too delicate with the way it handles things, and the here and now don't necessarily seem as impactful as they should as the character focus was sometimes lost. This issue really waned as things built more though and spending time with the characters became something more enjoyable as familiarity with them increased. I feel somewhat awkward saying this, but there is something like a friendship built with the main cast.

The stories being focused on did improve though over the course of the series, partly as the school was turned on its head but also as the setting of the school was left entirely. Setting really can be a powerful tool, and its something that I think really wound up being a drag on Hyouka at times if normalcy just kicked in too hard and everything sort of became cooped up.

Maybe because of this, I'm sort of glad to see things go. I get where things are going, and don't feel the need to see this go on forever. I'm more interested to see where KyoAni goes that's new than see every detail of Hyouka plundered, but what we have I really do like a good deal.


Hyouka 22

So excellent. Hyouka has been lights-out quality through the entire summer season, and this episode was no exception. It was a great and fitting conclusion. I'm very happy with the show as a whole.

It really shows what good art and direction can do to relatively basic material.


Eh, there was quite a fair amount of CG actually, it was just used sparingly and correctly in most cases, which is a compliment to KyoAni.

Actually, you reminded me that, amidst all the visual splendor, there was one rather bad-looking CG umbrella in the final episode.

Not only does it look bad, I was at a loss for why they did it. The umbrella remains static in this shot, and the handle itself is hand-drawn. I'm curious as to why they used CGI here when it added nothing.


Actually, I'm pretty sure you're literally talking about Sword Art Online.

I can atleast understand the project proposal for SAO. Source material is relatively popular and another of Kawahara's works was going to be animated. Not to mention the components of the show itself such as sword fighting and the whole MMO component. I have no clue how Hyouka got pitched, it must have been one life-altering project proposal.

Eh, there was quite a fair amount of CG actually, it was just used sparingly and correctly in most cases, which is a compliment to KyoAni.

I'm sure there was. However it didn't stick out to me like Fate/Zero's, or even worse like Rinne's, so I didn't mind it. I have no issue with CG in principle, the problem is that shows sometimes seem to use it for no good artistic reason and in spades.

I think they already did that with Munto.

Was Munto that well animated? I didn't see much of it but it didn't stand out to me that much.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I'm sure there was. However it didn't stick out to me like Fate/Zero's, or even worse like Rinne's, so I didn't mind it. I have no issue with CG in principle, the problem is that shows sometimes seem to use it for no good artistic reason and in spades.
I'd guess corner-cutting in most cases.


Other than the aforementioned umbrella and a few stray cars, most of Hyouka's CGI is limited to subtle background enhancements. It works well because it can make the show's already gorgeous backgrounds pop.


Actually, you reminded me that, amidst all the visual splendor, there was one rather bad-looking CG umbrella in the final episode.

Not only does it look bad, I was at a loss for why they did it. The umbrella remains static in this shot, and the handle itself is hand-drawn. I'm curious as to why they used CGI here when it added nothing.

Yeah, that was literally disgusting. I threw up everywhere.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Actually, you reminded me that, amidst all the visual splendor, there was one rather bad-looking CG umbrella in the final episode.

Not only does it look bad, I was at a loss for why they did it. The umbrella remains static in this shot, and the handle itself is hand-drawn. I'm curious as to why they used CGI here when it added nothing.
Maybe it was a pick-up shot they realised they were missing five minutes from the deadline and just threw something they had in the database?


Are there, though? I mean the vast majority of otaku fiction is pretty bad. I don't think KyoAni could make the "There's No Way My Little Title and Content Can Be So Derivative" kinds of stories palatable.

Yes, there are. Only a small percentage of stories produced in Japan are for that otaku niche. I think it's important to remember that all the other literary and creative works Japan produces aren't for that one niche. Hyouka comes from a different tradition, one that presumably has lots of other worthy stories.


Praising KyoAni for their mastery of visual work has become as cliché as saying Pixar makes great-looking flicks.

edit: Or, Nintendo and responsive and relatively bug-free video games.

Ah but praising KyoAni for their CG work is different than praising them for their (obviously) great traditional animation. Quite a few studios can pull of traditional animation well, very few understand how to implement CG in a subtle and effective manner to enhance the visuals rather than detract from them. You rarely see a "CG umbrella" scenario from KyoAni.


Other than the aforementioned umbrella and a few stray cars, most of Hyouka's CGI is limited to subtle background enhancements. It works well because it can make the show's already gorgeous backgrounds pop.
I remember the CG crowds in the early festival eps bugging the hell outta me.


Yes, there are. Only a small percentage of stories produced in Japan are for that otaku niche. I think it's important to remember that all the other literary and creative works Japan produces aren't for that one niche. Hyouka comes from a different tradition, one that presumably has lots of other worthy stories.

True, but KyoAni also has produce works that will sell in relatively large numbers in the current market.

I'd like to see them expand their range, but they may be snakebit after the failures of Munto and Nichijou.


Rinne no Langrange 23-

Are they eating hamburgers as people are dying?

I also can't believe that they negated one of the few decent moments in the show
with Villagulio not being dead
. It really seems like the studio doesn't give a fuck anymore with all the CG everywhere and want it over as quickly as possible.


Rinne no Langrange 23-

Are they eating hamburgers as people are dying?

I also can't believe that they negated one of the few decent moments in the show
with Villagulio not being dead
. It really seems like the studio doesn't give a fuck anymore with all the CG everywhere and want it over as quickly as possible.

probably because they are hemmorrhaging money.


Did they even use CG crowds outside of the extreme long shots?
I remember the CG crowds being far more prominent than usual in the scene with Oreki looking down on the school festival via an open window in a hallway. I don't have the episodes on me to check but I'm pretty sure it was either 12 or 13.


That symbolism, with the fleets.

And dude been sitting in that room for like a month lol!

god damn... show is like only 1/4 done.


Nothing to lose.

Nothing to lose.

But why did the art change? New staff?

at least wenli still looks the same.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Lagrange of the Enders: The 2nd Runner 04
I watch this show for the hardcore sci-fi mecha action and intergalactic politics.
She is actually cute when she has some clothes on and doesn't look like a whore.

There was also some boring shit about kings and conferences but I fell asleep through those portions. And the new ending is shite.


But why did the art change? New staff?

at least wenli still looks the same.
Bigger episodes get bigger budgets.
Lagrange of the Enders: The 2nd Runner 04
I watch this show for the hardcore sci-fi mecha action and intergalactic politics.
She is actually cute when she has some clothes on and doesn't look like a whore.

There was also some boring shit about kings and conferences but I fell asleep through those portions. And the new ending is shite.
Bigger episodes get bigger budgets.

I don't think the art looked bigger budget... it's like a completely different person!

Dampen some of the 'holy shit' for me.

Julian is now a badass eh? I do love how fighters work in this show. So maneuverable.

So weird that the cruisers/frigates can only seem to attack ahead.
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