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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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monogatari 2 - 5 - in which the cat moves on & gets her groove back

I'm fine with where the story went - the cat moving on, accepting the black & white parts of herself, the culmination of a journey hinted at in the engaging little montage they play early in the episode - although the way with which the various psychoses are boiled down to distinct physical apparitions feels weirdly mechanical. Not a huge complaint or anything, since this is what the series is like, but it's something that occurred to me as the episode played out, at how cleanly everything wraps up.

I liked the beginning of the episode, when Hanekawa's letter to herself is read out through a sequence done in the same fashion as that of the Nekomonogatari opening, but everything else is still as visually dull and lethargic as ever. It's not even that things are done with the 'shaft' style, really; it's that they can't even ape the things they used to do. It's as wordy as it's ever been, but there's nothing to keep the pace up, no momentum in any of the events that happen.


tl;dr vr.: stupid sexy araragi.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
looks like a hl2 fullbright map

Should've just gone black and white & wireframes for everything.

Should've just used Halo assets.

But Master Chief can't be moe.

You guys are terrible! ;_;

RWBY - 03

Looks like things will pick up come next episode. For now, just a bit more time getting familiar with the two other heroines. White is hating so hard on Ruby, I love it. Glad to see Yang (Yellow) protecting her little sister though. All the while Blake (Black) keeping up her cool routine and letting the drama unravel before her. :lol

Yang > Ruby > White (still don't know her name) > Blake (Black)
Monogatari s2 5
The letter and the end of the episode worked fairly well, but thank god this arc is over, I've had enough Hanekawa monologues to last me a lifetime.

It's as wordy as it's ever been, but there's nothing to keep the pace up, no momentum in any of the events that happen.
Lack of momentum is an excellent way to put it.


Subete no aware
Monogatari s2 5
The letter and the end of the episode worked fairly well, but thank god this arc is over, I've had enough Hanekawa monologues to last me a lifetime.
You can nyan-ver have enough of Hanekawa!



Is this what Kobayashi has been reduced to now?! Whyyyy Japan, why?!?! :(


Kinswell 5


The chemtrails were a just a clever ruse after all to throw the audience off the trail for THE REAL TRUTH.


If netflix keeps getting subbed catalog stuff, I'll be more inclined to keep my sub as a complement to CR.

It did seem pretty random, but yeah it is nice. Just wish they'd get more. Hell I wish I actually used netflix more...the past three months I'd be lucky to have streamed anything from netflix.

Reminds me of my annoyance at Sony. I would have bought some stuff from PSN, but they don't support multi languages/subs to offer that. I really hope they get around to fixing that.


The Light of El Cantare
Gatchaman [C]rowds 4:

Disjointed and required huge leaps of inference to fill in the gaps between scenes, but it didn't kill the show for me. It may yet collapse under the weight of its own terminology and various character threads, but I'm still sufficiently engaged in the central concept. That said, I'm really beginning to get the feeling that the whole exploration of social networking would be more meaningful if the whole aspect of being part of a malevolent plot by an alien being was gone entirely. I really like it when the show explores how GALAX has blurred societal barriers and democratized "heroism" by creating an egalitarian virtual environment where users can be called upon for assistance at any time, and I'd like to see the more of the Gatchaman struggling with their impending obsolescence and the rising populist sentiment that the people, not the heroes that exist above the people, are responsible for the public welfare. This whole Faustian bargain thing going on between Rui and Berg-Katze and the inevitable confrontation just seem like distractions at this point, but I'm not totally pessimistic that it can all be wrapped up relatively neatly even as things are; I think I'd simply like something more streamlined and overtly contemplative.

They're really going to have to get the basic laws of physics down in the mean time, though:


This episode was seriously Toei-tier visually. It's a pity.

Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou 5:

This is really only serving to make me further appreciate just how much more skillfully the story in Madoka was told. Using not-Kyoko's backstory just to facilitate a convenient MotW felt really lazy, and I really hope that not-Mami and not-Homura's backstories aren't treated in exactly the same way because the characters aren't nearly interesting enough to warrant entire episodes devoted to them.

Love Lab 5:

Because this show is mostly conversational dialogue, it's difficult to write impressions that aren't simply "I liked it when X character said Y". Sakuga was back this week, so good episode.
Pumpkin Scissors 17

So everyone in 908 went through some shit as well. I wonder if all the 900 series platoons had traumatic shit happen to them.

Epic (and brutal) end to the most important arc yet, and definitely adds stuff to the overarching plot.


Love Lab 5

So I can't help but notice that the odd numbered episodes seem to always feature better animation than the even numbered ones. Good to know.

Orange > Blue = Red > Green >>>> Brown.


Fate//Illya- 4


Goddamn at that action sakuga. If there was less 3D beam spam, that would have been worthy of the title Mahou Shoujo Itano Circus Style.


silver spoon - 4

As clumsy and uninspired as the show can be, the exuberance from the material shines through in episodes like this one. Now, I want pizza.


Yeah so I'm temporarily dropping C3Bu and Gatchaman Crowds for the time being. Neither of which have been particularly engaging recently. In Crowds' case, the premise has potential to go somewhere really interesting but I just haven't been enjoying it as much as I feel I should be with the inconsistent direction and ugly production values. I haven't been finding myself really invested in any of the main characters but the soundtrack has been one of the few things I've legitimately enjoyed from the show. I'll be keeping an eye out for impressions and see if the show picks up later.

And in C3bu's case I just hope the wacky reality-shifting hijinks come back soon.

So that pretty much leaves me with

- Uchouten Kazoku
- Silver Spoon
- Love Lab
- Monogatari S2

for the season. Maybe I'll start Rozen Maiden or WataMote soon.
servant x service 5



office relationships nope. glad everyone i work with are like as old as my dad and are dudes.

developer life.


So I just learned something new. Itano never worked on Eureka 7. It's just that his artstyle is so intrinsically linked with the TV series, I always assumed he worked on it.


Mega Man Sins 21

Finally some answers!
And they're all depressing as fuck!
So remember how the legend was that X could heal everyone? Well it turns out that
X didn't heal people. He killed them! YAY!
Of course that's not all! As it happens, X
can heal people, but at the cost of their sanity/personality! Of course, at this point, Dr. Cain succumbs to the desperation all people do, and he's trying to drag Alouette and Ciel to be saved by X rather than die, even if it costs them their sanity.
Meanwhile, Zero is treated to a speech that's not exactly fair
considering Dr. Cain sorta built him (well, Dr. Wily but you get what I'm saying), so its unfair to criticize Zero for being perfect and invincible when he didn't choose to become thus.

Meanwhile Omega and Leviathan and the whole W army are advancing on X, who continues to
be a total jerkass!


I feel bad for the people in the Toonami thread, wishing for any non-Kirito, non-villain male to have any kind of real role in the story.
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