Love the K pillow especially Fushimi side holding a Yata pillow.
Yo dawg, I heard you like pillows...
Love the K pillow especially Fushimi side holding a Yata pillow.
Do people use these pillows?
Do people use these pillows?
Do people use these pillows?
Yo dawg, I heard you like pillows...
Any series running right now or recently finished that I should look into if I like humor/slice of life and suspense/thrillers and just life stuff? I'd say "anything without mecha and supernatural stuff", but it kinda depends on the series I guess.
I realize how vague that is, but I don't wanna post a pages long list of animu I like again :3 Just searching for new-ish stuff I shouldn't miss.
That's the one with Kana's salesman smile. Also a certain Mr. Smithee. Good memories.Kanamemo 3
Not much to say except yay a Kugimiya-heavy episode!
Kiniro Mosaic 12
The scream into the OP was great.
Wasn't expecting them to get to the beginning of the next school year for the finale. Sad about the classes, though Alice/Shino and Yoko/Ayaya split makes sense for story. At which point the two blondes splitting also makes sense.
Love that Karen continues to be the only one who gets Ayaya's yurilovin for Yoko.
Everything about the musical was the best. Pirate Karen and Honoka. The Tsundere Mermaid with Yoko immediately cast as the Prince. Everyone watching at the end. That and the Alice flashback were a great way to end it all.
That's the one with Kana's salesman smile. Also a certain Mr. Smithee. Good memories.
Episode 4 is the musical. Which is my favorite episode of the entire series.
But you already know this.
Daybreak Illusion 12
Well, a lot certainly did happen in this one, as expected from the next-to-last episode.
Someone re-living a day over and over in a futile attempt to change the past? Now where have I heard that before? Ginka showing up again was a surprise, though it seems like she's not alive again, per se, but a DBZ-style angel or something. I guess she got her one day pass to help out like Goku did. Boy, this show is just swiping plot points from all over the place, isn't it? It also seems like Luna got to keep some of her Daemonia powers? Or did she have that before? Who knows. Meanwhile, DTL-boy wants to mate with Akari because reasons or something. Also, it looks like the two instructors who have never been interesting enough for me to remember their names will get to fight in the final episode. That could be interesting. Maybe.
I did laugh pretty hard at Mr. Smithee. And of course the salesman smile thing was great. Another example of something being more effective when left to the imagination.
Crossposting one of the photos from the cosplay thread, and also fulfilling my contractual Kurumi duties at the same time.
Oh yes were finally getting more New Prince of Tennis anime.
This is such a shameless show.
its pretty incredible.
Oh yes were finally getting more New Prince of Tennis anime.
Also the OP song/animation for Otori is basicallyand it's actually kind of awesome.Bizarro Renai Circulation
I approve.waiting for tehrie version
"If you ever wanted to know how long it takes an anime to go from concept to finished product, just measure the amount of time between Madoka's sales figures coming out and the first episode of Daybreak Illusion"
A person looking pensively at a monitor. This happens a lot.
Future Big Brother featuring people looking at monitors.
doctor-chan is my watamote-on-prozac waifu.
Random 10 DVD Dregathon
DVD 04: Starship Operators (2005) Episodes 1-4
Audio options: Sub & dub
Extras: Music video for ED, trailers, OP & ED
Maybe I've developed Stockholm Syndrome, but this was .... ok?
This is basically Star Trek: Teenagers In Love.
Some trainee students take over their battleship when a war is declared and their government immediately surrenders. To finance their insurrection they sell the rights to have their fight turned into a reality TV show - well, it was the 2000s. No one takes them seriously at the start but (of course) they are genius students and start winning battles against the crusty old adults (in a very Star Trek way, lots of looking at monitors). There are also occasional DORAMA moments "I WUV YOU SEMPAI" etc which i expect became more frequent as the series went on.
The artwork is variable, mostly serviceable with some derpy moments. And it's a space series from the mid 2000s so of course there is lots of CGI - some OK, some omg my eyes plz stop dat.
So its competently made and though not exactly exciting a pleasant enough watch so far. At no point watching any episode did I look at a clock/phone/look to see how much longer the episode would last/stop the DVD and go and do something, anything else. So it must have been doing something right compared to its dreggy brethren.
Do I want to watch the rest? well I've added it to the backlog, low priority section
Why must I be a teenager in space? Ba-dum-dum-dum: 5/10
This show is good if youre a hard sci fi fan. Its technical and somewhat realistic.
Yes I like hard sci-fi books, probably what i liked most about the show was it's more realistic approach to the space stuff
You might like Planetes.
Ayaya, what are you implying? I'll fight you.
Sorry if It's already been posted, but the first full trailer for Lupin III vs. Detective Conan The Movie has been streamed. Still looks really great!
Love Lab 12
I actually want a season for this and I don't know why. Its actually one of the funnier shows in its genre.
K-ON was never funny
Apropos of nothing, but with the recent addition of Part III, all three original Lupin the Third series are now streaming (in some part) on Hulu. Dub for Part II, subs for the rest. (all 23 episodes) (81 episodes mostly from seasons 1-3) (20 episodes at the moment)